Information about this service and how to apply can be found here: If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact us. Before you apply through the Points Based System we suggest you check the Home Office website to ensure that you are supplying the correct documentation. Milos. Phone: 0845 300 4472. What is the equivalent GCSE level in India? equivalent Whats better statement of comparability or career path report? A person who studied Psysical Education at a Univeristy in Greece needs to translate the degree and relevant documents in the British Consulate before they come to the UK or they have to contact Naric first? Pearson Edexcel International GCSEs use the 91 grading scale which is also used for the Ofqual regulated GCSEs. Kind Regards, Download Guide for equivalents to GCSE English and maths B grade for entry to ITET programmes in Wales (228.08 KB) Filename: guidelines-for-equivalents-to-gcse-english-and-maths-b-grade-v3.pdf Share this document Document link: WebYou can compare qualifications in Scotland with those in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. UK NARIC can help you! Years S5 and S6 are 1-year courses and are harder than GCSEs but easier than A-Level. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Hi i have bachelors of science degree from punjab university it similar to bachelors degree in science in the uk? You will be given the opportunity to sit the test(s) only if it is a requirement for entry onto your course. You will need to complete an online registration form which can be found in the how do I apply FAQ below. While this does not include an individual breakdown of the Grades in the UKs education system, Universities are able to use this information alongside your original awards to help them make an informed decision. UK NARIC can provide two officially-recognised documents. For qualifications thatECCTIS assess, if they deem English to be studied as a Second Language then we cannot accept it (please note, MOST non-UK English qualifications are studied as a Second Language). Hi! Im a Portuguese passport holder from Goa, India. Hi my name is deepti and I have done bachelors in science, bachelor of education, masters of science in chemistry and I am PhD in chemistry from India. UK degree classification. Such GCSE requirements will be clearly stated on relevant course pages and will be included in conditions of any offer if you do not already have the GCSE. What should I do ? However, if you prefer to apply for the Statement of Comparability with Translation Waiver, then no English translations would be necessary. Entry requirements for students from Greece - University of Surrey Please see our course finder for specific course requirements. The university has advised me to get in touch with NARIC to certify my educational qualification. How to compare the UK universities and their courses? You can call us on (0044) (0)871 330 7033, Monday to Friday (between 9:00am and 5:00pm), to speak to an Information Adviser and they can advise further over the telephone. Youve got your bags packed and your heart set on the UK its got your dream accountancy job, your dream, um, weather? Any tips about that? For all other international qualifications, we can only accept those that are considered GCSE A*-C (or under the new system 4-9) by ECCTIS. The design of our qualifications has been approved by a panel of World Class Qualification experts, a panel unique to Pearson Edexcel, who have ensured that our qualifications represent international best practice. equivalent Pearson Edexcel International GCSEs are studied in over 80 countries worldwide and in independent schools in the UK. And one more question please; for the English copy I have two forms ; a detailed one showing all the modules I have studied allover the 5 years together with the grades and the other form is only a simplified one showing only my name , grade and year of graduation, so which one of them would be preferable? equivalent However, please remember this is a GCSE equivalency in order to gain entry onto one of our programmes. Services - Ecctis Then, My Dad Came back to India, then I continued my Education in India in the Holy Angels Anglo Indian Higher Secondary School, Chennai from Class 1 and continuing my study in Class 10 which will get over when I complete my board exams on March 2019. In the UK we offer a statement of comparability which provides you with comparison information and is the document most frequently requested to help understand an overseas award. Equivalent A third or above means you receive a bachelor's degree with honours. They would need to sign or stamp the translation and add a declaration to state that they have completed a true and accurate translation of the original document. Whats exactly difference between them and whats more useful in life? Overseas Academic Qualifications Equivalency Chart Web3 Majority English Speaking Countries Applicants with degrees from these countries (must be equivalent to a UK degree) are deemed to be equivalent to English GCSE grade C/grade 4 or above and are suitable for entry into all University of Salford programmes. Mocks are essential for exam preparation, to help students understand what to expect in the live exam and to support teachers to identify where to focus revision. Hi, I would like to continue my life and carrier in the UK and I need your help with the registration at the NMC, as well as with the recognition of my certificates in the UK. I took up Bachelor of Science Degree in nursing in the Philippines. We are an internationally trusted and respected reference point for qualifications and skills standards. I have Completed My Kinder Garden in DAV Choolaimedu, Chennai and when my dad transferred to United States for Work, I have studied in United States at Reception Level for One Year and I still remember my teacher Bupere who helped me in scale up my skill in English Language and promoted me confidence to mingle with various culture of people around the globe.
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