The user assumes the risk to persons or property that arises from any such use of this product.NATURE OF RESTRICTION: Exposure to this product may be hazardous to your health. Mixing Chart for Liquid Herbicides Solution Concentration 1 Gallon. HRAC Group E; WSSA Group 14. It delivers burndown of existing broadleaf weeds at labeled rates and provides long-lasting pre- and post-emergence activity on dozens of broadleaf weeds and grasses, making it ideal for residual herbicide programs in tree, nut, vine and vegetable crops. Do not apply Goal 2XL Herbicide when the crop or weeds are under stress such as from excess or lack of moisture, extreme temperatures, or injury from previously applied herbicides. Restrict the spray application to the lower 15 cm of the fruiting canes to minimize crop injury from spray contact. 0000017567 00000 n Apply only one ground application per year. Use Left/Right arrow keys to allow users to navigate within the navigation links. Yes, if followed as directed on the label. Goal 2XL Herbicide should be thoroughly mixed with clean water at the recommended concentration and applied at 275 kPa in 200 to 500 litres of water per hectare. A&T State University. Normally ships in 1 business day. NC State University and NC Performance & security by Cloudflare. PDF U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, GOAL 2XL HERBICIDE, 11/25/2002 hT0"$@6tCB;3U'mg4I3&K&S,eya\ @CoBtO:~S{2jX?whcvr~y7*W';{N 9amwv5!cXQS( Please refer to the product label for complete instructions for the vegetables you are planting/have. Follow manufacturers recommendations for maintaining the minimum allowable boom height. ji0CVj'LVoXeq:dw[NNAIm?~l8> e0cJ-*Q_4(xl'/;PFk"J}$FPYB32#S+)z2&kAWdit TJ2%(k/0JwRUd[;\LwhqkAcgwQ5$j endstream endobj 80 0 obj 273 endobj 51 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 44 0 R /Resources 52 0 R /Contents [ 63 0 R 65 0 R 67 0 R 69 0 R 71 0 R 73 0 R 75 0 R 78 0 R ] /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /CropBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /Rotate 0 >> endobj 52 0 obj << /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text /ImageB ] /Font << /F1 53 0 R /F5 60 0 R /F7 61 0 R /F9 59 0 R /F11 58 0 R >> /ExtGState << /GS1 77 0 R >> >> endobj 53 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /Name /F1 /FirstChar 0 /LastChar 196 /Widths [ 826 295 826 531 826 531 826 826 826 826 826 826 826 1063 531 531 826 826 826 826 826 826 826 826 826 826 826 826 1063 1063 826 826 1063 1063 531 531 1063 1063 1063 826 1063 1063 649 649 1063 1063 1063 826 288 1063 708 708 944 944 0 0 590 590 708 531 767 767 826 826 649 849 695 563 822 561 758 631 904 585 720 807 731 1265 869 842 743 868 907 643 586 663 656 1055 756 706 764 708 708 708 708 708 649 649 472 472 472 472 531 531 413 413 295 531 531 649 531 295 885 796 885 444 708 708 826 826 472 472 472 649 826 826 826 826 1063 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 826 295 826 531 826 531 826 826 826 826 0 0 826 826 826 1063 531 531 826 826 826 826 826 826 826 826 826 826 826 826 1063 1063 826 826 1063 826 ] /Encoding 55 0 R /BaseFont /PGDNAI+CMSY8 /FontDescriptor 54 0 R >> endobj 54 0 obj << /Type /FontDescriptor /Ascent 0 /CapHeight 716 /Descent 0 /Flags 68 /FontBBox [ -30 -955 1185 779 ] /FontName /PGDNAI+CMSY8 /ItalicAngle -14.035 /StemV 89 /CharSet (j0YR+eq) /FontFile3 56 0 R >> endobj 55 0 obj << /Type /Encoding /Differences [ 0 /minus 9 /circleminus 10 /circlemultiply 13 /circlecopyrt 127 /spade 128 /arrowleft ] >> endobj 56 0 obj << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 511 /Subtype /Type1C >> stream Labels / SDS . Goal 2XL herbicide provides excellent pre- and postemergence control of a broad spectrum of weeds, and burndown of existing broadleaf weeds and some grasses at all use rates. c&,mwte$$1=m;V8B'tW(3TG6+48}"|L!Ms_0:b%TLvR$XwJxGg Apply in a minimum of 200 litres of water per hectare using a conventional ground sprayer. 0000005552 00000 n Do not store or transplant treated container stock in an enclosed vehicle until completion of four irrigations and a minimum of 21 days. <>/Metadata 4 0 R/Outlines 8 0 R/PageLayout/SinglePage/Pages 131 0 R/StructTreeRoot 11 0 R/Type/Catalog>> Repeat this procedure two more times. Goal 2XL Herbicide must be applied using a low pressure mounted spray system (200 to 400 kPa). 0000011745 00000 n 0000015391 00000 n PDF Registration Identifier Number &EPA 24913 PEST CONTROL PRODUCTS ACT READ THE LABEL AND BOOKLET BEFORE USING KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN DANGER SKIN IRRITANT DANGER EYE IRRITANT POTENTIAL SKIN SENSITIZER NET CONTENTS: 0.5 -10 L Apply in a Click to reveal Do not apply within 56 days of harvest.Crop ToleranceGoal 2XL Herbicide can cause necrotic lesions, twisting, or pigtailing of the onion crop. Relatively low water solubility results in negligible leaching potential in most circumstances. GoalTender is a water-based formulation that holds well to soil and performs at lower rates with less environmental load. 0000003647 00000 n %PDF-1.3 % <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<131BBEE4640321419E48D12F1EF0EFC6><49FAA895D11DB2110A0002F7102094FF>]/Index[133 20]/Info 132 0 R/Length 72/Prev 12995/Root 134 0 R/Size 153/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream PDF Goal 2XL - University of Hawaii All Animal Care , Shop All PDF United States Environmental Protection Agency Washington, Dc 20460 - Us Epa Do not apply in excess of 2.0 litres per hectare in one year. PDF GROUP 14 HERBICIDE - Even Spray Do not initiate application in non-dormant grapes until the completion of bloom period. Foliar applications result in rapid (within days) necrosis of tissues contacted by the spray. * Free Shipping is available to the continental United States only. DOSAGE GOAL 2XL herbicide is recommended for use at 1 to 2 pints (0.25 to 0.5 lbs. DO NOT overspray non-target terrestrial or aquatic habitats. endobj 0000005659 00000 n No direct effects on roots should occur. 0000002843 00000 n How to calculate herbicide rates and calibrate herbicide applicators
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