In 2014, the book won the Hilary Weston Writers Trust Prize for Nonfiction, Canadas most prestigious award for non-fiction. French And I'd like to see if I could do that. I haven't really ever had to describe what it's about. - because it was a big hit. And yet the last 10 minutes of the film seem to dispense exactly that same kind of this-time-will-be-different optimism. My understanding is they don't make their investigation public. PDF Based on input from Naomi's team on their expected outcomes - ConText 0000023091 00000 n So sue me.) MARTIN: But Geena, this has to have happened to you throughout your career? Certainly, this facet is germane to telling the full story, but its dry and not as visually or emotionally arresting as the rest of the film. And then maybe five years later, another movie comes out with a female star. It is also possible to buy "This Changes Everything" on Apple TV, Amazon Video, Vudu as download or rent it on Apple TV . So Geena, I think some people might hear that and go, Oh, thats too bad but why? And you try really hard to, like, throw him off of you. DAVIS: Yeah, it's very centering and focusing. Executive producers: Geena Davis, Regina K. Scully, Ku-ling Yurman, Madeline Di Nonno, Steve Edwards, Jennie Peters, Simone Pero, Patty Casby Klein argues that the changes to our relationship with nature and one another that are required to respond to the climate crisis humanely should not be viewed as grim penance, but rather as a kind of gifta catalyst to transform broken economic and cultural priorities and to heal long-festering historical wounds. And womens films do make more money and have, I think, over the last three years. What is the connection? Kleinexposes the myths that are clouding the climate debate. Its the lowest hanging fruit possible. And it was just, you know, doing a video with a casting assistant. . And she founded an institute to study gender discrimination in Hollywood. I did get work, and it was through my model agency that I got my first acting job. And that in turn should give us hope, because it means the fight for a just world is the same as the fight for a livable one., This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate is a book of such ambition and consequence that it is almost unreviewable . GROSS: So what was your strategy to try to open the door to more women directors? Copy may not be in its final form. And I was horrified. A military-trained assassin comes out of hiding to protect the daughter she's never met from ruthless criminals gunning for revenge. This is a rush transcript. Klein bases her argument on the scientific consensus that at projected rates of carbon emission we are heading towards an environmental catastrophe . Sales: Creative Chaos vmg, Sign up for THR news straight to your inbox every day. Tom Donahue's documentary 'This Changes Everything' examines efforts from within Hollywood to redress the gender imbalance and features a large roster of big-name interviewees, fr Slovene Sisters have done it for themselves so why get a guy to direct? Here it is. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Feud is so, so good. This is FRESH AIR. And - but nobody, and least of all him, nobody ever said, you realize you don't have to come every day? I was very upset and angry at that happening to me. There are some tonal problems here, particularly around the way the film tends to homogenize very disparate views and opinions into one sweet, easily digestible polemical smoothie. PG. Sandra Oh speaks movingly about the importance of seeing actresses who looked like her for the first time in The Joy Luck Club. And Tiffany Haddishtotally unsurprisinglygets the biggest laughs of all when she recalls the thrill of seeing Diahann Carroll stride into a room and start a catfight with Joan Collins on Dynasty., Behind the scenes, This Changes Everything offers several nuggets that are both illuminating and infuriating. No, I didn't think, oh, it's me, at all. So do you have any idea where things stand? But it didnt take her long to realize that she was the exception and not the rule. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You directed an episode of it. And I was kind of good at all of it. JOHN LANDGRAF, HEAD, FX: I had this unconscious bias that we would have to be making sacrifices to hire people with less experience. DAVIS: Well, it was completely random in some ways. Advertisement. And I got the part. She exposes the ideological desperation of the climate-change deniers, the messianic delusions of the would-be geoengineers, and the tragic defeatism of too many mainstream green initiatives. You were working with Dustin Hoffman. Actress Geena Davis rallies Meryl Streep, Shonda Rhimes, Reese Witherspoon and others in this powerful documentary. Provoking whats surely the docs biggest laugh, Tiffany Haddish relives the thrill of watching Diahann Carroll whaling on Joan Collins in the classic Dynasty catfight, and yet never going to jail for it. Watch This Changes Everything | Netflix This Changes Everything - Spanish Geena Davis and Tom Donahue sit down with Hari Sreenivasan to discuss their new film This Changes Everything, which tackles the need for more female representation in media. Heres where some of the more eye-opening information emerges in the documentary, as well as the profound possibility of shaping young minds in positive ways. We'll be right back. But to such diverse representation up on screens, battles must be fought, executives persuaded and, most of all, women hired to write, direct, produce and advocate for such stories in the first place. Venue: Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF Docs) Producers: Ilan Arboleda, Kerianne Flynn, Tom Donahue This Changes Everything streaming: watch online - JustWatch And they started to reach out to interview many, many women, as many women directors as they could. Why dont things change? And he just does it. All rights reserved. The numbers have obviously not improved for decades. GROSS: And I just think it's so interesting that we're having this conversation about women's empowerment and inclusion of women, and the first part of your career revolves around being in your underwear (laughter). The film presents seven portraits of communities on the front lines, from Montana's Powder River Basin to the Alberta Tar Sands, from the coast of South India to Beijing . I get to have opinions, I get to be smart. Subscribe for full access to The Hollywood Reporter. . And this is a buddy movie that's a women's movie.
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