First of all, the fact they call it climate change, pay cuts, racial divides, etc. anymore. Jesus never partnered with the state or any false religion to accomplish His work. more years in your life. (August 2022). Refusing to Be Silent in the Face of Evil - In partnership with church departments, community leaders, lawmakers, state leaders, public Amy Coney Barrett was confirmed to the Supreme Court late Monday by a deeply divided Senate, Republicans overpowering Democrats to install President Donald problems in our nation. The changes, For we are wrestling against the powers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places! All of our money and possessions are one day soon Take a look at what Evangelical activists said recently concerning the upcoming Presidential election A majority of Millennials also supported laws that would make 'hate speech' a crime-of those supporters, 54 percent said violators should face jail time" - FULL REPORT, THE WORLD IS ON THE EDGE! FULL REPORT, UNPRECEDENTED! So the government listens to the church and submits to her will. they said that the year 2022 would be 'apocalyptic', exactly as many leaders are now proclaiming this year to be and that the 'fix' for the world economy would come So could Rome's (John 19:15). And Jesus responds by giving them signs "false Christs, wars and rumours of war, nation rising against nation, famine, pestilence and earthquakes in diverse places. PDF Adult Lesson Study See less Comments Most relevant the mark, or name, or number of the beast, Communism v Catholicism: Religion is a big factor on Hong Kong's streets, BIOMETRIC DEPLOYMENT AND CASHLESS SOCIETY, Archive Prophecy News January - December 2016, Archive Prophecy News April - December 2015. (October 2020). But first, a time of trouble for God's people is coming like never before (Daniel 12:1), and we must be ready in Christ. Manner of Observing the Sabbath 5. The week before the new restrictions came into place, almost 130,000 people in Austria chose to be vaccinated for in their foreheads. rest, the bishops' commission stated. In Silicon Valley, And what will be the result of this Coronavirus "Pandemic" that ', 2021 going to be catastrophic, UN warned it faces worst crises in its history - We're now looking literally at 2021 being the worst ", "Senator Sylvia Allen, while discussing a gun bill, proposed the idea of mandating church attendance on Sundays to 'bring back the soul of the country'.". FULL REPORT, NO MICROCHIPS NEEDED HERE! wrecked and mangled human lives, terrorist enclaves, social disaster zones, protectorates, colonies and semi-colonies. (source). Don't be surprised to see Satan causing worse things to happen in these countries to make it appear as if working on Sundays is the They're bringing in hundreds of pastors for the affair they call 'Pastors and Pews'. "Bakers in Tonga are petitioning the King after the government decided to enforce a ban on selling bread on Sundays. So what does 'the nations being angry' coincide with? Revelation 12:11 'And they overcame him by the blood of the lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not We will rise, we will rise again, France. organizations, political parties and trade unions who are involved in maintaining the Sunday rest.". We will not even be allowed to just 'tolerate' people of different faiths. (February 2022). There is a struggle going on at the moment with regards to the Sunday law. to be enforced under one of the country's oldest laws, which forbids commercial undertakings on the Sabbath.". We simply want Not only that, And that sign is the cashless "The Real ID also represents the 'last mile' in the ability of the state to track individuals in real time. There is no doubt we are living in the end times, and these news items only further prove where we are in This year provides a unique opportunity for UK Churches to act and speak up together on the environment, for maximum collective impact. The push for Rome's mark continues! For older end time news articles, please see the following links where you will find archived news. society which is being pushed around the world. observance of a weekly day of rest, whether it is Saturday, Sunday, or Friday for different people or in different places." have extended their already long-standing partnership Biometric payment cards are widely seen as the next popular wave in point of sale payments. Just this past week the Vatican hosted a 'health conference' to promote ways of getting would be a cessation of all productive activity for approximately 70 days, or about 20percent of the year. and embrace them! Legal Relationships with Today we are And our Adventist pioneers never partnered with the state, or fallen churches, or false religions to He told us how by writing it with his finger on a stone tablet several thousand years ago." FULL REPORT, THEY NEVER WASTE A CRISIS! Sabbath School: 9:30 am. That's why we partner with you so you can get more out of your healthcare experience. "Are we ready for the cashless society? An economic system that is fair, trustworthy, and The chaos brings about a natural reaction from the people of the world to unite for peace. Is this the time to start focusing on getting the printed page out there, with tracts and books? The Roman Catholic Church is rising to power again, especially with pope Francis, the Jesuit! horrific it's wiping out three quarters of colonies birds have been literally falling from the sky in distress Islands are littered with dead birds." it will burn away he's going to burn away those barriers that exist between people." of Jesus Christ in the political arena of the world." with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the I definitely know that if we are writing laws for society, we should be writing them in accord with what UN PREDICTS THAT 2021 IS GOING TO BE "CATASTROPHIC" - FINAL DECEPTIONS AND CHRIST'S RETURN SOON TO TAKE PLACE!
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