My job as your mayor will be to ensure that everyone benefits from our citys growth. line-height: 1.5em; I will conduct performance audits of metro departments and agencies to increase transparency of how our tax dollars are being spent and identify areas for improvement. [3] The winners in the runoff election were Cooper, Gilmore, Mendes, Hurt and Shulman. The answer is not much. Cooper ran for an at-large seat on the Metropolitan Council of Nashville and Davidson County in 2015. Mayor John Cooper delivers his State of Metro Address at Southeast Community Center in Antioch, Tenn., Wednesday, April 27, 2022. I invite you to share what youd like to see moving forward so we can continue this discussion. I am committed to increasing transparency on how funding is used to address the affordable housing crisis in our city. We need to find better ways to communicate and work with homeowners and renters who are experiencing housing instability.
} [9] He is the first candidate to defeat an incumbent mayor of Nashville in an election since its consolidation in 1963. In the fall of 2018, the developer received a $25 million tax increment financing loan via a tax-exempt bond from the Metro Development and Housing Authority. It was also his last. [4] All five at-large incumbents were term-limited. Improving safety means sidewalks, protected bikeways and intersection improvements. background-color: #003388; Cooper ran for mayor of Nashville in the 2019 Nashville mayoral election. } Infrastructure: @media screen and (max-width: 350px) { The increase in debt service payments since 2013 would essentially fund our entire police department. } We must rebuild and restore public trust to ensure we are able to carry out these plans that support our neighborhoods. Mayor John Cooper - Mayor - Metropolitan Government of - LinkedIn I will work with journalists, free press experts, and government agencies to review Metros current open records practices, to make sure that the publics work is being done in a lawful, transparent, and public way. Instead of figuring out what we could afford to spend and developing a plan that spent those dollars in the most cost-effective way possible, mayoral aides figured out how much we could borrow and came up with a plan to go big. Transportation: } That was a mistake, but this mayor hasnt learned the right lessons from it. As mayor, I will support current school leadership and help the school board recruit a great candidate for Director of Schools. } overflow-y: hidden; width: 43%; I want to lessen the time you spend in traffic through smart solutions, connect neighborhoods through bus system improvements, and invest in infrastructure like sidewalks to improve pedestrian safety. text-align: center; Mayor John Cooper announced on Tuesday that he will not be seeking a second term and will not run for re-election in August. Existing bikeways and sidewalks must be kept clear of parked cars, debris, and scooters. 04/14/22 Mayor John Cooper Juneteenth News Conference Economic and Community Development: In the last three months, Nashville Mayor John Cooper has broken two records for public education spending. In 2017, Metro Council passed a three-year pay plan that included modest cost of living adjustments for Metro employees. Parking meters arent the only issue over which his administration has thrown a veil of secrecy. I voted for the COB because I support accountability at all levels of government. [7][8] He defeated Briley in the runoff election, receiving 69% of the vote. As mayor, I will prioritize investments in human capital through education in order to ensure that everyone benefits from Nashvilles growth by bringing educations share of the budget to the level of our peers.