The difference is in the application of the phrase, which is between general and specific. Find and create gamified quizzes, lessons, presentations, and flashcards for students, employees, and everyone else. Log in here. Remember this quote as you read through and relate the rest of the content to this idea. But now you have to do a literary analysis on itand suddenly its short length seems like more of a burden than a blessing. Still, she said, the hospital did not apologize when they said they had lost the CAT scan and she had come for nothing. Tan explains, "This was understandable. >> But because she is rebellious and likes to challenge peoples assumptions about her, Tan bucked this trend. What Tan is classifying in this essay is the different kinds of English she uses. How do each of these shifts in tone help move the reader along in the story? 3 0 obj Language is a powerful tool, and our ability to use and understand it as humans is one of the main aspects that separate us from other species on Earth. 5. What does the title "Mother Tongue" suggest? She said they did not seem to have any sympathy when she told them she was anxious to know the exact diagnosis, since her husband and son had both died of brain tumors. Indeed, Tan conjectures that many Asian American children are probably encouraged to pursue careers in jobs requiring maths and science rather than English for this reason. Mother Tongue Questions and Answers - The author notes that the language her mother speaks is very different than "American English," but that it is deceiving in that her mother understands more than one might think when listening to her speak. In one or two paragraphs, describe the personal experience that the writer had in "Mother Tongue", and the understanding she gained through her reflection about the experience. Take Tan's mother's experience with the doctors as an example. c. The story helps readers understand one of Tan's points: her mother's English does have intent, passion, imagery, and rhythm, and it shows the complexity of her thoughts. How many subjects does Tan explore in the essay? Tans autobiographical revelations in Mother Tongue show us that her own mother struggled to be taken seriously among Americans, and Tan diagnoses this struggle as a result of her mothers different way of speaking. Her mother gave her praise that meant a great deal to Tan: I knew I had succeeded where it counted when my mother finished reading my book and gave me her verdict: 'So easy to read.'. But I wince when I say that. Though Mother Tongue is a very short narrative, its rich in content. Be sure to focus on specific language, punctuation, and imagery used to create the overall tone. C q" 62-67. Accept any answers that address the concern of the question and are elaborated by examples or details from the literature or from life. -allows Amy to go in to saying how she was effected by her mother's tongue. Students' essays will probably address slang and jargon that they use, standard English that they use for most of their school experiences, and possibly formal English that they may use with relatives or in work situations. You had agreed to send the check two weeks ago, but it hasn't arrived.". Indeed, her mother read drafts of her work. The phrase "mother tongue" refers to the language people learn to speak first. While my English skills were never judged as poor, compared to math, English could not be considered my strong suit. Why or why not? Her mother, too, was clearly aware of how her use of the language affected how seriously people took her, for she used to get her daughter to phone people and pretend to be Mrs Tan. I've been giving more thought to the kind of English my mother speaks. In this guise, I was forced to ask for information or even to complain and yell at people who had been rude to her. Mean gives lots of respect. -she explains that the stories she writes are about mothers While it may be difficult for some people to understand it, it is part of who she is, and it does not reflect negatively on her mother because it is "different." In fact, Tan uses the same tone in the beginning and end of her storythe reader starts at a homebase, sees the journey Tan is leading them on, and returns right back to where they started but with more insight than before. What argument is Tan making here about language and its connection to our identity in "Mother Tongue"? spirituals. You should know that my mother's expressive command of English belies how much she actually understands. 2023, Inc. All Rights Reserved. You can read Mother Tongue here before proceeding to our summary and analysis of Amy Tans essay below. Our experts can deliver a "Mother Tongue" by Amy Tan essay tailored to your instructions for only $13.00 $11.05/page 308 qualified specialists online Learn more Main text Mother Tongue by Amy Tan - Essay Summary, Analysis, Review
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