Abby is seen in a flashback on the Ark with Jaha when Pike is told he'll have to teach Earth Skills to the delinquents. Jaha tells the Station Representatives that they have no other choice if they do not want them all to die. Once Finn surrenders himself to the Grounders, Abby, Clarke, Raven, Bellamy, and the rest of the Sky People watch as the Grounders start setting up for Finn's execution. Abby explains the virus isn't airborne and Raven confronts her about the Council hiding something. The last season follows with the end of the war and no more fights to take place; the remaining juveniles find themselves alive and together. Lexa declares war and orders the Ice Nation delegation along with Prince Roan to be arrested. Kane does not follow Abby's wishes, and keeps her inside the bunker. She approaches Abby and coughs discreetly and Abby does a cursory medical check on her before pulling her away into private consult, explaining the long line is due to oxygen deprivation. He tells her that Kane is on his way to arrest both her and Raven. Clarke and everyone else enters at that moment and they are at a standstill with everyone going for their weapons. They also realized that no one is a hero or villain in a war. Last words: Raven stop! While Clarke is in the City of Light Abby protects her daughter. When Kane protests she tells him that she loves him, but she has made her decision. Abby has called Lincoln to see her in Medical and tells him about her plans to make another trip to Mount Weather for medical supplies. Later, Abby approaches Nygel in the mess hall and slips Nygel some morphine for the pressure regulator. Abby realizes that Russell intends to make her the last host and orders the others to stand down, accepting her fate. Commander Shumway alerts Kane and he goes after Abby. The CW officially wrapped up its post-apocalyptic sci-fi series The 100 after 100 episodes. Abby worries that Arkadia might be under attack next and Lexa commands them to go. Behind them, Kane and Abby discuss Jaha and what they should do with him. In The 48, they go out looking for the Camp of the Delinquents and Clarke together. Abby goes to speak before the Council and tells them the kids are taking off their wristbands by choice. While camping for the night, Clarke places her mat on the side of the Grounders. When she steps away from him, she reveals that she has killed him with the knife Raven gave her. Abby being a person with a soft heart and someone who cares about others, is easily manipulated by others for their benefit. Kane exits and tells everyone to leave their guns and radios in the truck and Lexa's guards will escort them to the summit. Abby tells Jasper the location of the wristband and he goes to find it as Raven starts screaming. Read also. He climbs through and sees people lying on the other side of the door in the service bay. In "Adjustment Protocol," Abby becomes a Nightblood to protect Madi. Russell likes her courage and decides to make her a host for their wife. Aug. 16 2019, Updated 11:16 a.m. Later, Abby breaks the news to Raven that she has nerve damage to her leg due to the damage from the bullet and because of that, she won't be able to use one of her legs. In Perverse Instantiation (Part 2) Clarke uses the EMP to fry Abby's chip. In response, Kane kisses her passionately and tells her "May we meet again" to which she responds "We will" before exiting the room. In Bitter Harvest, Abby kisses Marcus on the cheek, in order to give him "hope". Jaha and Sinclair arrive and help Red try to get the door open to the Service bay to prevent them from launching the drop ship. Clarke finishes stitching up Finn's wound and realizes he is feverish. Jackson tells her to look at plasma osmolarity going up across the board and Abby realizes the Delinquents found water. Raven is with Jasper and Abby and tells Abby she thinks she knows how to get A.L.I.E. Your email address will not be published. Bellamy realizes that it was Gustus who poisoned the cup because he was trying to protect Lexa from the alliance. She originally was not going to go with her parents on the Mission, but this event caused her to go. In Coup de Grce, in the woods, two Mountain Men are hidden from sight as they watch Clarke riding with Abby and several Grounders on their way from Tondc back to Camp Jaha. When Azgeda blows up Mount Weather, Abby returns to Arkadia while Clarke stays in Polis to represent Skaikru. Abby then changes the bandages on the wound he received from the Ice Nation warrior, and asks him if he wants to talk about it but he refuses. Abby says it is not radiation because that is not how radiation presents. She was on the Council when they chose to send the 100 to Earth and had been monitoring them throughout the first season. Suddenly, Acid Fog starts rolling towards them and Clarke and Finn hid in the bunker. Kane decides to go after them by going through an overheated maintenance shaft. 'The 100': Lexa Dead After Sex With Clarke; Why Her Death - Variety Raven stubbornly forces Gustus to search her and disarm her. Clarke later reveals the truth to Abby, Jackson and Raven. In We Are Grounders (Part 2), on the Ark, Sinclair informs Jaha, Kane, Abby and the other inhabitants of the Ark about the workings and possible consequences of bringing the Ark to Earth, explaining that some parts of the Ark will be destroyed when entering the atmosphere along with the people inside. Clarke, Abby, Raven, and several other Sky People hike to Mount Weather to take out the radio tower. Later, Russell returns Abby's belongings to Clarke which had been removed by Simone when she was resurrected in an effort to goad Clarke into killing him. Abby asks Raven to tell Clarke she loves her. The situation sounds like a nightmare that became true for the characters of The 100 series. As Kane is having Abby arrested, Raven launches the drop ship and begins her descent to Earth. In lieu of a body, Abby's wedding ring, returned by Russell to Clarke, is buried on Sanctum next to the dead Flame in "False Gods" as a form of funeral. Jaha tells Abby from Earth Monitoring Station that she will see her daughter soon. Miller interrupts them and tells Kane that they got a signal of three clicks on the secure channel, meaning "she" wants to meet. Kane sentences her to death and sets the execution for the next morning. Abby asks how much air Kane will have and Sinclair tells her that Kane will have one week, two weeks at most. Later, Marcus Kane and Abby are standing watch over an unconscious Emerson. The Alpha is full of Primes, the ruling families on the planet. Kane goes over to talk to Clarke and tells her that they need to figure out who would want Lexa dead. Jaha cuts his speech short to begin the Unity Day pageant and Diana remarks on it to Abby before leaving. She was the former Chancellor of Arkadia but struggled with leadership due to the rebellious actions of her daughter, Clarke Griffin.
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