You can notify us by uploading a note to your claim, or by calling our Helpline. If you filed a FECA claim with the U.S. Department of Labor based on your 9/11-related work, the VCF may be able to obtain documentation directly from the U.S. Department of Labor to help verify your presence. All documents submitted for a claim are subject to verification and authentication procedures undertaken independently by the VCF. World Trade Center Dust Link to 9/11 Prostate Cancer Cases Those dates are: October 12, 2012, for the various cancers identified in the WTC Health Program rule of the same date, February 18, 2014, for Rare Cancers that meet the definition as explained by the WTC Health Program on the same date, January 18, 2023, for Uterine Cancer, including endometrial cancer. The VCF encourages early registration for all potential claimants, even if you are not sick or certified by the WTC Health Program, as it helps us establish our priorities, plan for our work, and process all claims as quickly as possible. Note: The VCF is not able to pay any physician for providing this information or documentation. Prostate cancer is the most common type of non-skin cancer in the United States. If you are filing a claim on the victims behalf (i.e., as a Personal Representative for a deceased victim, or as the legal guardian for an incapacitated adult), you must show that you have the legal authority to do so. Prostate Cancer. Settlement + Dismissal: Lawsuit Partially Settled and Unsettled Claims Dismissed. Witness Presence Statement. Official websites use .gov The VCF encourages you to register now. Note: The automated process will not confirm sufficiency or completeness of these documents this will be done by a VCF team member during preliminary review. Therefore, you should be sure the witness follows the directions on the form and provides as much detail as possible when completing it. Lawsuits filed after November 2016are prohibited by the general statutory requirement that a claimant cannot have an active 9/11related lawsuit at the same time as a VCF claim. Medical records or insurance claims showing your home address. Police memo book submitted with the front cover including supervisory signature and opening and closing dates. The September 11th Victim Compensation Fund ("VCF") was created on September 22, 2001, by Public Law No. You should file your claim only after you have been certified by the WTC Health Program for a 9/11-related physical health condition. The rapid spread of advanced prostate . Generally, the maximum amount of non-economic loss that the VCF will award for a cancer condition is $250,000. In addition to a complete Claim Form, we require the documents listed below before your claim can move forward for a more substantive review. The WTC Health Programs general guidelines are summarized below. The person you ask to be a witness must have been 18 years old or older on September 11, 2001. The VCF does not require you to submit original documents. In many cases, the VCF can obtain additional information from third parties. If you were found eligible for compensation in VCF1, you are eligible to amend your claim and seek additional compensation. The VCF considers the totality of the circumstances in each individual case and will consider a wide range of documents to support presence. For more information, please see the information on. Note: the VCF does not accept electronic signatures on any of its forms and documents. Individuals who received respirator training and were certified or approved to use those devices at Ground Zero on or before October 3, 2001.
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