Talk to Holdan about it and either persuade him to take the bounty off, or pay him off. Inside the Black Vulkar base you'll want to collect the Pass Card from the Black Vulkars in the southwestern room to advance the story. You should have encountered a sith patrol, keep going until you see a pillar with many rakghouls around it and a sewer access to your left. If you speak to her or open the gate to the pen and start to go through it, she warns you: You can return to her at any time for healing. However, with the grenade there, he'll explode when he goes to the odor, giving you experience points in the process. They aren't extraordinarily hard to find, but you'll need to fight a fair number of Rakghouls and Gamorreans to get to them. Level up to at least 5 to make the battle easier. If you go to the right side of this compound, you'll come to a far off entrance to the sewer (but not the one I chose to take into the sewer, and hence not the one this walkthrough is written around). You can still collect the bounty on his head if you help him since Zax will assume he is dead. Explore the town a bit. Although the loss of attributes is temporary, the loss of Constitution affects both current and maximum Vitality, which could result in death before the duration expires. Talk to him and learn more about the Undercity, the Rakghoul, and even where to find Mission and her wookiee friend. Keep an eye on your characters' health and use Medpacs (you'll need to during the fight for certain). 4. On his body, when you search him, you'll find the Promise Land Apprentice Journal. For low level scoundrels you may want to use a concussion grenade and a couple of frag grenades to soften her up. Place the Synthesized Odor and a Frag Grenade in the corpse pile and the Rancor will eat it and blow up. If you don't pay him he'll just stay there and wait for you to come back to try his luck again. If you didn't use it you may want to purchase some from him afterwards. You'll find this item in the southern portion of Undercity on the body of a Sith Soldier, once you do you'll have to make the decision of where you want to turn it in. Droid Shop: Your first time here you can buy one of her lower quality droids for 50 credits, it'll explode when you leave the shop. From here, you can go back into the village and find Gendar. Okay, maybe not the last thing Once you enter the "Lower Sewers," go forward. They can be avoided, but it's better to kill them for safety and experience. With no way of defending against the spread of the rakghoul disease, and with a bombed-out and diseased world all around them, the Outcasts were eventually wiped out. Once he is poisoned chuck a concussion grenade. His main functions as NPC are to offer various bounties that the PC can choose to execute and turn in for credits and offer limited information. Activate Ujii You can get to it without any more encounters, and a pile of rubble just before the entrance can be searched for random contents. I don't know anything! This guide goes hand in hand with my Taris Walkthrough which is built more like a traditional hand-holding walkthrough. Rodian: This NPC is the only opportunity for Dark Side Points when interacting with the guests. Revan finds the serum on the body of a Sith soldier in the Undercity. Everybody's saying you're going to fight Bendak Starkiller in an illegal death match! If you head in that direction you'll be unable to avoid him, as he and two Sith troopers approach you as you approach him. I'm sorry. You move closer to the light side of the Force by giving it to him: You can move even closer to the light side of the Force by declining: Zelka now sells items from his inventory at 20% discount, the value of which may exceed that of the reward, depending on cost and amount of what is bought. Defeat the Sith Governor and obtain the Taris Launch Codes Most of the entries are mundane; however, the last entry is quite interesting: To the northeast of the Village Gate you'll see the crash site of a Republic escape pod.
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