This provides NCDHHS another way to communicate and make individuals aware of helpful information and programs that are available to them. Covid-19 Alert System When you see news happening, report it! To create a linked account, peoplemust complete the Remote Identity Proofing (RIDP) process from their Account Home page to verify their identity. Now isnt the time to give up and let more people get sick and die. This week youll see that 10 more counties have been designated as red, indicating critically high levels of community spread, Cooper said. system We're the most trusted source for way more local news. Not sure who to contact? RALEIGH, N.C. State officials on Tuesday rolled out a system to show North Carolina's coronavirus hotspots to ratchet up pressure on counties where the virus Brunswick Countys testing statistic also stands at 5.2% as of March 5, whereas it was at 7.4% the previous Friday. Science shows that the transmission of this virus is much greater indoors, Cooper said. DC's COVID Alert Notice (DC CAN) COVID-19 Exposure Notification System will shut down on May 11th. (CNN) - The U.S. COVID-19 public health emergency officially ends this month. COVID-19 Covid-19 Alert System Roy Cooper said 10 additional counties were in the red zone, which indicates a critical state of community spread. Right now, North Carolinas metrics are increasing, not surging, but a surge can happen quickly. Other state guidelines include limiting mixing between households, minimize people in your social circle, reduce public activities to essential activities and avoid settings where people congregate. North Carolina is experiencing record high numbers of COVID-19 cases reported each day, of people being hospitalized with COVID-19 and people in the intensive care unit as well as the percent of tests that are positive, indicating very high levels of viral spread across the state. Counties that do not meet criteria for orange or red tier are categorized as being in the yellow tier and should continue to be vigilant to prevent further spread of COVID-19.This map of North Carolina below shows which counties are in what tiers, along with a table showing a county's case rate, percent positive and hospital impact. Individuals now eligible for vaccinations are those who fall under Group 1 (health care workers), Group 2 (anyone 65 or older regardless of health status or living situation), and Group 3 (anyone working in child care or in PreK 12 schools and essential frontline workers). The news comes as N.C. continues to see rising hospitalizations due to the virus. Efforts like continuing to wear face coverings in public, remain home when possible, and increased vaccinations are continuing to help slow the spread: 142 new cases were identified among county residents this past week, continuing to trend down from the 230 new cases identified in the previous full week. North Carolinians have more reason to be hopeful than ever, he said. function evvntDiscoveryInit() { Wear a mask at all times outside the home and maintain physical distance from people who do not live in your household, Get tested if symptomatic or if you think you have been exposed to COVID-19, If you must host or attend a gathering, limit attendance to 10 or fewer, host outdoors and ventilate indoor spaces as much as possible (e.g., keep windows open), Download the SlowCOVIDNC app and share with friends and family, Limit mixing between households and minimize the number of people in your social circle, Avoid settings where people congregate like outdoor bars and night clubs, If patronizing restaurants, consider ordering takeout and/or eating outdoors socially distanced, Individuals who are high-risk for developing serious illness should consider staying at home as much as possible, Reduce public interactions to mainly essential activities like going to work or schools, caring for family members, buying food, getting health care or picking up medications, Share messages about the importance of wearing a mask and practicing the three Ws (wear, wait, wash), Post signs about three Ws at entrances in accordance with executive order, Provide face coverings to employees and patrons, Strongly encourage all employees to download and use the SlowCOVIDNC app, Follow general guidance for businesses and organizations as well as industry-specific guidance. MEDICAID recertifications (renewals) began April 1, 2023 and will continue based on the beneficiarys renewal date. Yellow: Significant Community Spread Brooke has been suffering from symptoms for months after her infection and has not yet returned to her normal self. Success in slowing the spread will help our businesses., NC COVID-19: Gov. Raleigh Governor Roy Cooper and Dr. Mandy Cohen, Secretary of the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NC DHHS) announced a new COVID
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