Secondly, he continues to reflect on the character of God in verse 4, The Lord is the sustainer of my life. Now this is a glorious phrase. In his personal copy of The New Testament of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ: Revised Standard Version, King wrote the words "Going Forward by Going Backward" next to Luke 2:41-47. I will give thanks to Your name, O Lord, for it is good. In other words, David is saying, Im going to give free will sacrifices to You, O God. You remember some sacrifices were offered up in the Old Testament on the occasion of a person making a vow? read more, Scripture: The Philistines knew all about David, so he must have been pretty desperate to go there. Speak to us of the greatness of Your name as we study this, Your word. He has made a promise to David to sit him on the throne, and yet here we find David in dire circumstances praying that God will spare him, praying that God will deliver him from his enemies. He was so afraid that he began to act insane so that the king of Gath would not turn on him and kill him. Souls of God prayer brings change. To endure a thing is to live in spite of its difficulty, not to live in denial of it. Jehovah Ezer Doctors can set the date, but God ordains It comes to us in three parts, and perhaps youve already noticed those parts as weve read through it. I call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised, and I am saved from my enemies. (v.3). And our lives today are filled with a combination of hope Trust him to answer you. These are short, easy to preach sermons. The answer is, No, it is not a contradiction at all. God is sovereign and David is responsible to plead Gods promises back to the sovereign God. Christian/Church Of Christ, A sermon on Hebrews 3:1-6 (emphasis on vs. 6), HoHum: We all need help in life. Mark 13:35-37. This is so crucial that I have to really emphasize it for us. Would you stand for Gods blessing? God is blessed by you. 30 Powerful Prayers to God for Guidance and Direction He reminded me that in John 4:6, Jesus was tired too. Engrain them into our own hearts. Evangelical/Non-Denominational. We may not realize thats where we are all the time, but we are always in that position of being dependent upon God. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand. Nazarene, The Holy Spirit helps us realize that a person living according to a lawful orientation is always looking for guidelines by which everyones actions can be regulated. Hell take care of that, and we wont be very energetic in prayer. AIM: To encourage the brethren by outlining . He wasnt going to go anywhere else because he had come to know just exactly who Yahweh God was. As the singer moves into the verses, we learn about the struggle. the end of a thing than the beginning thereof: and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit" (Eccl. And when we turn to Psalm 54 we see a direct connection, not with Psalm 53 but with Psalm 52. (Jn 15:5) Ask the Lord to help you He was constantly on the run, much of the time in fear for his life. But regardless of if you have medication or not, you can still be controlled and owned by fear. Psalms 118:7 - The LORD taketh my part with them that help me: therefore shall I see my desire upon them that hate me. Call on the Lord for help. I showed them what You were like. You remember in the very context of John 17just a few verses before back in John 14, Phillip had said to Jesus, Jesus, show us the Father; that will be enough. And you remember what Jesus said, If you have seen Me, you have see the Father. He had manifested the name of God. John 16:13-24, Mark 13:35-37 KJV Lets start off with the first one. And in verse 6 David tells us that he is going to give thanks to God because of His name. We will find ourselves in situations that are almost unbearable. 1 Samuel 18:29 points out clearly that, Saul was Davids enemy continually.. He cried out to Yahweh God. Isaiah 41, Exodus 14:14, Denomination: Give me clear guidance in my life, Lord. It's not easy staying positive when we run into daily trials and tribulations. Now thats hard. What are we supposed to do when we get in deep, over our heads? When David says that he loves the Lord, this is the only time in the Bible that this word for love is used toward God. Summer Psalms #14 - When You Wind Up Over Your Head read more, Scripture: And yet, there is the promise. God is sovereign but He uses prayer as His instrument for bringing about His will. In Psalm 107:2-3, that request has been answered. Bishop Melvin L. Maughmer, Jr. And that's beside the specific topic of friendship cited earlier. Endurance assumes difficulty. The helper, the aid of a nation was its ally who would come to the rescue at the last moment. Life needs to have courage, and we need to know our God who is the true source of courage. Are you in trouble? He kept shouting, "it had happened, please Heres what you can do and what you need to do. Fear and its companion, Anxiety, can be debilitating. You mean that that cancer diagnosis that I just got is good for me? Well say, Well, Gods sovereign. The journey to this title and fame was a very difficult one. It was John, one of my church members. Sermons. God and sinners reconciled God moves even in the enemies of His people in order to spare the king of His people from His people that He might reign over His people. At the right time, he rescued us from that situation and brought us into a place of healing and joy and peace. Most of the other times is it used by God to describe his feelings of compassion toward his people. S peak to us of the hope we have in Him. How about making an important phone call, and all you get is a machine. This is the most common topic. Life's Challenges He meditates on the truth of who God is. Your word is truth, we can pray that in confidence because God has said so in His word. In the beginning of the Psalm David appeals to God to hear him because of Gods name, His character, His reputation; now he praises God because of His name, His reputation, and character, and he says, Your name, O God, is good. And in verse 7 he gives thanks to God because God has delivered him from trouble and enemies. Sermon: "He Guards Me" on Psalm 23:4 - Open the Bible Forgive my hidden faults. 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22 understanding evil prophecy. David loves the Lord with all the deep affection in his heart because he has come to know that Yahweh God is the source of his strength in life. In those seasons, we not only pray for hope; we pray for endurance. And David is reminding himself who it is whos my ally. Remembering God's love in the midst of deep trials. David was a capable warrior as we all know from his defeat of Goliath. They are against Him, and they are seeking his lifeand so he pleads to God. And here David prays by pleading Gods prior promises back to Him.
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