Departments with Bills containing provisions that may impact on Northern Ireland or require Legislative Consent Motions should therefore discuss the position with the Union and Constitution Directorate and the Parliamentary Business and Legislation Team in the Cabinet Office, the Northern Ireland Office, and their policy contacts in the Northern Ireland Executive. You have rejected additional cookies. When local elections are being held at the same time as a general election, this higher standard is usually applied. Departments should also consider extending consultation periods after the elections to allow all parties sufficient time to respond. While Scottish Parliament elections see representatives elected to Holyrood on behalf of regions and constituencies who are also elected to the UK Parliament in general elections council elections concern local government and use a different electoral system. These should be organised by political parties with no cost or resource implications for the council. Forthcoming elections and referendums The decisions on the use of other Local Authority properties should be for those legally responsible for the premises. Consider whether you will allow visits from all candidates/political parties/campaign groups/other politicians and what format they will take. For many civil servants and local government staff, purdah can be a welcome opportunity for a breathing space while ministers and local politicians or, this May, mayoral candidates, are out on the stump, canvassing and drumming up support. There will also be elections to all 32 London Boroughs, as well as 6 council mayoral elections and one combined authority mayoral election. Purdah (pre-election period) - Wikipedia [1] The pre-election period also continues after the election during the time in which new MPs and ministers are sworn in. WebThe next full local elections in East Suffolk will be held on Thursday 4 May 2023. This event brings together those focused on keeping people well at home and in the community. Its a double-edged sword: some favoured projects will get kicked into the long grass, never to see the light of day again. election Regular pre-announced statistical releases (for example, press notices or bulletin publications) will continue to be issued and published. Requests for information should be handled in accordance with the principles set out at the beginning of this note and with the Code of Practice for Statistics. Local Government Association company number 11177145, Membership and services for councils and councillors, LGA principal advisers and regional teams, Licences, regulations and trading standards, produced by the National Cyber Security Centre. Councils should consider carefully before starting any new consultations or publish report findings from consultation exercises, which could be politically sensitive. David Camerons government lost by 27 votes to the MPs who argued that Downing Street was trying to unduly influence the result in favour of staying in the EU. In cases of doubt, in the first instance you should consult your Permanent Secretarys Office. Some public appointments made by UKG Ministers could have an effect on the Northern Ireland devolved administration, for example where the remit of the body has specific Northern Ireland responsibilities, or there is a requirement to consult in relation to a UK wide body. UKG Ministers will continue to carry out their functions in the usual way. The pre-election period (formerly known as Purdah (/prd/)) is the period in the United Kingdom between the announcement of an election and the formation of the new elected government. Local government sometimes views this period as a time when communications has to shut down completely. Confine your communication activities and announcements to those necessary for the safety and quality of patient care. This note provides guidance to civil servants working in the Scottish Government, its agencies 3 March 2022. Further guidance may be sought from the Union and Constitution Directorate and the Parliamentary Business and Legislation Team in the Cabinet Office. In particular, civil servants are under an obligation: In all cases essential business, which includes routine business necessary to ensure the continued smooth functioning of government and public services, must be allowed to continue. The by-election is a needless expense for the cash-strapped council that has been caused by Tory Mayor Jason Perry putting himself Civil Servants must not answer questions about the potential implementation of party manifestos. The aim should be to respond to requests from candidates and campaigners as soon as possible. Web2022 local elections: pre-election period considerations for NHS providers. A pre election period in local government ends on the close of polls which, for ordinary elections, is usually on the first Thursday in May. The first question to ask is: could a reasonable person conclude that you were spending public money to influence the outcome of the election?. If you do, remember to keep your policy around visits consistent and impartial. Particular care should be taken in relation to any such appointments, and consideration given to postponing the appointment process where it has the potential to be controversial. Election timeline is issued with care during periods of heightened sensitivity. It is acceptable to publish material relating to the subject matter of a referendum, for example to correct any factual inaccuracies which have appeared in publicity produced by third parties, so long as this is even-handed and objective and does not support or oppose any of the options which are the subject of the vote. Be selective if you are inviting local candidates/political parties/campaign groups/other politicians to your premises invitations should be sent to all or none. This briefing sets out considerations for NHS foundation trusts and trusts in the period of time known This briefing sets out considerations for NHS foundation trusts and trusts in the period of time known as the pre-election period or purdah leading up to the 2022 local government elections. Public consultations with a particular emphasis on: (a) Northern Ireland issues, or (b) local issues, or (c) impact on areas where elections are being held, should generally not be launched during the relevant pre-election periods.
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