Pregnant women who smoke put their unborn babies at risk, too. Absolutely. But, yeah, I have a huge, completely reasonable thing about smoking, not just because of the health effects, though I try really hard to keep that only to Would you please not smoke around me? If it works for you, then it really worksyou literally have no desire to smoke. I'm also having an August baby, my EDD is 8/27/09. Its worth suggesting, but as someone who has been smoking at work since high school, I dont think its likely that he will want to try it all of the sudden. Like I said, I think there are so many wonderful, kind people that breaking this habit would be so hard for them to do. It may be that hes not. Their brains arent fully grown, particularly the parts of the brain that make long term decisions OP - if your coworker is open to really changing things up, electronic cigarettes can be a really good option - all the nicotine and oral fixation, none of the icky stuff in cigarettes, and you avoid the odor. Extra points if its a nice burgundy velvet material :). Even with my door closed and an air purifier, my clothes smelled like smoke even when clean. And probably every language, really. Thats so true. Nauseated = feeling nausea, as in mint makes me nauseated, the definition of nauseous has long been accepted to mean affected with nausea. ;0). Would everyone please stop saying thirdhand smoke causes cancer until you can provide a study that shows this. I started to have a strong aversion to smoke with my first pregnancy but for me it never got better. In a totally unrelated event, I had my first bout of morning sickness just hours later! Read the Alan Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking. Cheers in advance :) Edit: Should add that I'm not a new smoker, this has always happened just never looked into it. A number of options can help you stick to your plan to quit, from apps to natural remedies like hypnotherapy. @Bean, I think we have the same friends. I'm pregnant, my coworker smells like smoke, and it's making me sick Im glad your husband quit smoking, and I know people who quit smoking using e-cigarettes and realize it can be done; I wasnt disputing that. Unless this guy just started smoking or this is his first job ever, Id bet my bottom dollar he has already received at least one complaint or passive aggressive remark in a professional context. I am in the early stages of my first pregnancy. I'm 17, and at one point earlier in the year I was pregnant and didnt know and got sick every time I was around smoke or smoked a cigarette myself. Anyway, I think Febreeze could be very helpful to the OP and her CW if hes willing. Most of us didnt become alcoholics. Best of luck. Unfortunately, that wont happen any time soon, even though it should. Lately when you come back to the office after smoking, the smell of cigarettes is making me feel sick. I dont specifically remember smoke making me feel ill, but lots of food smells (that I normally like or find neutral) made me nauseated when I was pregnant. Keep in mind, however, that a lack of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy isn't cause for concern. Ginger worked, thank goodness. Common over-the-counter remedies for tobacco allergies include throat lozenges and decongestants. I dont think this is about special snowflakes though. More posts in "Quitting Smoking Cigarettes" group, Create post in "Quitting Smoking Cigarettes" group, the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information. It then made me feel sick, it felt that I had to throw up and came in waves. Pregnancy and Smoking | Pregnancy Advice | Patient Outlook. Changing the jacket actually does help! Maybe that means my child hates cigs and won't start smoking. I dont have problem that as its his lungs, and the way hes going hell end up as one of the 16,500 people who die from smoking related illness worldwide every single day the ultimate Darwin effect. Their extra pounds are not going to cause me heart disease, lung cancer, etc. I think Some1s point was that people who smoke know that its bad for you and know that there are various quitting aids available. He can be around smokers and not be tempted.
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