Andy is gonewhat gives? Plus I thought Roy was sweet tonight. But there is so much more to the show and other moments can shine even if the JAM storyline is frustrating. Karen at first was the independent one but they are making her a little clingey now probably to make Pam look less bad. The ending stung a little, yes. not the best episode. If they end up a full on couple again I will destroy my TV. The biggest draw you have is the now standard sappy, unrequited romance bit that nearly every sitcom has pulled ever since Ross and Rachel. I think the reason Pam went off with Roy was because of the whole Phyllis stole my wedding thing. I mean seriously I dont know if I can take much more of this! ThatKnewGuy 7 yr. ago. His emotions while Karen were singing were so faked and forced. Why dont you find your seat. and I think he deserves a second chance from Pam. There was only one episode between that and The Secret, right? Yes, Jim is with Karen now but how long has he been dating her? -Jim seeing Roy and Pam leave Michael was really embarassing. Im sorry. I enjoy pretty much all office episodes. Not so much for Jim. How can something be contrived if the writers were building towards it all season and gave it time and character motivation for it to play out? Only then, will the lovely JAM plot develop! But it just made sense that he would be there. And could Karen look any more foolish?! chastity. I dont think Pam is an aggressive enough person to just go and tell Jim that she loves him, especially if she thinks he is happy with Karen. Production Information The more i think about it the more i get pissed at Pam. For those of you who dont know me, Im Michael Scott, Phyllis boss. It was good for Phyllis, but that dress was NOT Pam at all. The Office: ''Phyllis' Wedding'' Review - IGN I have been to weddings in my single days and I was pretty much desperate for any dance partner!!!! My favorite episode from this season is still Pretzel Day, that was a classic with so many things going on in just twenty minutes of air-time. The chicken? How brave bride Kate Middleton got a classic rosy glow . But I will make an exception in this case because it is in fact Scrantonicity live and that Kevin surprisingly enough can carry a tune. From episode 1 of S3, we knew Roy was going to try and win Pam back. That being said, dont give up on the writers or the show yet! well, if paul wrote this episode that would explain tobys coup. My favorite part of the episodeTobys Toby, yea! I about fell out of my chair. And she does look good in white. John (379), Michael has always been very mean to Phyllis. :). Sweetest moment of the night was definetly Dwight and Angela who are becoming my favorite couple !! I have to admit I was hoping for more on the Jim/Pam thing, but I didnt really believe she was getting back with Roy. I knew they had to get back together, but its sad that Jim saw Pam watching him and didnt do anything. While I think that Pam does need to put herself out there and let Jim know how she feels, I agree that the opportunity certainly didnt present itself at the wedding. Are you happy with everything? pam and jim listened to it on jims IPOD. To quote from The Princess Bride Mawige. The best moment for me was: But how does it put her above becoming desperate in order to hold onto Jim when its obvious his heart is elsewhere? Big Turkey 11 years to kiss a guy?! I mean, I like a little preview, but this week was RIDICULOUS. Roy and Pam have SO MUCH history (theyve been dating since like 9th grade) and would be great together. Focusing on Jam from a week-to-week scale only provokes the writers to simply torment the viewer further. Callan: That Travis song Side would definitely be worth $40. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. But it no longer does. Theyve always said they purposely film more footage than needed. Yeah, this episode was way high on drama. Shes like blind. shes at a wedding that is the carbon copy of what hers was supposed to be, she thinks jim is really into karen now, and shes probably wondering whether this whole fancy new beasley wasnt such a great idea after all. roy should hook up with karen and that would fix everything, In response to 59I think Jim DID get that Pam likes himbut instead of making a move she runs back to lousy ol Roy!! I agreeStaged by the writers to piss us off. I felt embarassed and humiliated for him and it was the first time I didnt laugh at his idiocy. Who doesnt revert to their old ways when theyve had a bit too much? Yes. Gotta love that Scrantonicity, and after reading a bunch of fanfics about what a great voice Karen is bound to have as she sings with them, it was kind of a relief to see that she kinda sucked. Jim is in a bad spot. Now as for Bob Bob Vance. It hurt just thinking about this scenario. And, even though it disappointed a lot of people, I really liked the episode. The minister DID ask Phyllis if she took Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration during the ceremony, and that was funny. The Photographer Kicks Michael Out Of The Wedding Photos Ive lived in my own will they/wont they situation for 11 years!! Dwight: You look as beautiful as the Queen of England. I *loved* Michaels definition of wedding. The fusing of two metals Looks like someone made YET ANOTHER typo! I still dont get why Roy has to come back into the picture. What??!?!?!? Probably more to the point, Jim and Pam do not continually break up and get back together that is soap operatic. If you recall when Dwight and Michael were at the ER and Michael took off his microphone pack to enter the MRI room, the sound went off and there was silence. Required. Lets not go down this road again, Fancy new beesly is still quite the coward, I guess when Jim told her he loves her its nothing who loved creeds scene! If thats your real name. I think that it just makes me a person who likes different things about this show than you do. Pam has flashbacks of her own wedding planning when she sees Phylliss decorations. I also dont think Jim was unaware of Pams look when he was dancing with Karen; I think that is part of what shook him up (so obviously) at the end of the episode when she saw him leave holding Roys hand. Each episode is part of a season, a larger story arc, like a novel. No one else found that interesting? You know, Ill rarely comment on plot points, but this Pam bashing is getting a little ridiculous. again, i thought it was an amazing episode. Got to find yourself another wedding to crash, my friend. danced to? Jim, who was flirting with Pam earlier in the reception, takes consolation in his relationship with Karen. id rather see them happy with other people than the other way if they ever get together (which they will) ill be cheering aswell but for now i like her being someone aswell, yay toby!!!
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