Update: Since the publishing of this piece, community leaders have issued a collective statement as well, stating, As a group we have taken our time to speak, all together or in smaller designated groups, with Brother Nouman, with a number of the women involved, and with numerous respected scholars and imams who have at various times tried to counsel Br. MaybAllah guide us all. N.M. took him as a father figure, but his approach to him got intensified as he started setting her more text and his topless photos. This is what Nouman Ali Khan said on 22nd september,2017 on his facebook post. This should all have been sorted out begins closed doors. An undergraduate degree doesnt make you a scholar in any field! "This is very much an ethical problem and it's a pressing one," Mattson said. At this point, all accusations are unfounded and even if they are substantiated, what makes it okay to advertise his mistakes to the public? . In the things that sadden, shock, or throw the ummah for a loop, any situation that brings us closer to Allah through our response is good, and any situation that takes us farther from Allah even when it makes us happy- is a failure.. But in October 2017, the incident was proven to be true. The judge ordered him to pay his accuser more than two and half million dollars for mental anguish and other damages. Whatever part of the article i read it was absolutely well put. The greater issue here is how is the community to respond when personal issues are made public. As I type, the suffering of our ROHINGYA brothers and sisters has not stopped. In glycolysis, glucose is split into two molecules of pyruvate. Do you have any reason at all that you could give standing before Allah, to justify trawling through the public details of another Muslims private sins to satisfy your morbid curiosity or moral outrage? Was it really necessary to write this article? Quran by the Ahadeeth, Quran by the words of the Sahabah. American Professor Randy Pausch famously said, When theres an elephant in the room, introduce it. So lets talk about Nouman Ali Khan. Most of them are also in the privileged positions to marry once, twice, thrice or quadruple times and then warn the youth finding it hard to marry after passing every hurdles the dunyavi-Muslims(who could have been advised to lower their dunyavi-expectations, by these preachers) pose, about the wrong gender relations. Leila Fadel/NPR JazakAllah Khairan Kaseerah! Here is what I dont understand. Wa salam. There is no point of investigating this issue and passing our judgement on who is right and who is wrong. WineBid is an online wine auctiononline wine auction with 2018 sales of million, according Wine Spectator. The reaction to the statement from Ta'leef was swift, public and messy in a long thread on the organization's Facebook page that has since been taken down. Do not assume you have the right to any sort of righteous indignation on Nouman Ali Khans behalf. Today his legacy is in jeopardy. As what is currently happening in the communities, we could easily draw parallels between the liberal world and the Muslim world. Anyone who falsely accuses a man of adultery/fornication without bringing clear evidence (4 witnesses) merits the punishment of 80 lashes. It puts Islam in a negative light and shooting ourselves in the foot. Many, if not most, are attacks by Khans supporters. Was it worth risking the lifes work of NAK? Muslims tout that Islam respects women, but Muslim men practice little of it. I think this article attempts to deal with the situation in a rational manner, but falls short of doing so. They went to extreme lengths to talk about how much they loved this person, even though he was a violator, and how their actions were only to protect the institution," she said. The article then goes on to advise how one should behave, and at the heart of it seems to be do not be angry with those posting against him, for we dont know etc.. People, please realise this is a private matter of another person. 870. nouman. I wish Muslims are this even-keeled even when the matter concerns a non-Muslim. Wallah this makes me cry. It was embarrassing to find out such truth about the pious person. If you wish to draw parallels to the Ifk- the incident when hypocrites in the Prophets community made up adulterous rumors about his wife Aisha RA, then remember this: we have his example of silent patience. He offered her a job to ease her difficult situation. I have lost respect for Muslim Matters for publishing this. The accusations? The text messages? Thank you so much for writing this. Or to disparage all male scholars. It is not. A woman who shared only her initial to keep under the shade as N.M. spoke about her abuse. 6.those who were buddies to NAK, sharing platform, working on their dawah together are now enemies all of a sudden due to sins of a man and his personal issues (though if it is open sinning and proven, then community needs to know). Thus I find some uneasiness in considering NAK or anyone from the scholarship/preacher community committing a mistake equal to another brother/sister in islam (not a preacher) committing the same mistake. I believe we need to stop taking justice into our own hands ie by slandering him, and allow justice be served through the right channels. Allah mengenal mahluk ciptaanNya. The article makes it sound as though he has done something unethical or unacceptable, without any credible evidence.
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