abstract = "journal abstract: This paper describes the rationale, development, and validation of the Psychological Screening Inventory (PSI), a 10-20-minute instrument designed to maximize the advantages of the inventory technique. This study evaluated the accuracy of the three screening scales using receiver operating characteristic (ROC), positive predictive power-negative predictive power, and sensitivity-specificity analyses. Psychological Screening Inventory (PSI-2) Summary - Ohio Kapasigan Pasig City, Psychological Screening Inventory 2 (PSI-II). N2 - journal abstract: This paper describes the rationale, development, and validation of the Psychological Screening Inventory (PSI), a 10-20-minute instrument designed to maximize the advantages of the inventory technique. Performing this action will revert the following features to their default settings: Hooray! Persons with major psychiatric disorder (N = 536) were distinguished from control participants by the Alienation scale with an area underneath the ROC curve (AUC) of .905; persons with significant antisocial behavior (N = 410), by the Social Nonconformity (Sn) scale with an AUC of .811; and persons with general psychological distress (N = 620), by the Discomfort (Di) scale with an AUC of .773. Validity data include mean profiles of cross-validation groups, hit-and-miss discriminations, intercorrelations with other inventories, factor analyses of correlations with the MMPI for college students, mean MMPI profiles of extreme scorers on certain PSI scales, and relationships with intelligence. /Parent 3 0 R The Psychological Screening Inventory (PSI; R. I. Lanyon, 1970, 1973, 1978, 1993, 2006) was developed as a cost-effective screening device in identifying persons for Dimensions of psychopathology among alcoholic patients, college students, prison inmates and general psychiatric patients. WebFor home visiting provider use. Equally important, Psychological Screening Inventory utilizes in a variety of contexts for mental health screening, including community clinics, hospitals, and other healthcare in online administration. For home visiting provider use. Test User Qualification: B Not required as of July 2018 but some sites have chosen to continue to use. APA Dictionary of Psychology - American Psychological Association If you're asked to log in with an OHID - the state's best-of-breed digital identity - your privacy, data, and personal information are protected by all federal and state digital security guidelines. 3 0 obj By continuing you agree to the use of cookies, Arizona State University data protection policy. Results were mixed. J Pers Assess. /Kids [ 4 0 R 6 0 R 8 0 R 10 0 R 12 0 R 14 0 R 16 0 R ] Similar to the full PSI, it also has a validity scale. Psychol Assess. FOIA and transmitted securely. /Type /Page European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 13 (3), 206215. Counselors interested for quick mental health screening tools; Online administration with brief reports that include classifications of psychological functioning by category; For a more thorough study of the respondents level of collaboration vs. misrepresentation, use the. psychological statistics. /F1 19 0 R Psychological Screening Inventory Validity data include mean profiles of cross-validation groups, hit-and-miss discriminations, intercorrelations with other inventories, factor analyses of correlations with the MMPI for college students, mean MMPI profiles of extreme scorers on certain PSI scales, and relationships with intelligence. J Pers Assess. Training Portal There were comparable findings for the other comparison procedures, and some results were better for men and women separately. WebThe Psychological Screening Inventory (PSI) is a brief, easily administered and easily interpreted mental health screening measure. The Psychological Screening Inventory (PSI) was designed for use as a rapid mental health screening device to identify persons who should receive more extensive evaluation. The Psychological Screening Inventory (PSI) is a brief, easily administered and easily interpreted mental health screening measure. There were comparable findings for the other comparison procedures, and some results were better for men and women separately. The Adolescent Domain Screening Inventory (ADSI Overview Acronym: PSI-SF Authors: Abidin, Richard R. Citation: Abidin, R. R. (1995). Validity of the substance abuse scales of the MMPI-2 in a college student sample. MeSH /Count 0 1987 Oct;38(10):1086-90. doi: 10.1176/ps.38.10.1086. Psychological Screening Inventory's usefulness An investigation of the factor structure of the Psychological Screening Inventory (PSI) was undertaken using a newly developed method of factor analysis to define an oblique simple structure. The Psychological Screening Inventory-2 (PSI-2) is a brief mental health screening device ideal for situations where professional time and resources may be at a premium. It is easy to administer and interpret and is appropriate for adolescents and adults.
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