eSearch Welcome to Energy & Environment Cabinet This public portal provides the ability to search EEC data, focusing mainly on the Department for Environmental Protection. Specifically, facilities may appear to be in noncompliance for failing to submit required discharge monitoring reports, which may or may not be the case. The Water Resources Division will continue to work to effectively involve the public in this process, and will track the public participation process to ensure there is no decrease in public participation over time as a result of this change. What permits can I find? The Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) issues NPDES permit coverage, or No Potential to Discharge Determinations (NPTDDs) to Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs). However, the widest array of programs, policies and tools originate with state programs, and include: variations on the federal NPDES program; state regulatory programs and voluntary programs. Track Performance. This Application should be used to apply for any municipal, commercial, or industrial wastewater discharge to surface watersthe of the state. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Program, Part 31, Water Resources Protection, Natural Resources Environmental Protection Act, Public Act 451 of 1994, as amended, Michigan Administrative Code, Rules Administered by EGLE, WRD, Wastewater Discharge Permits (R 323.2196), All CAFOs in Michigan must obtain NPDES permit coverage, either an individual permit or a certificate of coverage (COC) under the CAFO general permit. The Construction Permit Application is for any construction project whereas the Single Family Residence (S.F.R.) document.write( new Date().getFullYear() ); Wayne County, Michigan, All Rights Reserved. Locate EPA enforcement casesby searching: Use EPA's Enforcement and Compliance History Online website to search for facilities in your community to assess their compliance with environmental regulations. Related pages: This option selects whether the EJ indexes percentiles of a facility are calculated based on a facilitys census block group or 1-mile maximum. Use the links below to display trends through dashboards, maps, and charts. Requests to inspect or receive public records from EGLE must be in writing and describe the requested records with enough detail to enable the department to identify and locate the requested records. Part C of the compendium describes state regulatory features that integrate approaches across environmental media.These approaches address surface water quality impacts from manure management and environmental impacts in other areas such as air quality, groundwater, or emergency response. This compendium focuses on elements of state programs, ranging from specialized tools and training to state-specific regulations and permitting. Wayne County Department of Public Services. These permits are commonly referred to as NPDES, Storm Water, and Groundwater permits. The NPDES program is intended to control direct discharge into the surface waters of the State by imposing effluent limits and other conditions necessary to meet State and federal requirements. Search Public Notices | US EPA Although NPDES is a federal program, Michigan has been granted the authority to implement the program. Other informational and guidance documents are available on that webpage. Michigan NPDES Permits | US EPA The documents below comprise Wayne County's NPDES MS4 permit: document.write( new Date().getFullYear() ); Wayne County, Michigan, All Rights Reserved. A complete list of all programs within the Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE), Resources and information on utilizing RRD's data exchange and the Inventory of Facilities. West Virginia's CWA data problemis related to data flow errors causing some facilities to be flagged inaccurately as Significant/Reportable Noncompliers (SNC or RNC) in the national program system, ICIS-NPDES. If a conflict exists between this compendium and any statute, regulation, or permit, the statute, regulation or permit is the final authority. The NPDES program regulates pollutants discharged directly into waterways from wastewater sources. Karen Gutting Select Estimated Service Areas with an 80th or higher percentile of one or more of the environmental justice (EJ) indexes of EJScreen, EPA's screening tool for EJ concerns. In November 1999, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) promulgated Phase II of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) storm water regulations, which requires approximately 125 Southeast Michigan municipalities, including Wayne County, to obtain storm water discharge permits. Initiated by the Clean Water Act in 1972, the NPDES permit program controls the discharge of pollutants into surface waters by imposing effluent limitations to protect water quality. Search public notices by typing keywords in the Search field below, or by checking one or more boxes beside the filters listed on the right side. Permit Overview | Environmental Services For your convenience, payments may be made through this electronic interface. If you are looking to make a difference and be part of something greater, apply TODAY! The NPDES permit program aims to protect water resources by addressing point source water pollution. To identify an appropriate HUC near you, see Locate Your Watershed Exit. Permit Application is for the construction of a single home within an existing subdivision or a single home on a parcel of land. Any work within a floodplain requires a Floodplain Permit and compliance with the State Flood Hazard Management Plan. Violation and enforcement data are reported quarterly to the data system of record no later than the quarter following the quarter in which the events occur. EGLEs Water Resources Division (WRD) uses a permitting database called MiEnviro (formerly MiWaters). The Department's continuing investment in information technology facilitates its mission of environmental stewardship. A fee may be charged to process your request. Department of Environmental Quality Water Bureau Water Resources Some records are exempt from disclosure under the FOIA or another statute and thus will not be provided. Written comments should be mailed to: Permits Section, Water Resources Division, EGLE, Box 30458, Lansing, Michigan 48909.
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