Kinematic Artifact Detection - JovanHuttonPulitzer's novel method of image analysis that detects counterfeit ballots. This artifactual activity can be It demonstrates the personality and character of these two heros who have been so defamed, attacked, and suffered financial difficulties over the phony 2020 election. After a report on the findings, questions will be taken. We have to prove democracy still works, that our government still works, and we can deliver for our people. Does history help us understand the chance of an ambitious agenda like that passing? And does it matter where Biden has been in his career as he makes this case to the American public now? We have talked long enough in this country about equal rights. Heres a short video about machine calibration, and how far off things could get as a result, Read More Calibration Compliance, There are Laws and Rules About These ThingsContinue, Now heres a short video of the analysis of how the pallets, boxes, and batches inside were found, to indicate clearly why some of these findings are so stunning. But I actually think that this is one of the many issues where we must do better together, and where we can achieve a bipartisan outcome potentially. If President Trump is, as "The Washington Post" obsessed in particular with the UV flashlights being the way he`s going to get back in the White House, he must be very upset to learn that the UV lights are no longer being used. Read More Final Maricopa County Full Forensic Audit Report June 27, 6PM Phoenix TimeContinue, I could spend time posting just all sorts of stuff, because theres so much trash going on to report and comment on, but instead, I think Ill just wait for that final report to come out that will show just how many deceitful ways that elections have been stolen across this entire nation for decades. There are serious negotiations that are under way between Senator Booker, Senator Tim Scott, Congresswoman Karen Bass. By Boss June 24, 2022 The final report that includes the paper analysis done using Jovan Hutton Pulitzers PKAD system and reveals all the techniques used by those who rigged the 2020 election is scheduled for June 27, 2022, at 6 PM Phoenix time, or 7 PM east coast time. And it is heartbreaking to hear their stories. Kinematic Artifact Detection - explained by JHP - YouTube And so Joe Biden needs to stop pretending and go home to Delaware. As absurd as it is, it is the center of what they`re trying to do in American politics right now. They should do more than ask. n9kSr"^RoVk5H:9TUR|GX=R~g! It would su by @phusionphil All right. But Johnson used that first address to Congress as president as a signpost for the kind of presidency he intended to have. J Biomech. Camomilla V, Bonci T, Dumas R, Chze L, Cappozzo A. J Biomech. Limited Seating In The Gallery - #KinematicArtifactDetection #ArizonaAudit. Would you like to delete something? WebArtifact Detection. Shared post - Kinematic Artifact Detection Platform - locals This site requires JavaScript to run correctly. These results suggest that artifacts can be modeled effectively as a systematic relative rigid movement of the marker cluster with respect to the underlying bone. It`s almost like Franklin Roosevelt in one respect. He said it seemed almost funny, until it happened again. Cyber Ninjas are shining what appears to be an ultra violet flashlight on each ballot. Email. This may be useful for assessing the potential effectiveness of the usual strategies for compensating for STA. He also created Medicare and Medicaid. and selling crystals. MeSH Very happy to have you here, this post State of the Union Thursday night. LBJ would, of course, go on to sign the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act.
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