The owner of the speaker company made big issue out of it. Moab is seamless top to bottom and creates a wall-to-wall soundstage with realistically sized images. I feel greatly let down by my Double Impact speakers and the service I received from them. They weren't even taking requests in the Tekton rooms, just playing a canned set so they should have sounded impressive. This speaker is perfect for analog . :-) .. Who is not in the zone? ", "It was not subtle. The Double Impact SE has upgraded woofers, mid-bass drivers and tweeters, as compared to the standard Double Impact. I was expecting a showroom properly treated like the last I had experienced, with music of choice on a server ready to pipe into the speakers of choice. They were the worst speakers I had ever heard. The soundstage is incredible, the highs, mid and bass is spot on. Rated 4.80 out of 5 based on 5 customer ratings. IIRC the Tekton speaker's sensitivity never measures anywhere close to what the mfgr states. I put the receiver on bypass, thereby terminating my two Rhythmik LVX12 subs. Panamax PM-5300 Power Conditioner I don't think any of them have ever matched his sensitivity claims which are as high as 99dB on some models. To me, those may measure well, but they just don't have the fullness, body, or impact that a 8"-10" does. The Impact Monitor is simply an expression of how I believe loudspeakers can be improved upon.". Bank offer5% Cashback on paypal card. Thisarray disperses aprecisely focused acoustical powerpatternof that of a horn or waveguide withoutthe audible ringinginfluence of hornflare walls constraining the soundwavefor acoustically superior mid-rangehigh frequency performance, 4 Ohm design for optimum performance (8 Ohm available please inquire), Height 24.5x Width 10.125 x Depth 13.0. This has left me wanting better bass on these. The bass is the best I have ever heard and its not even close. The Impact Monitor has become my new reference speaker for my second system in a smaller acoustic space. Every day while sitting at work I cant wait to get home to throw on a record and experience it in a whole new way! I repeat it here because, as I listened to the Impact Monitors, I thought, Yeah, these speakers sound pretty damn good, but those seven tweeters are a gimmick if ever there was one. I almost bought a pair of TektonXLs a few months back. The speakers deliver the detail top to bottom frequency wise, details of the bass were stellar, the highs with just the right amount of air, and hearty midrange. I have had the Double Impact Monitors for over two years now and put some quality listening time on them. The classic two- or three-way woofer/midrange/tweeter design contains shortcomings, because the mass relationship is wrong when compared to the recorded source [eg, a violin string]. Yes, that was an extremely polite response to the kind of post typical from Dale thorn-in-our-sides -- interminably long, off-topic, self-involved, and with logic that only he understands. It was late in the day at an audio show - admittedly those conditions were not the best - the room was small . Sheesh. They are a stunning achievement in speaker design. Albums such as Daft Punks Random Access Memories are unlistenable at volume. . Kinda looks like "Cyclops" :-) . there ain't no dam chinesium in any of this outfit's products. Plus, if the snare drum sounds like its 14 feet away in just the right 3d image. Is there anything more embarrassing than some old fool with hearing response measurements that look like a carnival roller coaster commenting that, by golly, I know that speaker sucks because, well, I just want it to be bad. The Double Impacts do not overpower the living room of my average-sized apartment. to, in terms of detail and soundstage. There is no contest here in terms of mid-range sound and scale of presentation. If it's at all possible , I HIGHLY suggest that you find someone near you with a set and audition their pair to see if it's really an issue with the speaker as designed or something with your particular setup. Preamplifier to Power Amplifier Interconnect: Kimber Kable Base TIMBRE-114Cu-0.5M WBT 114Cu RCA Edit: This might be a good time for a quick historical overview of hardware quality and work ethic. My Tekton Double Impact Review 04-24-2018, 06:15 PM. Oh, and yes, all the dynamic slam one could ask for. ", "The level of detail without any edge or fatigue is amazing. In Corvallis OR and Fort Collins CO, the workforce was described as consisting of "Mormons and born-again Christians". If I cant tell what mouthwash the performers use than the speaker isnt transparent. All those speakers gave me a great deal of enjoyment, but I dont miss any of them, now that I have your Double Impacts! The cabinets are rock solid and clean, though with the flat dark grey paint are fairly plain looking. Holy Smokes! I have waited two weeks after receiving my Impact Monitor speakers to write to you and express my feelings about your speaker. There has to be something wrong with your set up or speakers IMHO. I couldnt be happier. #2. Tekton Double Impact Speakers US Audio Mart $2,350 Feb 17, 2023 US Audio Mart Tekton Pendragon . LAAS 2017 - Tekton Lore, Tekton Double Impact, ELAC Debut F5, Magnepolaner .7, for size comparison . . In my small apartment, the Tekton Impact Monitors, in their High Gloss black finish, looked much bigger than they had at RMAF 2017. Any concerns I had about the overall power and impact these speakers could be capable of were totally dispelled. I purchased a set of Tekton Double Impact Speakers earlier this year. This reminds me of the day I was at the unveiling of the ess heil line. 98 dB sensitivity be damned, these speakers loved (needed?) Ive found a new enjoyment of listening at low volumes, as I can still hear all the dynamics in the music! (I just added a sub). Incredible. The treble is pristine and liquid. Not only did it blend well with Maggies a very tall task but I just fell in love with it overall. for the last 6 years. Otherwise this could at best be called a two and a half way. "[] these are my new references. They were nice but I couldnt live without the dynamic, real sound of the Enzos and after three weeks went back to them.
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