Required fields are marked *. International Degree and Qualification Equivalents | GRB Thats why Nigerian students have decided over the years to move to countries that offer them more opportunities for better-accredited degrees and a higher quality of life. country pages - ENIC-NARIC We are an internationally trusted and respected reference point for qualifications and skills standards. These cookies do not store any personal information. Ecctis may be able to consider confirmation from either the Head of Faculty, the Dean or the Administration team. Visas and Nationality (English proficiency): you can use this service if you would like to use your overseas Bachelor, Masters or PhD degree(s) to demonstrate the level of your qualification and your English proficiency for a UK visa or settlement application. This is especially important information for recruiters who are looking to recruit those with non-UK degrees, and need to work out if the candidate fits the requirements of the role. Nigeria Bachelor Honours degree (5 point GPA) 4.5 3.5 . Upon successful completion, students can progress to a postgraduate degree. For the English proficiency service, once Ecctis have received all required documents and payment, they should complete your assessment within 10 working days. MA, MSc, The University of Sheffield International College, Pre-Masters in Business, Social Sciences and Humanities, Postgraduate Research Programmes e.g. When using the English proficiency service, you should be able to use the 24 or 48 hour Fast Track service provided by Ecctis. We offer foundation courses for international students who are not qualified for direct entry to our undergraduate degree courses. +j[$~. {|A+-=1 /c^C'1=()TEV(Jfp*3&k` `IT Phone: 1300 275 794 (Australia), +61 3 9214 8444 (Worldwide) Contact. Where can I find out whether my local qualifications are recognised in Find out more about scholarships and country-specific funding, See details ofour representatives, who can give adviceabout studying here, Download our International Student guide (PDF). Applicants should hold a masters degree of a good standard from a recognised university in a relevant subject area. Required scores and subjects can be found in our online prospectus. The 24/48 hour time periods do not include delivery time and do not apply to weekends or public and bank holidays. As autonomous institutions, UK universities are responsible for establishing their own standards of performance required for achievement of a 1st, 2.1, 2.2, 3rd and pass. There are manysocieties run by the University's Students' Union (SUSU) fordifferent interests, religions, sports and academic groups. Under the English proficiency service, Ecctis will only assess overseas qualifications which are considered comparable to a UK Bachelor or Masters degree, or PhD, and were taught or researched solely in English. The University of Sheffield International College provides International Foundation Year programmes specifically for international students who want to progress to the University of Sheffield. How do you apply for a visas and nationality statement? being chartered, licensed or accredited by the appropriate Nigerian higher education-related organization. Revised Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Certificates, Diplomas, Degrees and Other Academic Qualifications in Higher Education in African States (2014 Addis Convention). Approved universities from non-majority English speaking countries (non-MESC). Check the following list of courses and details: It is also useful to know the documentation or qualifications required for your application after selecting the course you would like to apply for, so check out the criteria below: CHEAPEST UNIVERSITIES IN BENIN REPUBLIC FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS. "'%T NARIC: National Academic Recognition Information Centres in the European Union. You will usually need a bachelors degree AND a masters degree from a recognised university in a relevant subject for entry. This independent evaluation performed by UK NARIC reinforces the academic strength and quality of NCUK qualifications which are formally recognised and accepted by leading universities in the UK, Australia, New . 0 Swinburne University of Technology. Connect with the University of Nottingham through social media and our blogs. If your overseas PhD degree was not taught in English but instead you have either a Bachelor or Masters degree that was taught in English, Ecctis may be able to provide the AQUALS and ELPS for your Bachelor or Masters degree, provided that they meet the requirements of the service.
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