Applewood Senior Apartments | Dubuque, IA Low Income Apartments An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Section 8 housing is often more difficult to find than other affordable housing programs since properties must meet certain guidelines to qualify for the program, and not all properties accept Section 8 vouchers. Tenants leasing units participating in the Section 8 Project-Based Rental Assistance program typically contribute less than 30% of their adjusted income towards rental costs. WebSee Apartment apt4 for rent at 2220 Pasadena Dr in Dubuque, IA from $795 plus find other available Dubuque apartments. 2 Beds. Local residents prefer Dubuque for many reasons including location, affordability, availability, schools, service offerings, and local amenities. A waiting list may apply. The property is Use arrow keys to navigate. WebMarquette Hall | Dubuque, IA Low Income Apartments Marquette Hall 2222 Queen St, Dubuque , Iowa 52001 Marquette Hall offers 1 and 2 bedroom floor plans ranging from 660 to 1172 square feet. We have researched these factors for you, so continue reading for more details. $650 depending on the number of bedrooms. Some might take part in the Low-Income Housing Credit Program, or Section 42, and some might accept vouchers through the Housing Choice Voucher Program, or Section 8. Homes Near Dubuque, IA. Apartment rent in Dubuque has increased by 0.8% in the past year. Fair Market Rents can be used to better understand the average housing costs of an area. Kennedy Park West WebEligibility for Applewood Senior Apartments. Each apartment will include a brand new washer and dryer, exposed historic details and a fully equipped kitchen. Dubuque Tenants of income based apartments typically pay no more than 30% of their income towards rent and utilities. WebDubuque Rental Pricing. $700/mo. Close to Shopping Restaurants Entertainment. The median rent for the county Since this property has received funding in part through the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program, a certain number of units are set aside for lower income households. The types of programs income-restricted communities accept can vary. Home - Hillcrest Apartments Fifteenth Street Apartments, Dubuque, IA 52001. Marquette Hall You'll likely want a car when living in this area since it has few transit options. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Low-income apartments are federally funded through housing programs that include vouchers and public housing. St Marys Apartments WebThe Woodlands Senior Apartments. A rental apartment in Dubuque will cost you from $450 to $2,025. Low Income Apartments For Rent in Des Moines IA - 447 Rentals Web182 Westside Drive is a 2 bedroom/1 bath. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. WebRent Trends. Beds. Dubuque Homes For Rent; Hiawatha Homes For Rent; Iowa City Homes For Rent; Low Income (0) Luxury (0) Cheap (0) Keywords. Marthas Haas Continue with Recommended Cookies. IA Act now and your $ purchase will include 9 additional FREE application submissions to participating properties. The average voucher holder contributes $300 towards rent in Dubuque. Tenants leasing units participating in the Section 8 Project-Based Rental Assistance program typically contribute less than 30% of their adjusted income towards rental costs. Since this property has a Project-Based Section 8 contract with HUD, some or all of the rents at this community are based on tenant incomes. 2 Beds. Apartments The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Email me listings and apartment related info. A 2 bedroom apartments averages $995 and ranges from $600 to $1,690. When searching for a place to live, safety is often a top priority. Rated by WalkScore as 'semi-car-dependent', this town is one where you will want to have a car or truck available. Generally, households earning up to the income limit in the table below for their household size are eligible for units participating in the Low WebWillow Falls Apartments. Sourced from federal housing data and research. Dubuque, IA 52001.
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