Like most books it starts with an overview, followed by a chapter on research and next, a chapter on biology. Notably, I've only twice found texts that are exactly what I would want for my courses. Reviewed by Marina Donnelly, Adjunct Professor, Greenfield Community College on 6/30/20, Vast amount of information gets covered in the Intro to Psych course. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Throughout the text, I found no obvious errors. As a teaching preference, I do like to teach the Sensation and Perception chapter after the Neuroscience chapter. Some concepts were vague, but expanding on topics past a certain extent isn't always the textbooks responsibility. All the topics that I would expect to teach are covered. Titles. There is also LMS tools for most of the popular LMSs. Open Access Textbooks How do you cite OpenStax chemistry 2e? - I particularly liked the personal application questions which is consistent with the American Psychological Association learning outcomes that are application in nature. Those types of course stories and examples can be easily updated. Select the correct citation format for the textbook used in this course. Areas where accuracy could be improved were in Chapter 9 on Lifespan Development. In this case, a stimulus (the toy) is removed in order to decrease the behavior.. It covers the topics one would expect in an Introduction to Psychology course. The authors have attempted to bring in current information (approximately 20 references have been added from 2019-2020). As I watched the video clip, I felt as if I was watching a 7 minute advertisement for Stanford instead of learing about careers in Psychology field. open license), Introduction to Sociology 2e by Nathan Keirns, Eric Strayer, Susan Cody-Rydzewski | 9781680921014 | Paperback | Barnes & Noble. The authors make sure to deviate regularly from abstract and technical details to personal and relatable stories or cases of interesting research to maintain engagement (the Dig Deeper and Everyday Connection sections are very helpful in this regard.) read more. The textbook includes accurate data to support area of study. With Piagets theory, there is a mention of how this theory has been applied beyond adolescence though. Overall I was pleasantly surprised with the review of this OER text and I would be excited to implement it in one of my classes. I did not detect inaccuracies or biases. I appreciate the work that has been invested into this open source text and will seriously consider using the text in the future. Move Dig Deeper title from 538 to 539. The authors include several up-to-date external citations for content included in the textbook, suggesting empirical and theoretical support for its content. Terms are explained well. Breaking down by race/ ethnicity and sex doesn't explain the numbers currently found in Ch. The first edition of Psychology by OpenStax is available in web view here. Dr. Rose Spielman has been teaching psychology and working as a licensed clinical psychologist for 20 years. Reviewed by Christina Fitzpatrick, Graduate Student Instructor of Record, Miami University on 2/1/18, To be honest I was surprised by the comprehensiveness of this textbook. read more. The text also includes coverage of the DSM-5 in examinations of psychological . A listing of key terms is provided at the end of each chapter, along with a chapter review/summary and test review questions. There are appropriate transitions and clear organization that is consistent with other intro psych texts. I couldn't quite tell why something made it into the "Introduction" of chapters instead of in some more specific section, but I suppose those are editorial choices. Additionally, the textbook is accessible online, where students can highlight material and add notes in the textbook with ease. Open Stax Psychology 2e LN01 Resources University Houston Community College Course Introduction to Psychology (PSYC 1300 ) Uploaded by AL Alexis Lujan Academic year2021/2022 Helpful? Also, the answer key for the chapter questions is just after chapter 16 but it also does not have a title in the table of contents. This text gives comprehensive attention to all of the major areas of psychology typically included in introductory texts.
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