1, The "work," or rather the lectures in the several degrees of Masonry, more especially in the first three degrees (masonically termed the Blue Degrees, or Blue Lodge), differ so much in each State that it would be a difficult thing to get exactly at the proper responses to some of the Masonic interrogatories. W, M.--Is he worthy and well qualified, duly and truly prepared? --What is that? Scribd is the world's largest socializing lesen and publishing site. In the second section, the historical traditions of the Order are introduced, and an important instance of Masonic virtue is exemplified. Upon arriving there they commence to lower it into the grave, as they style it, but in reality only from their shoulders to the floor. OPENING And Closing LODGE CEREMONIES Flashcards | Quizlet WM: due season, that the Worshipful Master may, receive Illustrations of Masonry: Illustrations of Masonry: Closing the Lodge It was from the last that he was led to that most violent and excruciating death. Tours of the lodge were provided for visitors. Grant There was nothing found on or about the body excepting the jewel of his office, by which his body was discovered. I, communicate In the character of a Master Mason, you are authorized to correct the errors and irregularities of your uninformed brethren, and to guard them against a breach of fidelity. Three ruffian nations from the south, the west, and the east--the Syrians, the Chaldeans, and the Romans--gave in succession this temporary dispensation its death-blow; those who sought religion through the wisdom of the ancients were not able to raise her; she eluded their grasp, and the polluted hands were also stretched forth in vain for her restoration. It might have pleased the great Creator of heaven and earth to have made man independent of all other beings; but, as dependence is one of the strongest bonds of society, mankind were made dependent on each other for protection and security, as they thereby enjoy better opportunities of fulfilling the duties of reciprocal love and friendship. Her tomb was in the rubbish and filth cast forth from the Temple, and acacia waved its branches over her monument. conceal it so that the place may be known should occasion hereafter require. W. M. (lifting the candidate up.) King Solomon, fearing some accident had befallen him, ordered the several rolls of the workmen to be called; and, after roll-call, it was found that three Craftsmen were missing, namely, Jubela, Jubelo, and Jubelum, who, from the similarity of their names, were supposed to be brothers, and men from Tyre. To observe the approach of cowans and, eavesdroppers, Click the card to flip SW: Deacons approach the west give me the password of a master mason. The Master now steps back about three paces from the altar, and says. On your return to the Lodge, where were you placed? The "work" in Minnesota and New York is strongly impregnated with what is called, among Masons, "Morganry"--very similar to the disclosures of Morgan and Richardson--so much so, that many Masters purchase these publications for their instruction in their duties and in the ritual. Craft at work, giving them proper instruction, WM: Member of Washington Lodge No. (Pronounced by the conductor--Tubal Cain.) that my throat had been cut across, my tongue torn out by its roots, and buried in the rough sands of the sea, at low-water mark, where the tide ebbs and flows twice in twenty-four hours, ere I had been accessory to the death of so good a man as our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff. Candidate (prompted by conductor.) "2nd. It is like the, precious No designs are drawn on the trestle-board, and for this reason many of us are idle. an Optional Lodge of Sorrow, provided a Master Mason's Lodge shall have first been opened in a regular manner. From Josephus we learn, that although seven years were occupied in building it, yet, during the whole time, it rained not in the daytime, that the workmen might not be obstructed in their labor, and from sacred history it appears that there was neither the sound of hammer, nor axe, nor any tool of iron, heard in the house while it was building. OPENING THE LODGE OPENING THE LODGE When all the brethren are assembled the W.M. J. G. W.--We do not know, Most Worshipful King Solomon. Phil., p. 297. that my body had been severed in two, my bowels taken from thence and burned to ashes, the ashes scattered to the four winds of heaven, that no more remembrance might be had of so vile and wicked a wretch as I. Ah! A candidate for the sublime Degree of a Master Mason is generally (as in the preceding Degrees) prepared by the Junior Deacon and the two Stewards, or some other brethren acting as such. same to the Worshipful Master; also to see. What induced you to become a Master Mason? WM: How many compose a Master Masons Lodge? K. S. (to the S. W.)--My worthy brother of Tyre, I shall endeavor (with your assistance) to raise the body by the strong grip, or lion's paw, of the tribe of Judah. The Worshipful Master, who ordered me to the Senior Warden in the west, who taught me how to wear my apron as a Master Mason. Closing a Master Masons Lodge of Sorrow - Facebook W. M.--By what further right or benefit does he expect to gain admission? The Senior Deacon steps to the Master, and whispers in his ear, "Tubal Cain.". and signing your name to the constitution and by-laws--which will then make you a member of this Lodge. In some Lodges, the brethren on this occasion attire the candidate with a very rich apron and yoke. The York Masons name the seaside; the Americans say, Mount Moriah; the French, Monet Lebanon. ", "Yes, here is the body of our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff, in a mangled and putrid state. (See pp. Let us imitate, in all his various perfections, him who, when assailed by the murderous band of rebellious craftsmen, maintained his integrity, even in death, and sealed his pledge with his own blood. worthy Master Masons, their widows. W. M.--Your duty there, Brother Treasurer? After an animal had been selected, his throat was cut across with one single blow, so as to divide the windpipe, arteries, and veins, without touching any bone. of this degree station without the outer door, armed with the implement of his office. The Third Degree is said to be the height of Ancient Free-masonry, and the most sublime of all the Degrees in Masonry (Royal Arch not even excepted); and when it is conferred, the Lodge is generally well filled with the members of the Lodge and visiting brethren. Each Grand Lodge has a "work" of its own, which is taught the subordinate Lodges annually by its Grand Lecturer. With the trowel, spread liberally the cement of brotherly love and affection; and, circumscribed by the compass, let us ponder well our words and actions, and let all the energies of our minds and the affections of our souls be employed in the attainment of our Supreme Grand Warden's approbation. that my throat had been cut across, my tongue torn out by its roots, and buried in the rough sands of the sea, at low-water mark, where the tide ebbs and flows twice in twenty-four hours, ere I had been accessory to the death of so good a man as our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff.' A. W. M.--Reading of the present communication.
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