At this stage, the PDF version of your paper will be available online. Getting Involved with the Editorial Process Q&A, How to Advance as an Early Career Researcher, Challenges and Opportunities: Early Career Researchers, How to Reduce Stress Whilst Waiting for Publication, policy regarding corrections and retractions, Desk rejection (rejection upon submission), Rejection before peer review by the Academic Editor. So, Ive read that it cannot be resubmitted, without an invitation which was not forthcoming. now its showing pending editor decision, which much time it will take to give decision? An abstract is a short summary of your research. However, we are flexible if reviewers require more time. On rare occasions, the Assistant Editor assigned to your manuscript will request a further opinion from a new reviewer. Our paper had pending editors decision status for 8 days then the status changed to revised version review. My manuscript is (Pending a decision). I actually think this is unnecessary but the managing section editor request an update of the published paper on the basis of my mail. You can upload your revised manuscript by logging in to SuSy, MDPIs manuscript submission system. This is a mandatory step in the final stages of each paper, with no additional fee. I wonder the meaning of (x) I would not like to sign my review report When we are intended to propose authorship changes, after filling authorship changes form, where do we have to upload it? If you find yourself waiting for more than two days, please contact the Assistant Editor, who will investigate the status of your paper and invite an English editor to proofread it. Thank you. At this stage, what is the probability of acceptance of my manuscript for publication? Sometimes, the Editorial Staff need a bit more time to process a manuscript. Please could you contact the Academic Editor for an update? We find the automatic answer given to authors after rejected by editor considerably vague and in contradiction with the San Francisco Declaration, which MDPI signed on 2012 with this motto: We aim to publish all manuscripts that are scientifically correct, and do not artificially increase journal rejection rates, allowing the reader community at large to define impact. If this is correct, then what is rejection based on novelty and general significance after rejection by the editor? Hi, How can any one expect novelty in a survey study of this kind. hello, I resubmitted the revised version and the status is under pending editor decision from 17 June, as I know the decision will take 2 days. If you find yourself waiting for more than a week, its best to contact the Assistant Editor for an update. Ive got 1st review For questions about individual submissions, we recommend contacting the Editorial Office of the journal. For further information, I refer you to the website which has all the relevant information about APCs. Authors can also reach our Editorial Office using the contact details in the journal menu. Author proofreading = Typographic, image quality, references order, callouts or similar layout and language edits have been made, or are being suggested, for authors to review and confirm. I encourage you to take a look at the Under review section in this article. You can use any number of discount vouchers from MDPI peer review. HelloWhats going on with my submission to the Agronomy journal with the manuscript ID agronomy-2374491, which was submitted on April 14th and is still in pending review status as of April 27th? We have recently taken a look at the popularity of this feature, the results of we found very . Hi. few more things I want to confirm.. you have commented You can include additional authors at any time during revisions (before manuscript acceptance). nearly one month ago on the blog. If the status says xml2pdf done after that how much time it takes for online publication of article ?? Detailed information is provided in the Instructions for Authors section via the journal menu. Thanks. Revised reviews are usually completed in around three working days, considering that reviewers are already familiar with the content of your paper.
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