Directions on how to submit comments are available on the California State Treasurer's website . baBsL/"cKC+{n9}tp?pckCM 3z^ v'|jzE3f7o1,# %!| # gkvDEhtQY]wZD)Cf#;{c1Vy`{w6VRoiv{]p/4PIfRV:ya{k1K+u`J4qt {b& In Texas, the preterm birth rate among Black women is 41% higher than the rate among all other women. *IxK,'m&,? p0 Some Suggestions for the TCAC Opportunity Map | Devin McNally stream endstream endobj 32 0 obj <>stream News Release: State Treasurer Fiona Ma Announces Extensions and Flexibility for Affordable Housing Projects Affected by Bank Closures, 2023 California State Treasurer's Office, CTCAC Resale of Certificated Credits Form, California Utility Allowance Calculator (CUAC), Information About the Section 811 Project Rental Assistance Demonstration Program, Use these forms when reporting sales to CTCAC. endstream endobj 35 0 obj <>stream Please review ourTerms of Usefor proper attribution, and visit our How to Use page for ideas of sample use cases. Our analysis of the school poverty filter yielded similar conclusions, finding that the relationship between student poverty and academic achievement varied widely across regions. It depends; and this is where the TCAC Opportunity map could be improved. The listing of current Opportunity Zone designations in the Awards Section below includes the designation period applicable to each designation. %PDF-1.3 As TCAC rolls out the new regulations in the coming months, it will be important to closely monitor the effect of these new policy shifts on where and how much affordable housing is being built, as well as the longer-term impact of LIHTC housing on residents lives. The use of opportunity mapping, or any other tool must be tested for its effectiveness in creating housing choice for low-income families in rural and farmworker communities. PDF DATE: December 7, 2020 - Novoco Phone: (914) 245-5262. In Texas, 1 in 9 babies is born preterm. Connect With Us 2023 Opportunity Maps - Adopted January 2023 2023 Opportunity Maps 2023 Opportunity Mapping Methodology 2023 Statewide Summary Table 2022 Opportunity Maps Shapefile PDF Governor DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION OF XLSX If you would like to speak with someone on staff about the draft 2020 map, please contact Dan Rinzler, Senior Policy Analyst, at, Data Tool: Housing Map & Benefits Calculator, continued viability of existing affordable developments, The scale at which the map measures opportunity in rural areas, and. Phone Extensions: Circulation x221 Adult Reference x227 Children's Reference x247 Trafficking [an0PC|n# UM_Zmv 8PFD!3d-bWE igm{nA9\jA &7~r3F3Vf~7j&C9DwiX"4;Ss\d>cKGX1Yz\!NZ5#x|DNiXGL3fCzm}Z)WuMcL]!,7cy*YG,=4_ ^*_vw/vy_/^^ 0 d Documents Awards Fact Sheets 25 0 obj <> endobj Children's Reference x247. BERKELEY, CA: A California state agency has approved for the third consecutive year the use of an opportunity map developed by the Othering & Belonging Institute and partners designed to guide the siting of affordable housing using a federal tax credit. %PDF-1.5 California Unveils Map of Potential Development Sites Click on the layers for the LDCT and Military Zones to have these layers shown on the map. HU0X+R70p"EI)!%W6@f|||>r3@KM_6=sO+Ff}"k,w{_~!9[LH@b&CH6ubmVr/hs51G9HxLNm~};&D3X=GVz: C30Vgn 0QC9:2vi eV9Vfkd*fg6#6>R8YXl>wk?2j\eRwFj j_A`HG1q;4CZ@5f.Ks@\ c Xy )"ck0x To respond to these issues, the Terner Center has worked in collaboration with the Fair Housing Task Force over the last several months to review and assess the methodology and propose severalimportant improvements. The most recent opportunity maps (known as TCAC/HCD Opportunity Maps) were adopted in December of 2020. Yorktown Grange Spring Fling. CTCAC/HCD Opportunity Area Maps Contact Information For additional information on the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program please contact CTCAC. 1 0 obj Overlay federal and state maps, including CalEnviroScreen and TCAC/HCD's Opportunity Map View state, county, city and legislative district boundaries. It will be important for future iterations of the maps to tell a more dynamicstory about access to opportunity at the neighborhood level by incorporating trends over time (including, for example, job or population growth) to account for places that are experiencing rapid change. HU0zQ@K;uvq$mJR8A;e. But perhaps the most significant change is the development of an improved filter to identify areas of racial segregation and concentrated poverty. Opportunity Mapping Region QAP Geographic Apportionment Los Angeles Region City of Los Angeles Balance of Los Angeles County PDF California Tax Credit Allocation Committee
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