Its possible that the stamp is 585 and the last 5 has simply worn away, or the 58 could be referring to something else. What is your thoughts? For silver, the stamps are 800,925,958 and 999. I have heard that you can and that you can not. 18 kg normally means that the chain is made out of 18 karat gold. And a house-shaped mark indicates platinum items.The numbers inside the shape are millesimal stamp numbers, which tell the actual precious metal content or purity. It sounds like you have a beautiful ring there. Hi Jo, thanks for commenting. If you are in the Sacramento area, we would be happy to test it for free for you. Hi Jere, thanks for reaching out to us. Hi, I know that gp on jewelry means gold plated, but what does a ring stamped with the letters pg stamped on them mean? "MYG." Jewelry. Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Its a thick band with small diamonds. And those options are more expensive. Were not aware of any special meaning that stamp has. Will the yellow colour be the same? Any ideas??? The most common mark for gold-plated jewelry is GP or G.P. It would be highly uncommon to have 14k jewelry that is then silver plated. Hopefully that helps. What Is the Difference Between 10K, 14K, and 18K White Gold? The 14kp part of the stamp indicates that the ring is made out of 14k plum gold (precisely 58.3% pure gold). The 14k stamp on the earring posts indicates that the posts themselves are 14k. Without seeing the earrings we cant so for sure, but GDH is most like the manufacturers stamp. My ring says CAP 14k on the inside of the band. However, 585 indicates that the piece is 14k gold (which is approximately 58.5% pure gold). Since cubic zirconium is only an imitation of a real diamond, it will almost always cost less. I also have a ring with the L* stamp on it, and Im stumped also!! It had 750 italy written on the chan and back of the pendent too Hopefully that helps. Hey..I recently found a gold dolphin bracelet with the only marking being 14KD, on the opposite end of a barrel clasp. So the only pure gold is 24 karat gold which is sometimes called 999 gold. What does lc mark on silver jewelry stand for? Do u know what SSBY means stamped on ring. In this webinar, local officials will learn basic, need-to-know items for newly appointed local floodplain administrators. Pure gold is also very bright. What does air solid stamp and RL stamp on gold chain mean? Unlike what many believe, jewelers do not use pure gold or 24-karat gold because of many reasons: Pure gold is incredibly soft and malleable. I thought it was a simple silver band but inside it was stamped pms 10k and i wasnt sure if it meant anything at all. Im not familiar with that particular one though, so I couldnt tell you which company or individual it refers to. Hi Deborah, good question. Hopefully that helps clear things up, and please feel free to contact us if you have additional questions. The ROD portion of the stamp is most likely a manufacturers mark indicating who made the ring. If you are ever in the Sacramento area, feel free to bring the ring by for a free evaluation. Beyond that, I will keep my ears open, but associating a stamp with a particular designer can be a challenging task. My ring says 14kp 969 jtc and has a diamond raised up how much is it worth? The Asterisk is most likely a manufactures stamp, or it was something else but wasnt stamped perfectly so it looks like an asterisk. I have a gold ring that I bought from Saudi Arabia. Hi Darshana, thanks for reaching out. Hi Lynn, thanks for commenting. With that in mind, 12k is generally used in gold filled jewelry, but it should state 12k GF or 12K gold filled. Without seeing the piece in person, its hard to say. Hopefully that helps a little and feel free to contact us if you have any more questions. My best guess without seeing the piece is that the YS is a manufacturers mark indicating which jeweler made the piece, and of course you are right about the 750 part. My mom gave me a gold pendant (appears to be gold). Another commenter recently said that Pms is an Outdated Stamp for Premesco Inc., so that could be the answer to your question. With that in mind, I would assume that it is a manufacturers mark indicating who made the piece. Hello, What does 14 Tt stand for? Hi Amber, thanks for reaching out. We would need to test the ring to tell you if it is actually 14k gold. This patent number is directed to a coupling or clasp. What does the mark f m co on jewelry mean`? Without seeing the piece in person, we cant really give you an accurate ballpark estimate of the value. Without seeing the ring, its hard to say for sure, but it looks like the .23 part of the stamp refers to 0.23 cts which would be the total diamond weight of the ring (possibly excluding the center stone). Generally speaking, 375 means 9 karat gold which can be white or yellow in color. What does the fm mean. What does the stamp B 34 on the inside mean? Hi Marcelo, thanks for reaching out to us. Hi Suzy, cameos are so fun, enjoy it. Karated gold used in engagement rings can be from 100% gold to as low as 37% gold. I have one question! You may have an allergy to one of the alloy metals in the ring that either is not present in your other jewelry or is present in such a low concentration in your other jewelry that it wasnt enough to cause an issue.
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