If located in partial sun, your plant might not be as dense and lush as in full sun. On Sep 14, 2009, sillybug5 from Hyannis, MA (Zone 7a) wrote: A real knockout, graceful plant with furry looking amazing flowers, blooming at the end of the season. Pick a spot that gets a lot of sunlight, and you want to water it right after you finish transplanting it. Water the cutting right away when you finish planting and keep the soil moist as it grows. Mexican bush sage is native to Central America and Mexico and easy to care for, requiring little maintenance. This article was last updated on 04/08/21 Hummingbirds adore Mexican sages nectar, and bees do too. Only the most ferociously organized gardeners dead-head sage as soon as the flowers fade in June. This cultivar comes with dark purple flowers and a very compact growth habit. It will only survive your winters in northern climates where the temperatures dont dip below 18F, so most people treat it like an annual that only survives for one season in everywhere but the warmest regions. I like to save some of the branches and bundle them to scent my home. Slowly reintroduce the plant to outside during the spring, once the final frost of the season passes. When to prune Fall is an ideal time to do this. How to Grow and Care for Autumn Sage - The Spruce Prune Mexican heather lightly during the spring if the plant looks scraggly or overgrown. After blooming, remove the entire flower stalk. In warmer areas, this cultivar will bloom from spring until well into the fall months, and its slightly less hardy than original Mexican sage. Pruning Lavender, Sage and Other Subshrubs - FineGardening By pruning, you can keep the shrub compact and sturdy. If it seems late, it isn't. Only the most ferociously organized gardeners dead-head sage as soon as the flowers fade in June. Deadhead, but we wait until winter so birds can forage on the seeds. Autumn sage or Texas sage Salvia greggii. So, you can use it to add color to a fall garden. The 'White Mischief' Mexican bush sage is similar to the purple Mexican bush sage, but it's better for flower cuttings and bears white flowers rather than purple. If youre curious how to grow this plant and have it flower late in the season, read on. You can fertilize the Mexican bush sage with an all-purpose, balanced fertilizer each year before new shoots emerge in the spring. I love the look of this plant, but compared with natives, its got mediocre wildlife value here in California. Why is Frank McCourt really pushing it? There are exceptions noted below, but pruning in the winter months before new growth starts is often recommended. . How to Prune a Pink Pandorea Jasminoides Rosea Plant, North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension Service: Salvia Leucantha, Clemson Cooperative Extension: Salvias: Beautiful Additions to Garden Landscapes, University of Florida IFAS Extension: Salvias, University of Minnesota Extension: How to Properly Clean Your Garden Tools and Pots, Logee's Plants: Cultural Information--Salvia, How to grow your own herb garden in any indoor or outdoor space. This free webinar takes the guesswork out of prep work for your spring garden. In late summer or fall, use sharp pruners to cut 3- to 4-inch cuttings from the tips of actively growing (but non-flowering) stems. It dies back in the winter and rebounds nicely every year . As a more compact cultivar, this one tops out at three feet high. COMING UP: Forum discusses housing survey; learn to prune roses Mediterranean kitchen sage and its wild California cousins such as S. Clevelandii will tell you where to trim. This article was originally on a blog post platform and may be missing photos, graphics or links. Matilija poppy (Romneya coulteri): OBrien says if growing vigorously after a year, prune hard, cutting back all the old stems to stubs only 3 to 4 inches from the ground. If you cut off all the flower stalks, and water, monkey flowers will rebloom in the summer. Linda Richards is a member of the Redlands Horticultural and Improvement Society and lives in Redlands.
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