According to the "4 Ds" of determining whether something is a mental disorder, it is most likely that Liam: ___ is a short-term psychological treatment that has been successfully applied to disorders as varied as depression, phobias, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), obsessive-compulsive disorder, eating disorders, and substance abuse, Psychology Chapter 15 Psychological Disorders. A. All-or-nothing thinking A. A. E. 12%, Genetic studies demonstrate that the concordance rate for schizophrenia is: A. Diatheses; delusions - He demonstrates a lack of emotion and slowed speech. it shows participants that they are not alone in their experience, behavioral therapists employ the basic principles of operant conditioning through the use of ___ to treat maladaptive behaviors. B. A) A. D. 10% The result of losses or shortfalls in reinforcement levels e. humanistic, Regarding cross-cultural differences in schizophrenia, which of the following statements is true? B) They block a different type of dopamine receptor than the traditional antipsychotics. _____1. C. Obsessive-compulsive disorder E. self-actualization, Take occasionally finds himself in a state of sheer terror. Even though he hardly ventures out, he keeps a gun and a butcher's knife at hand to thwart any attempt to murder him. B. Somatic symptom disorder Dopamine and norepinephrine B. She decides that she cannot go to the gym due to its overwhelming smell of body odour, and so she is losing her fitness from lack of exercise. D. Irving, who hears voices Which of the following scenarios best exemplifies ruminative coping? Mental disorder B. E. bipolar disorder, Bipolar disorder was formerly called: E. schizophrenia, Which of the following statements regarding criteria for determining abnormal behavior is false? A. Arise from disturbed brain chemistry E. sociocultural, Nagging, intrusive thoughts are called ______, and repetitive or ritual behaviors are called ______. Physical; depression It is really a form of schizophrenia b. is best explained by a different set of learning principles than those governing normal behavior Bizarre behavior, Disorganized, Catatonic, Paranoid, Undifferentiated, illogical thinking, incoherent speech, exaggerated displays of emotion, extremes in motor activity ranging from motionless stupors to bursts of hyper activity, preoccupation with one or more delusions or hallucinations, often with extreme suspiciousness/hostility, catch-all category for cases that exhibit mixture of symptoms, Biological factors, Diathesis-stress model, fraternal twins= 17%, identical twins= 48% E. a Latino-American male, The criteria of maladaptive behavior used in determining whether behavior is abnormal would likely to be applied to which of the following cases? E. Similar across different groups, George was committed to a psychiatric hospital after he was caught happily shopping at the local supermarket without any clothes on. Agoraphobia (ag-uh-ruh-FOE-be-uh) is a type of anxiety disorder. C. Maladaptive behavior B. Depreciation Expense A) Obsessive-compulsive Disorder. It's becoming difficult for him to touch anything for fear of contamination. C. Highest among dizygotic twins A. Serotonin A) a. acrophobia Examinations indicate no apparent medical condition.based on this description, Chris may be suffering from: B. E. results from a lack of reinforcement, "La belle indifference" describes which feature of a psychological disorder? A. d. diatheses What do an overwhelming sense of impending doom, accompanied by heart palpitations, trembling, dizziness, intense dread, and even fear of dying refer to? E. genetic factors, Schizophrenia may involve imbalances in nerve pathways that utilize which neurotransmitter? D. Panic disorder Eva is most likely suffering from ___. Caleb is likely to be treated with which type of drug? B. Prenatal brain trauma c. intense surges of fear and anxiety that peak within a few minutes. B. Panic disorder is characterized by intense physical symptoms e. more than 100,000, Caleb Burke is a hyperactive child with a poor attention span and disruptive behaviors. a. to unroot unconscious conflicts that give rise to his anxiety C. I have to get an A in that class E. the role of operant conditioning in fostering aggression, Critics of the concept of dissociative identity disorder suggest: A. Caucasian Americans and African Americans e. dissociative disorders, The irrational or excessive fear of enclosed spaces is called: C. Agoraphobia; claustrophobia Individuals who hoard only collect items of low monetary value. This describes a form of: D. Waxy flexibility Which of the following is true about cognitive therapy? D. Severe disorders such as schizophrenia and depression are more prevalent in impoverished and otherwise disadvantaged groups D. Emotional distress Identify the characteristics of useful information. a. Schizophrenia occurs somewhat more frequently in other cultures that in the U.S., and its symptoms are similar across cultures B. Caucasian Americans and Hispanic Americans W- Weight loss/gain Emotions that switch quickly between depressive and manic Before 1952, scientists believed that dopamine ___. D. Sociocultural Failure to develop a cohesive self-concept in childhood A. Underlying brain abnormalities E. dissociative amnesia, As described in the text, psychological models of abnormal behavior based on classical conditioning were useful in developing explanations of: The one determining feature of abnormal behavior is unusualness Suicide is closely linked to mood disorders To be diagnosed, PTSD symptoms must arise directly after the traumatic event C. Personality Let us have a look at your work and suggest how to improve it! ), (b) x+y=a\sqrt{x}+\sqrt{y}=\sqrt{a}x+y=a. He goes back to check that he has turned off the water and stove and locked the door. e. to determine how factors like his gender, social class, and ethnicity interact to make him anxious, Approximately how many people are hospitalized for schizophrenia in a given year? D. Biopsychosocial She has difficulty getting out of bed to face the day and has lost interest in formerly pleasurable activities. This makes him feel trapped with no escape route in these places. D. Tactile Many psychologists believe that the stressors faced by many women today contribute to their increased risk of depression _____5. Represents the defense mechanism of displacement Failure to chieve self-actualization d. obsessive-compulsive disorder E. hysteria, Humanistic theorists contend that abnormal behavior: Social cues E. Guillermo, who experiences sudden, unexpected episodes of sheer terror, Regarding causes of suicide, which=high of the following statements is false? A. A. D. Genetic in origin but influenced by early trauma which of the following is the difference between flooding and systematic desensitization? E. acrophobia; agoraphobia, Ella finds herself extremely frightened whenever she sees a snake. b. social phobia flooding involves heavy exposure to a feared object, whereas systematic desensitization involves gradually making a person less sensitive to the feared object. D. The same behavior may be judged normal under one circumstance and abnormal under another circumstance
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