Rejection of idol worship by many saints. image source: He approached the Indian society to bring unity in God and not differentiate any of them. To them Ram and Rahim, Ishwar and Allah were but different names of one God that is the Supreme Being. Following are the major changes that took place during and after the Bhakti movement: 1. Surdas spoke in the Brij dialect. The Bhakti movement promoted the growth of vernacular language and literature in different parts of the country. The teachings acted as a healing balm to the suppressed classes. In this article, we will learn about the features of the Bhakti Movement in Medieval India. And it's believed to have come out of South India in the seventh century. He who has highest Bhakti (love, devotion)[23] of Deva (God), [54] Yet other scholars state that Muslim invasions, their conquering of Hindu Bhakti temples in south India and seizure/melting of musical instruments such as cymbals from local people, was in part responsible for the later relocation or demise of singing Bhakti traditions in the 18th century. The chief exponents of the movement were Shankara, Ramanuja, Kabir, Nanak, Shri Chaitanya, Mirabai, Ramananda, Namdev, Nimbarka, Madhava, Eknath, Surdas, Tulsidas, Tukaram, Vallabhacharya and Chandidas. [23][26] Scholars[27][28] have debated whether this phrase is authentic or later insertion into the Upanishad, and whether the terms "Bhakti" and "God" meant the same in this ancient text as they do in the medieval and modern era Bhakti traditions found in India. Ranade, in his book, The Rise of Maratha Power, sums up the deep impact of this spiritual awakening. [63][82] These writers championed a spectrum of philosophical positions ranging from theistic dualism, qualified nondualism and absolute monism. The former's adherents, known as Vaishnavas, were further classified into Krishna - both avatars of Vishnu - as their personal God. An important factor which led to the popularity of Bhakti movement was that most of the promoters of this movement attempted to reconcile the differences between the Hindus and the Muslims by stressing that Rama and Rahim were one and the same. Bhakti, a state of deep love and devotion, is the only way to attain salvation. They were based on Bhakti which was the outcome of the feeling of escapism which dominated the Hindu mind as a result of the conquest of its sacred places in Islam.. (4) A large number of temples and idols of the Hindus had been destroyed by the Muslims and the people had to resort to Bhakti movement. [75][76] The language was easily understood by the local populace, in line with the Bhakti movement's call for inclusion, but it also retained its literary style. The poet was a disciple of Guru Ramananda Ji, who guided Kabir on the path of devotion. Please read the description below to learn about their work and contribution. Andal went a step further by composing hymns in praise of God in vernacular Tamil rather than Sanskrit, in verses known as the Nachiyar Tirumoli, or the Woman's Sacred Verses:[97]. Bhakti movement deals with the Indian response to face a new challenge that appeared in the form of Islamic religion. bhakti, (Sanskrit: "devotion") in Hinduism, a movement emphasizing the mutual intense emotional attachment and love of a devotee toward a personal god and of the god for the devotee. The movement tried to loosen the bond of caste. So subsequent Bhakti literatures were compiled in these languages and many Musilm writers also translated Sanskrit works into regional languages. Earlier, in the post-Vedic era, some gods and goddesses became famous among the worshippers, and since then, they started chanting the names of Shiva, Vishnu and Durga. The movement encouraged religious toleration. In Rig Veda Samhita, Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, Chhandyoga Upanishad, Katha and Kausitaki Upanishad, the word Bhakti has been referred to several times. [86] Two 12th-century influential treatises on bhakti were Sandilya Bhakti Sutra a treatise resonating with Nirguna-bhakti, and Narada Bhakti Sutra a treatise that leans towards Saguna-bhakti. The bhakti reformers preached the principles of monotheism (oneness of God) 2. The movement has traditionally been considered an influential social reformation in Hinduism in that it provided an individual-focused alternative path to spirituality regardless of one's birth or gender. The Muslims first arrived in India in the 8th century AD. All rights reserved. The Bhakti movement was a significant religious movement in medieval Hinduism[1] that sought to bring religious reforms to all strata of society by adopting the method of devotion to achieve salvation. The different sections of Indian society also followed their paths between the 12th and 18th centuries. Bhakti Movement - A Reaction To Islam - Askedon [127], Some Sikh sects outside the Punjab-region of India, such as those found in Maharashtra and Bihar, practice Aarti with lamps in a Gurdwara. Muslim ideas of surrender to God may have influenced Hindu ideas of bhakti from the start, and later poet-saints such as Kabir (14401518) introduced Sufi (mystical) elements from Islam. It is perhaps far-fetched to say that Akbars broad outlook was on account of the impact of the Bhakti movement. To him who is high-minded, The term "Bhakti" means "devotion", which proposed the following features of the Bhakti movement in the early medieval period. With supreme devotion to the Almighty one could realize Him. The leaders extended their support to help the ordinary people attain salvation between the 14th and 15th centuries. [86] Saguna Brahman, in contrast, was envisioned and developed as with form, attributes and quality. Condemnation of rituals, ceremonies and blind faith. Common men in general had developed an averse attitude towards these social evils and were in need of a liberal form of religion where they could identify themselves with simple religious practices. [13] They suggest the Bhakti movement was a revival, reworking, and recontextualization of ancient Vedic traditions. [137] Hawley describes the controversy and disagreements between Indian scholars, quotes Hegde's concern that "Bhakti movement was a reform" theory has been supported by "cherry-picking particular songs from a large corpus of Bhakti literature" and that if the entirety of the literature by any single author such as Basava is considered along with its historical context, there is neither reform nor a need for reform.
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