Cambridge is one of the leading centres for research and development in the world. Colonialists built stately mansions with expansive grounds here that are now the homes of governors, college professors and other professionals. Cambridge has a long reputation for being Britain's most adored cities, and now it has emerged as a hot spot for high-tech firms which are having a clear impact on where people choose to stay and work. This proves my hypothesis that the growth of high-tech industry has had a positive effect on the Cambridge area. They are poking through everywhere: by the railway station, where smart new apartment blocks are being sold off-plan to rich Chinese for their student offspring, and at the new 70-acre Cambridge Bio-Medical Campus next to Addenbrookes hospital, where new buildings are rising by the month. These people most likely had to travel in and out of Cambridge to get to work. List of science parks in the United Kingdom - Wikipedia The city of Cambridge is of course synonymous with the world-leading University of Cambridge. He is tall, with the imposing build of a former schoolboy rugby player and utterly charming. Production of high-tech products is done in factories elsewhere. The Science park is also a very secure environment there were CCTV cameras and also speed ramps, there were also many lights so it should be very well lit at night. The last in that long line of fairs took place in 1933, but its more recently been revived, mostly in tribute to its remarkable past. Professors are company directors and vice-versa. Amongst other things industrial process can cause climate change, pollution to air, water and soil, and health issues. Of those, Prof Borysiewicz says the university has backed 300 hi-tech and 200-computer based companies (which earn 250m between them) with more than a 1bn of funding and it also owns the IP on more than 1,000 patents. Although there were also 100 vehicles headed towards Cambridge. Cotton, the author of The Cambridge Phenomenon: 50 Years Of Innovation and Enterprise, says it is the intensity that makes Cambridge tick. Cambridge is bursting with stunning architecture, history and green spaces. Arm, which designed the chips that power more than 90 per cent of the worlds mobile phones, is worth $22bn, while Hewlett-Packard paid $11bn for Autonomy, the software maker. The park is located there as it is in close proximity of the University of Cambridge. Astra Zenecas decision to come here shows perfectly how this works so well. Why is Cambridge a good location for a science park? - Answers Cultural Opportunities 4. Sadly, what used to happen is that these ideas would go off elsewhere but then, in the late 1970s to early 1980s, Cambridge people got smart, they got organised and they got the desire to achieve. The Massive Redcar works was shut (again) in 2015 after the Thai owners SSI, pulled out blaming higher energy costs and unfair competition from producers in other countries. Theres the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, home to a million artefacts spanning two million years of history across the globe; the Museum of Classical Archaeology, where you can explore the worlds of the ancient Greeks and Romans; the Museum of Zoology, for those fascinated by the animal kingdom; the Polar Museum, which provides a fascinating insight into life at the polar regions, and the history of polar exploration. I think this because there is not much pollution or vandalism altogether the park is a very clean and healthy environment, which is good for the Cambridge area as there is no pollution caused as a result of high-tech industry in the area. The Ultimate Guide to Finding Your Best Place to Live, What a Budget of $300,000 or Less Will Get You in 10 Cities Across the Country, 6 Affordable Islands You Can Actually Live On, 10 Best Cities for Antique & Flea Market Lovers, 10 People On What Its Really Like to Leave NYC for a Smaller City, Copyright 2010-2023 Livability - Journal Communications, Inc. There were plenty of parking spaces for employees easy access from the car parks to the buildings. It is found North of the town centre. This dates back to 1211 and was once the largest fair in medieval Europe, with people coming from across the country and camping for days to buy and sell their wares there. As well as being part of a world-renowned research university, Cambridge Judge Business School benefits from a rich local business community. Alongside exploring Cambridge itself, there are also coach trips available out of the city. According to the results from my traffic survey I think that the presence of the Science Park has not had a negative effect on the level of traffic flowing around the Cambridge District.
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