Which would you NOT use to report the amount of anchor chain out? The turn will return the vessel to the mans location in the shortest possible time. Most pedestal crane power is provide by _____________. A hole punch is used to punch a hole in the DD Form 2282 decal, indicating the month the inspection was conducted. 984 0 obj <> endobj It also displays whether the container is certified to transport Hazard Class 1 material or not. It requires the highest degree of shiphandling skills to accomplish. #2 Under COGSA, a vessel will be liable for damage to cargo when the damages arise from ____________. OUPV copy questions Module 3 Flashcards | Quizlet The container inspection is not complete until the inspection checklist and DA Form 2404 (or other service-approved inspection report) are filled out. Which vessel is required by regulations to have an Official Logbook? . It's filled out by transcribing container inspection information from the completed container inspection checklist. The cam is an offset fitting on each end of the locking bar that engages the cam retainer to lock the door. the saturation of a dry bulk product with water to the point where it acts as a liquid. MIL-STD-3007F FOREWORD 1. Which term describes a part of a natural fiber line? Three shots .. Uncategorized. Aluminum open-end containers use permanent roof bows to support their rigid roof panel while open-top containers use removable roof bows to facilitate cargo loading through the top of the container. a. Migrating containers between hosts is impossible b. This helps the inspector prepare the inspection report and also helps repair personnel locate the defects. 384 0 obj <>stream Cargo ops on a containership, one cell hatch is generally discharged completely before removing any containers from an adjoins hatch, why? It provides a waterproof seal between the doors and door frame. The Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49 (49 CFR) directs all foreign and domestic shipments to comply with CSC standards. Which statement concerning sweat damage in containers is TRUE? While standing look-out at night, a dim light on the horizon will be seen quickest by looking . Forklifts are used to move or lift containers via the containers' forklift pockets. As a standard operating procedure you should first . Measuring tapes used for container inspections must be at least 25 feet long. Containerization method of transportation, Increased shipping speed, reduced shipping costs, and reduced port congestion. A large crescent wrench may be used in place of the pipe wrench. When anchoring in ice, it is advisable to increase the scope of the chain over what is normally used for non-icing conditions. Container flooring is constructed of laminated wood planks, plywood sheets, welded steel or aluminum sheets, sandwich panels, or a combination of metal and wood screwed or bolted to the cross members, forming a load-bearing surface for cargo. Corner posts are vertical structural members located at the four corners of the container attached to the upper and lower corner fittings. A hammer, usually a ball-peen or a small sledge, is used to make on-the-spot corrections to small indentations or dents in the container's doors, walls, or roof. Why are stern towing bitts placed well forward of the rudder when hawser towing? A foot bolt is a spring-loaded bolt used to lock the lower portion of the double doors on a tactical shelter/mobile facility. Inspection stands support the empty container off the ground, allowing the inspectors to safely view the container's understructure. Which statement is FALSE concerning precautions during fueling operations? ISO tactical shelter Never exceed crane manufacturers limits concerning the safe working loads of cargo jibs. Solved Which of the following is true of splicing? O O Exons | Chegg.com and more. Mil-std-3037 Inspection Criteria International Family Technical Director. Minor defects are documented and/or repaired at the inspector's discretion. Which statement is true of a tender vessel? You must ventilate constantly and vigorously to combat ship sweat. A long splice is used to connect two lines that will pass through narrow openings. o (D) A back splice is used to permanently connect two lines together.
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