Articles by Kirstie Zontini's Profile - Muck Rack Check out our epic adventure exploring the Baja Peninsula with Uncruise now streaming on Local Now. Yes,Dilbert creator Scott Adamsbrought me on to finish, edit, and launch REFRAME YOUR BRAIN, the book everyone is excited about. So it's exciting but a little strange. Explore the guest posting requirements, the procedure to submit a guest post to us. Read more on Kirstie Zontini WHIO-Bio-Wiki-Age-Birthday-Family-Husband-Baby-Expecting-Meteorologist-Salary-Net Worth, and more. As the guy sitting there in the Lebanese restaurant told me this week, "Wayne, it's been a good run." It certainly has. Thank you Miami Valley for welcoming me into your home for about a decade! Lets hope it gets good reviews! I enjoy what I do. Techformind always welcome new writers who want to guest post, Sponsor Post or contribute articles regularly. Congratulations on your new beginning! Being invited into people's living rooms night after night, year after year. Kirstie honors the unique on March 28, on an annual basis. A baby girl is in their forecast for June. Kirstie stands at an average height . . Far from it. Sometimes, keeping it simple is the best course of action - and the viewers were with us that night. Im wishing you nothing but luck and good fortune with your next adventure outside of TV. "Corey & I got married this weekend and it was wonderful! #wfla. Tough day today, saying goodbye to friends and colleagues at KPTV. As the guy sitting there in the Lebanese restaurant told me this week, "Wayne, it's been a good run." See less Comments Most relevant Jerry Lehman CONGRATS KIRSTY 3y Having people stop you on the street telling you they grew up watching you and how much they enjoyed you. At WHIO, she will be the meteorologist on the weekend morning and noon newscasts. Get TVSpy delivered straight to your inbox, Technical Audio Producer (Part-Time Contract). Too much to name here. Being trusted, being counted on. I have no idea what that something is. #ColoradoSpringsTVNews One theme that was consistent throughout our 3 days was the importance Wright Patterson Air Force Base has not just on the Dayton community but our Nation as a whole. #careergrowth #topcompanies #linkedin By using this website, you accept the terms of . I have loved my time with you! Congrats Danielle! But now, onto the new book. I told my bosses two years ago that this would be my last contract here and would be leaving today, the eve of my 60th birthday. Meeting actors, presidents, and musicians, traveling to far-flung cities to cover events at a moment's notice. But, my EP knows best. She was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio, by her caring and loving father and mother. Danielles work played a big role in KKTV winning Best Newscast & Best Breaking News Coverage by the Colorado Broadcasters Association. 18,050 First connections 13,996,,895 Second C's FOUNDER SPARKLE CITY COMICS + 16% of members found new jobs. Guest Bloggers are always welcome here @Techformind. We will update this section once this information is available. Most importantly, I've got to tell the stories of people who may not have otherwise been able to get their story out. You have likely heard of a supermoon, but did you know a micromoon is the opposite? Kirstie Zontini WHIO: Bio, Wiki, Age, Birthday, Family, Husband, Baby Im a big believer in you manifest what you want and the only way to do that is create a path and whole heck of a lot of hard work. When we can accomplish something and it comes out on top, theres a positive feeling which can come from that. You take the good with the bad. Having a front-row seat to history. I'm a morning meteorologist at WHIO-TV in Dayton, Ohio. She joined WHIO-TV in November 2013. Kirstie came into this world on March 28, in Cleveland, Ohio, with the United States. FUN FACT: Tucker Carlson has been FIRED from ALL three of the biggest networks: Congrats to Tucker Carlson upon becoming the first tv host in history to be fired by CNN, MSNBC, and FOX News - the cable tv Triple Crown! Democrat and Congressman Brendan Boyle tweeted. Copyright 2023 Techformind, all rights reserved. Kirstie is back! Storm Center 7 Meteorologist returns for News Center 7 #NewsAnchor Over the past few years, more than 10 out of the 50 companies, such as GE (#11), The Walt Disney Company (#19), and UPS (#21), have visited our campus at least once. Dr. Greg Eberhart started his practice . Team WKBW-TV assemble! I feel blessed to have grown so much at WHIO. The perfect thing to add to your #EarthDay watch list. Provide the unique featured image with HD Quality with the resolution of 1000px(width) and 600px(height). Kirstie Zontini on Twitter Well, I was happy to see that our Saturday 11 p.m. newscast was No. Kirstie Zontini Height. But, its important to keep your mental stimulated. Fox News pushed him out in 2023. 1 in the key demographis for the time slot. Best of luck with your new adventure! This byline is for a different person with the same name. Cloudy with a Chance of Podcast: What is Normal? We are excited to have Kirstie as an addition to our Storm Center 7 team, said Chief Meteorologist Jamie Simpson. During this academic year, we had the privilege of hosting almost 600 organizations on our campus! Previously she worked as a Weekend Meteorologist/Multi-media Journalist at WYTV/WKBN from Aug 2011 - Nov 2013. Yes Im a planner. Look to the sky for Jupiter and Venus starting tonight, Back-to-School Science: Elephant Toothpaste, Calendar set for 2022-2023 meteor showers.
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