It's the most reasonable I've seen so far and you seem to know what you are talking about. Likely not without life changing damages though. Andreas had his own personal questions and expectations from such an undertaking. Webanabatic wind, also called upslope wind, local air current that blows up a hill or mountain slope facing the Sun. The Swedish group were probably not nearly as fit as theRussian team of nine andwedont know if some in the Dyatlovgroup got sweaty. Even though the tent never seemed to have been ripped apart in its seams, its construction must have been a constant reminder of its vulnerability in the event ofa storm. Even if the pathologist in the Dyatlov case only mentioneda red substance, we can presumethat it in fact was blood as a result of hypothermia. That Dyatlov and his friends followed the natural groove on the slope, all the way down to the edge and into the woodland, points to the fact that they were well aware of the fastest way to an alternative place of "safety". Was perchance thetent with its concealed equipmentstill in position or blown away? I dont like the theory. Soon the temperature dropped even further, but the situation really turned devastating due to the sudden acceleration of the wind - this with wind speeds up toat least 20 m/s. y hypothesistries to explain most of the strange phenomena that surround the mystery of the Dyatlov pass - such as why the tent was cut from the inside, why they left the tent and couldnt get back, and why they fled ill-dressed - many without shoes. Bedtime Stories (YouTube Channel). What they didnt anticipate during the evening of February 1st, was that a moderate windwith stronger gusts could rather swiftly turn into 25 m/s or even much above that. A sudden change from strong winds into a fall wind on the slope of Kholat Syakhl, could reasonably have reached wind speeds of about 25-30 m/s. Only some vodka. When wewere drying any wet clothes in the tent, we tried to do so during the evening hours while still awake. (2)So, what was it then that happened at Anaristhatunfortunate day of February the 24th in 1978? Moncrieff, (author of mystery & suspense novels) - Modern Dyatlov Pass survivors tell their story, (27 February 2019) 17). If I remember correctly, the earliest date in the file refers to a paper relating to the Vizhay Forestry Department. The canvas of my anorak almost teared apart because of the ripping effect caused by fallingwinds. 9) Andreas Liljegren taking a well deserved break from tough skiing through the forest in the Auspiya valley. Our collaborationwill be continued. .and go on the site VOILE ET MOTEUR for comments ) . He was in constant movement and ventured elsewhere, while the rest froze to death. Assuch it doesnt necessarily differ that much from the relationship between the factualremains of the bishopric of Sodoma and the storyit was based on the legend of Sodom and Gomorrahthat is. In any case I stand with the falling wind scenario, which is also supported by for example the witness above. Sounds good. would argue that the Dyatlov groupacted in the best possible way under the prevailing circumstances - nothing irrational at all and totally in line with their experience and professionality. The pathologist never wrote ofblood in her stomach, butsimply mentioned the presence ofa red substance. In the end - exhausted and looking for a last solution, perhaps theytried toclimbthe cedarwith frozen limbs,trying to get a glimpse of the tent with its glowing flashlight. ARCDOC Arkeologisk Dokumentation / Tidsresenren, Richard Holmgren, Follingegatan 29, 596 33 Sknninge, SWEDEN, Denna / /, The Swedish-Russian Dyatlov Pass Expedition 2019, The 2019 expedition narrated by Bedtime Stories. Most certainly the bivouac with the four personshad already crumbled before thischallenge- or otherwise we couldexpect the last three tohave used the essential footwear that was foundonthe others. In Sweden the tragedy which killed eight people,is often referred to as the Anarisolyckan, which in Swedish can be translated to the accident at Anaris. 06.45. If you ask me, I think the skis would have persisted and well so compared to the vulnerable canvas. Myself,working as an archaeologist and with the background already explained,I naturallycame to approachthe case through matters that were familiar to me. Extremely high winds would furthermore make it hard to stand upright. Finally, for the first time in a very long time, I feel confident in the exact events and no longer will I be searching for answers. Firstly, we wanted to come as close as possible to the historical event by experiencing night camps during the same days of the year as the group in question thisin a tent with a stove, including at least one night on the slope of Kholat Syakhl. The character of the wind at Mawson there- Yes, the tent would have been better secured with the group inside, but the cooling effect under a gravity wind would eventually have killed them. Water in bottles freezes quite fast, despite continuous movement and a cup of tea didnt always satisfy our needs in the same way. This had a potential to turn dangerous sincethe air interacting with the highlands was cooled thus becoming denser than the air at the same elevation but away from the slope. (12)What happens next on the slope could perhaps be described as a rumbling noise of a wind rapidly escalating from above (northwest). 14.20. Thanks - Cheers! And, many thanks for you comment. 17-19. . Hypothermia means thatthebody core temperature sinks below 35 degrees Celsius. Any wounds inflicted by the impact ofa"snow slab", also makes the fleeing of1.5 kilometres down to the forest an overreaction- and an unrealictic featin regardof Tibo-Brignolle with his interpreted deadly blow to the head. It is likely somewhere in this upper area tha the photo above was taken (11). A warm thanks also goes to Dr. Vladimir Borzenkov for rewarding emails back and forth and for your exceptional knowledge on the Dyatlov Pass - down to the smallest of details and notleast for the work you have done on site. This warming decreases the density of the air, causing it to rise. Svensken: Drfr dog de nio p berget (8 februari 2019) This with dignity. he next series of important events are harder to fully comprehend, but likely the experienced group purposely split apart temporarily for survival procedures in the forest. Since cooled air has a higher density than the surrounding atmosphere, thekatabatic wind can sometimes accelerate to the force of a hurricane. One should also keep in mind that Sasha and Lyuda could have acquired survivable fractures in their chest (causing internal bleeding)that eventually led to their symptomatic postmortem compressionsbelow almost threemeters ofheavysnow for about90 days. It is important to note though, that as time passed,irrational behavior should be expected. Therefore I would like to make a statementto the contrary - that, if the weather would have been calm, then any appearing and suddenly disappearing footprintswould really have posed a problem. In experiencing the same preconditions, we hoped to get a sober idea of what the group went throughbefore their last night.
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