To search by a column, type in the search box above the column. He says that's not only to avoid a ticket, but also because he knows just how dangerous trailers can be. <> Its territory covers the Acadiana Parishes, and stretches westward from the Atchafalaya Basin to the Louisiana/Texas state line. While some boaters say they feel blind-sided by these laws, those who boat in the Atchafalaya River near Butte La Rose say they should not because these trailer requirements are nothing new. Please check official sources. WebTo view Louisiana Statutes: Objective: The Motor Vehicle Inspection law states that every motor vehicle, trailer, semitrailer, and pole trailer Vehicles registered in Orleans Parish must pass a safety inspection and display a current and valid City of New Orleans inspection sticker, also locally known as a brake tag ( CCNO 154-1303 ). The LSP MCSU may also be contacted at, LSP - Motor Carrier 47:462. Contact information 225-925-6113 ext. It's important to be aware of your registration and titling requirements in Louisiana because you may face certain penalties for operating your special vehicle if you don't have the necessary paperwork. @fQ7fU69bxH4)3M3vmS.1-zX/&53uLX.i'zm[tcuIgkpv&r @-G#]t)sIXa5 UT%ZF fhIfdNcf?j^zzKkt~wxL_AV3S(@+Pjf;$UFy;pXp\dn"Q2jV(2x%(h||4EC}C4t{>#z.{$2tocB'th]O'F/SQY,z~edl(KG0^*@q" d )M%eUTm4c=|f?W[qZGE:jeE- If your home state requires an emissions test for a vehicle that is currently located in Louisiana, the testing may be performed by any official Motor Vehicle Inspection (MVI) Station in the Baton Rouge ozone nonattainment area during normal inspection hours. Do I have to pay to get my vehicle retested if it fails? Weight Enforcement is legislatively mandated to direct, coordinate, and control the activities of Mobile Weight Enforcement. Winnfield, LA 71483 All rights reserved. A cashier check or money order paid to the order of the Department of Public Safety or Louisiana State Police in the amount of $39.25 must be attached to the above documents for processing and mailed to DPS/Window Tint, PO Box 66614 Mail Slip A-26, Baton Rouge, LA 70896. 2115 N. Lobdell Blvd. Web 396.17 Periodic inspection. Welcome to DOTD, committed to serving Louisiana's transportation infrastructure needs. endobj endobj The rules which govern these stations are found under the Louisiana Administrative Code Title 55, Part III. Casetext, Inc. and Casetext are not a law firm and do not provide legal advice. The TRU Region 2 office is located in Scott, Louisiana and consists of all areas within LSP Troops C, D, and I. Mass shooting survivor Wilson Garcia sheds a tear as he talks about his wife and son, who were killed in Friday's shooting, Sunday, April 30, 2023, at a vigil for his son in Cleveland, Texas. 32:1301 1312. Listed below are the three State approved schools allowed to conduct the training of MVI inspectors. Contact Information: (225) 925-6113, Region 2 - Include the areas of Troops C, D, and I. Currently, the annual safety and emissions inspection consists of inspecting the vehicle's safety equipment, a visual anti-tampering check of the emissions system, and a gas cap integrity test. Although the process for registering a car, motorcycle, or recreational vehicle (RV) in Louisiana is fairly straightforward, the Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles (OMV) does have a few special guidelines you should keep in mind for registering other vehicle types. "I've had one of these black rails completely come off on the highway one day," said Voorhies. People had trailers all over the place its the Sportsmans Paradise and no one worried about it.. Box, 66614, Mail Slip A-26, Baton Rouge, LA 70896.
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