/Contents [110 0 R 111 0 R 112 0 R] /Annots [] endobj endobj There are no reviews yet. ] As described in Section VI below, Monarch repeatedly fails to provide those services. Defendants Do Not Provide Contracted-For Litigation Defense Services, Leaving Chicago Consumers to Defend Themselves in Court, Timothy Burnette Controlled and Directed Monarchs Conduct, Defendants Deceive Potential Customers by Posting Fake Reviews, Strategic Engages in Unfair and Deceptive Practices in its Debt Resolution Business Across the Country, https://brokercheck.finra.org/individual/summary/4890437, https://www.finra.org/rules- guidance/oversight-enforcement/finra-disciplinary-actions?search=2013035572001, Former Credit Counseling Executive and Serial Dirtbag, Andris Pukke Arrested, Litigation Practice Group Lawsuit by Business Partner All Service Financial We Want Our Money, Refunds Sent to Students Deceived by Student Advocates Debt Relief Scam, Clay Advisors Same Debt Consolidation Loan Mailer, Different Name, https://getoutofdebt.org//20126/how-to-try-to-get-refund-from-debt-relief-company, https://getoutofdebt.org/20126/how-to-try-to-get-a-refund-from-a-debt-relief-company, How to Get Out of Debt Without Getting Scammed and What to Do if You Have Been, The Beach Misses You: A Financial Fable For Happiness And Internal Peace, Get Out of Debt Guy Podcast - Reader Questions - AMEX Arrrgh, Getting Out of Debt and Making Lots of Extra Money is Easy When You Do This One FREE Thing, Is Your Debt Relief Company a Scam and How to Make an Extra $800 a Month to Make Ends Meet. WebYour experience matters. Consumers reported not understanding the terms of the program after these short appointments. /Resources 181 0 R - 1:22-cv-03705) Monarch Legal Group Complaints Biryani Maxx The testimonials provided are selected from independent third-party sites. As an industry, companies continue to allow their niche to be destroyed by not speaking out about the bad actors. 2 0 obj But on information and belief, most consumers cannot invoke that policy because the terms and conditions are restrictive and exclude most consumers. Outrage by companies that remain silent does not equal action to protect good companies or debt relief help for consumers that need reputable help. /CropBox [0 0 612 792] << Webinfo@monarch-legal.co.uk; 17 Fitzroy Place, G3 7RW; DX 512208; 0141 366 0003; Dundee Office: info@monarch-legal.co.uk; 87 Commercial Street, DD1 2AB; DX DD152; 01382 472 391; Quick Links. /CropBox [0 0 612 792] Sign up for free now, Sign up for free to participate on the website. BBB reports on known marketplace practices. WebReview your credit report. Defendants purport to collect consumers income and expense information to determine their monthly payments. While Strategic and its subsidiaries process consumers substantial payments, provide ineffective customer service, and may negotiate with creditors, Monarch convinces consumers that a law firm is providing the debt resolution services. The Citys investigation indicates that in reality, Monarch employs only the few attorneys needed to complete rote and scripted check-in calls with clients to suggest that an attorney is involved in the consumers program. I am thrilled that the City of Chicago is going after them. None of the many publicly accessible consumer complaints filed against Monarch mention bankruptcy proceedings, even though one consumer inquired about it. This assumption is unrealistic. /Rotate 0 Change Your Mindset. /Rotate 0 As a matter of policy, BBB does not endorse any product, service or business.
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