Between the years of 1962-1971, American troops dumped more than 19 million gallons of herbicide on vegetation in lands around Vietnam, Laos, and nearby areas, in order to remove forest, VA Disability Compensation: Veterans of the Vietnam Era and Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma UPDATE: As of January 2020,Blue Water claimsare being processed. In 2012, the CAVC ruled in the case of Jones v. Shinseki that the VA must rate a veterans disability without including the effects of medication unless the Schedule of Ratings explicitly mentioned medicine in the diagnostic code for the condition. Non-Compensable Disability | Veterans Affairs 0000003110 00000 n Considerable medical evidence has shown that reducing your blood pressure can contribute to a significant reduction in risk for stroke among veterans. Think of this as the ultimate guide to getting service connected for hypertension (high blood pressure) even if youve been denied previously. Since 2016, VA Claims Insider has helped thousands of Veterans just like you get the VA rating and compensation they deserve in less time. Veterans Court reminds the VA: the BVA must adjudicate the logically related informal claim. If most of your recent blood pressure readings have shown a diastolic reading of 100 or greater simply request a re-evaluation and provide VA with those medical records. 20 percent rating: when your diastolic pressure is 110 to 119, or your systolic pressure (the top number) is 200 or higher. Your email address will not be published. This communication with the firm or any member of the firm does not establish an attorney-client relationship. The VA does have the option to reevaluate disabilities every 2 to 5 years and assign updated ratings. Your doctor (even one from the VA) accepts this definition (and treats accordingly). Therefore, it's directly related to your military service. Sign up for our weekly email newsletter to stay updated on VA news, policy changes, and more. Hypertension or High Blood Pressure is rated underCFR 38, Part 4, VA Schedule of Ratings, Diseases of the Arteries and Veins, Diagnostic Code 7101. While many other health conditions, like diabetes mellitus type II and prostate cancer, have long had presumptive condition status, this represents a major victory in a long history of working to see high blood pressure added to this Agent Orange list for Vietnam War vets, thus allowing them access to certain VA benefits. Can I get VA Disability for my Hypertension? - Veterans Benefits Seattle, WA: 506 2nd Ave,Suite 1400,Seattle, WA 98104. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. You may be owed compensation. Dear Veteran, Heres the brutal truth about VA disability claims: According to our data, 8/10 (80%) of veterans reading this message right now are underrated by the VA. According to the Mayo Clinic, High Blood Pressure occurs when the long-term force of high blood pressure against your artery walls leads to a variety of health problems, such as heart disease or stroke. There is no specified time interval between readings, and they may be completed sequentially. Therefore, the VA is not allowed to consider the relief it provides when determining the degree of disability. JoinVA Claims Insider, get instant access to the Elite Experience Portal Plus (EEP+) and $13,119 worth of proprietary VA claim resources and start FREE today: >> Click HERE Now to Join VA Claims Insider Elite and Start for FREE Today! #2. This makes good sense, because if your disability doesnt affect you, the VA wont compensate you for that condition. The CDC, another federal agency, accepts this definition. As a Nurse Practitioner and VA C&P Examiner, Ive served many veterans exposed to Agent Orange who are seeking disability compensation for hypertension. There is a good chance that the VA may have under evaluated disabilities based on medication relief, but when the diagnostic code does not allow the VA to consider the relief afforded by medication. When a person has kidney disease, the kidneys stop removing waste and extra fluid from the blood. If you are dealing with side effects from medication or treatment for a service-connected health condition or are experiencing side effects from the medication you took during military service, you may be eligible for VA benefits for these conditions.
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