} Police investigated the alleged crimes between December and February and obtained arrest and search warrants. } Santa Clara Family Health Plan said sensitive information of its 276,993 members -- including names, contact information, dates of birth, member IDs and Medi-Cal credentials -- may have been compromised in a data breach. box-shadow: 7px 9px 14px rgba(0,0,0,0.4); width: 100%; padding: 1% 5% 5%; } @media screen and (max-width: 480px) { And rather than focus on pessimistic headlines about the viability of natural gas bans, she hopes more cities follow Berkeleys lead. } } All Access Digital offer for just 99 cents! 1855-1862, San Jose: San Jose Weekly Herald. width:100%; 1893-1905, Palo Alto: Palo Alto Times. } header #block-translation { Turner said thats because specific exceptions have been carved out of the federal law to allow cities to add requirements or strong incentives for all-electric new construction into building and energy codes an alternative to banning gas piping, itself. font-weight: normal; display: flex; They are free with your Santa Clara City Library card. padding-top: 30px; padding: 0; padding-right: 5%; header .region-navigation .quick-links .list-unstyled { .blog-comments, .path-comment .region-content .comment-form { The initial appeals court judges were conservative Republicans. The collision was reported Monday on State Route 152 west of Bloomfield Avenue. } } font-size: 1.602em; } He was the National League MVP in 1960, then finished his career with the San Berry, born March 10, 1942 in San Jose, went to Willow Glen High before shining Barry Humphries won a Tony for his portrayal of the condescending and imperfectly-veiled snob. padding-right: 5%; left: 0; padding-left: 20px; */ float: left; .blog-comments article footer, .path-comment .region-content article footer { .path-app-faqs section.col-sm-9, .path-search-faqs section.col-sm-9 { /* Footer Update 2020 */ @media screen and (min-width: 1300px) { .view-acquia-search .field--name-field-hero-image img { margin: 30px 2.5%; float: left; padding-left: 10px; section.blog-comments { padding-top: 5px; } padding-right: 0; @keyframes showItem { li.dropdown.account-dropdown.parent-li.btn-dropdown-container button { When Berkeley became the first U.S. city to ban construction of new natural gas lines in 2019, it pioneered an approach to reducing carbon emissions and pollutants that has since spread around the Bay Area and across the country. } 1903-1915, Palo Alto: Palo Alto Daily News. color:#02729e; He covers crime, public safety and the biggest stories of the day for The Mercury News and East Bay Times. } .faq-category-list { from {opacity: 0;} 1890-1966, Santa Clara: Santa Clara Journal. .view-managers .attachment-after { } San Jose Obituaries. top: 5px; div#edit-programproposal-locations--wrapper--description { from {opacity: 1;} .view-empty { from {right: 15px;} width: 50%; margin-bottom: 0; margin-left: 0 !important; Obituaries can be used to uncover information about other relatives or to confirm that you have the right person in San Jose, California. #libchat_modal_title { } box-shadow: 7px 9px 14px rgba(0,0,0,0.6); @media screen and (min-width: 1500px){ This interpretation was a surprise to Turner, who said Berkeley wasnt changing the ways that appliance manufacturers have to make their products an obvious violation of the Energy Acts preemption but instead was regulating energy distribution across the city. .path-app-faqs aside.col-sm-3, .path-search-faqs aside.col-sm-3 { animation: showItem 1s ease-in-out 35s both; .view-homepage-promo-cards.view-id-homepage_promo_cards .attachment.attachment-after .views-element-container .views-element-container:active { } } padding-bottom: 0; (Palo Alto, Cal.) font-weight: normal; @media screen and (min-width: 1500px) { box-shadow: 7px 9px 14px rgba(0,0,0,0.4); border-top: 0; padding-bottom: 56.25%; } text-transform: uppercase; } } } padding-right: 0; .view-college-promise-comparison table { .button.button--ultimenu { font-size:inherit; } .sjpl-search-wrapper { A graduate of San Jose State University with a BA degree in journalism, he returned to the Bay Area after spending time covering high school sports for the Red Rock News in Sedona, Ariz. } display: -ms-flexbox; padding: 20px; .ql-locations-text { Search the following newspaper databases on the library's website. } padding-bottom: 50px; 1870-1871, San Jose: Daily Morning Times. align-items: center; top: 15px; background:#77477B; } Mercury News Obituaries (1985 - 2023) - San Jose, CA .path-music-index-search .col-sm-9 { (San Jose, Calif.) 1879-1884, San Jose: Evening News. .btn-purple:hover, .btn-purple:focus, .btn-purple:active, For a successful Mercury News obituary search, its good to have multiple strategies at your disposal to ensure you get the correct relative. (Cupertino, Calif.) 1993-Current, Gilroy: Daily Dispatch. 1876-1899, San Jose: San Jose Daily Mercury. They sort of serve as policy laboratories, where they can develop these different approaches, share them with one another and learn when something doesnt work, Turner said of the cities. Whether you're trying to understand where you come from for the first time or you're looking to add some detail to a family tree, it couldn't be easier to perform a Mercury News obituary search. align-items: center; height: 2em; background: #F5F5F5; .page-node-type-page-web .main-container .col-sm-3 .sjpl-chat-container { @media screen and (min-width: 1500px) { (Los Gatos, Santa Clara County, Calif.) 1887-1893, Los Gatos: Mail. .people-card-text { position: relative; .gtranslate-edit .btn { Perform searches by using common misspellings. padding: 10px; } clear: none; padding-right: 10%; } @media print { padding-right: 0; width: 100%; (Santa Clara, Cal.) 1877-1901 FamilySearch Library. margin-bottom: 30px; } padding-left: 30px; width: 94%; } Police have arrested three men in connection with a robbery spree targeting the Asian American and Pacific Islander communities throughout the Bay Area, authorities said Monday. (Palo Alto, Calif.) 1967-1968, Palo Alto: Palo Altan. .js-form-item-field-hours-sunday-value { (San Jose, Calif.) 1868-1877, San Jose: Daily City Item. } margin-top: 30px; San Jose: Pedestrian dies from injuries suffered in collision Tuesday width: 100%; clear: both; .view-homepage-promo-cards.view-id-homepage_promo_cards .attachment.attachment-after .views-element-container .views-element-container:focus, .aspires-no-cta { } padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 0; padding-bottom:0; 1910s-1913, Sunnyvale: Sunnyvale Valley Journal. .jobs .content .field { } difference between a death notice and an obituary? Police arrested one suspect on April 14 after a succession of vehicle robberies at Grand Century Mall in San Jose. .path-app-faqs aside.col-sm-3, .path-search-faqs aside.col-sm-3, .view-music-collections-index.view-id-music_collections_index {
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