First, you can try to find the song on YouTube and play it from there. Once you have clicked on Settings, you will see a list of different options. The first thing you need to do is open the Spotify app. Now give it a try to play your song and check, this time you should be able to listen to your song. June 25, 2022. 4. I have tried it on Windows 11 and Samsung Android phone on two different networks and it makes no difference, so the issue is within Spotify and not user related. Your email address will not be published. Yeah, you! In many cases, low power mode cuts off background refresh for apps, shuts off automatic mail retrieval, and stops downloads. This can cause songs to stop playing after a few seconds. If all of these things fail to fix the issue, it might be a problem with your device. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Elon is a tech writer at TechCult. If youre still having trouble, you can try contacting Spotify support. If you then play Spotify whilst connected to mobile data and it works, youll know that it is a WiFi issue that is causing the problem. After you have clicked on the three lines, you will see a list of options. There are a few possible reasons why this might be happening. One of the options is Playback. Nothing has worked. While you here, let's have a fun game, Payback randomly stopping while playing. Just stops out of nowhere and it won't restart unless I skip ahead or forward a track. Why Are My Spotify Songs Not Playing After 10 Seconds Read this guide till end to know the possible causes and solutions to fix this problem. Then, the program must be completely removed from your device. Another possibility is that the song has been blocked by the artist or their record label. One of the options is General. IPhone. He loves to cover topics related to Windows, Android, and the latest tricks and tips. Tap the gear icon in the top-right corner of your screen. Follow the steps below to switch app music modes: 2. I have managed to get 8 seconds into a song before it completely stops playing any sound while the pictures run in the background.. doesnt matter what song all of them stop at 8 seconds, latest topics, lots of people with issues right now), I'm having the same issue, the songs will just stop playing and I can't unpause them. If you find that a song you are trying to listen to is blocked, you can try looking for a different version of the song on Spotify, or try a different streaming platform altogether. What's The Best Data Recovery Software For You? No matter the reason, if youre not a fan of Spotify playing only 10 seconds of a song, there are a few things you can do. How to Deactivate LinkedIn Account Temporarily, Best SharePoint Practices for Document Management. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. We will never spam you, unsubscribe at any time. Finally, it is also possible that Spotify is only playing the first few seconds of a song in order to encourage users to upgrade to the paid subscription service. How Do I Stop Spotify From Stopping After 10 Seconds? Playlists let you create custom playlists of your favorite songs from different genres or moods. All mobile devices have a low power mode option that reduces background activity in order to conserve battery life. If you are using a cellular data connection, make sure that you have a strong signal. Choose between Low, Normal, High, and Very high. After making these changes, your screen should no longer turn off and pause Spotify. Same exact problem. Then it stop and just went silence. Ahmed Faisal has been writing for years and is currently working as a technical software tester for Emopulse. Milan Trajkovikj is a touring and recording bass guitarist who loves to share his passion for all things music. on the webplayer it always stops after 10 seconds for a few seconds but restarts again after a while 6 [deleted] 2 yr. ago sikulas 2 yr. ago I get this on iPhone and when listening through a web browser. It allows users to listen to their favorite songs and artists for free, or with a premium subscription. You'll be chillaxin' again in no time flat. Required fields are marked *. Hopefully, one of these tips will help you resolve the issue. Go to General > Battery > Low Power Mode. The next level is 320 kbps and requires upload and download speeds of 512 kbps. A third possibility is that the song has been added to a playlist that has a limited number of songs. Update the Spotify App 3. One of the options is Settings. Spotify is a music streaming service that lets you listen to millions of songs for free, with ads. The best way to determine the root cause of this issue is to contact Spotifys customer service. The user needs to wait for the Spotify server to come back online and correct the problem, which typically takes about 10 minutes and the same can be checked by going to Spotify Twitter Page or checking on Downdetector.
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