You might also need to update the response content to rewrite http:// to https://. Note: Before setting up the enhanced features described in this section, you must complete the instructions for basic load balancing in these two sections: Except as noted, all optional basic features (described in the other subsections of Configuring Basic Load Balancing in NGINXOpen Source and NGINXPlus) can be combined with the enhanced features described here. The load balancer runs through the list of servers in the upstream group in order, forwarding each new request to the next server. These directives define virtual servers for HTTP and HTTPS traffic in separate server blocks in the toplevel http configuration block. Default is 40 seconds; valid range is 10 to 900 seconds. You can configure the name of the access log file to include a time and date stamp that indicates when the file was rotated. We recommend that you do not copy text directly from this document, but instead use the method described in Creating and Modifying Configuration Files to include these directives in your configuration add an include directive to the http context of the main nginx.conf file to read in the contents of /etc/nginx/conf.d/weblogic-enhanced.conf. For readability reasons, some commands appear on multiple lines. eDocs Home > 0 Kudos Reply hooleylist Cirrostratus Options 01-Mar-2011 06:04 As Chris says, you should be able to use 'redirect rewrites' on a custom HTTP profile. The following identifiers require prefixes, and cannot be used alone. This method gets the content length of the response, as set with the setContentLength() method. Can you still use Commanders Strike if the only attack available to forego is an attack against an ally? How to prevent redirection to SSL port with weblogic? We tested the procedures in this guide against Oracle WebLogic Server Standard Edition12cR2(12.2.1), but the instructions also apply to WebLogic Server Enterprise Edition and WebLogic Suite. Grails seems to always issue an HTTP redirect. You can read more about those functions and features in Reverse Proxy Using NGINXPlus. In your WebLogic Server Administration Console, go to Environment/Servers/[Your Managed or Admin Server] (wherever your ear is deployed)/Configuration/General and enable Enable SSL Listen Port, configuring whichever port makes more sense for you. Steps 2-4 keep repeating until the browser detect the redirect loop and gives up. What positional accuracy (ie, arc seconds) is necessary to view Saturn, Uranus, beyond? You define the regular listen port on the Servers node in the Administration Console, under the Configuration/General tab, and you define the SSL listen port under the Connections/SSL tab. To create a very simple caching configuration: Include the proxy_cache_path directive to create the local disk directory /tmp/NGINX_cache/ for use as a cache. Follow these instructions to deploy it. That header is how Rackspace's load balancer tells your web server the protocol via which it received the request. Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide. Save the changes and restart WebLogic Server. Include the -new and -x509 parameters to make a new self-signed certificate. These properties are used by the server to determine whether the client connection is still valid, or whether the client is still alive. Check the checkbox or option with the text 'WebLogic Plug-In Enabled' My Grails project uses the Spring Security and Spring Security CAS plugin. For more information, see the NGINXPlus AdminGuide. Note that the server must also support both the HTTP and T3 protocols in order to use HTTP tunneling. Content Discovery initiative April 13 update: Related questions using a Review our technical responses for the 2023 Developer Survey, Redirecting http request to two different weblogic servers using the Weblogic proxy and Apache2, Weblogic application switches back to http after secure login via https, S3 Static Website Hosting Route All Paths to Index.html, Avoid HTTP to HTTPS redirection in Weblogic.
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