Rather, Ive tried to point out some ways in which his preaching is only sharing one side of things. I do love the grace that Joel preaches, and I wish more preachers shared this grace. It's the same way with our Heavenly Father. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and leave a comment. Nothing deeper. We dont have our own home and I just looked up to the tv for a few minutes and I got the answer from God as to why we dont have a home of our own yet. I can track my expenses and stick to a budget., 24. When you do, don't be surprised if thoughts come saying it's never going to happen. For me it is so relaxing as it is my Service for my hubby unto God. Blessings, Joel inspires us all to follow what scripture promises. And if that leader is presenting topics and messages that can so easily be interpreted as prosperity gospel then there is a problem. We had the same dream. how can we be Christ like if were just focused on believing that house will be ours? Thank you, Jenna. I am ever increasing in wisdom and knowledge., 22. Continue to pull me to Yourself, guide me in my journey, and hold me close in Your bosom until the day I come home to be with You forever. I say that because not everyone is receptive to hearing the word. If you ask small, little prayers, youll get little results. Youve encouraged me with your words today. Hope to connect again with you soon. Thank u, Hey Anastasia, My name is Asad Meah, I am the CEO & Founder of AwakenTheGreatnessWithin. God is saying, ask me to open doors that seem impossible. I use to attend Lakewood.. This is not encouraging and edifying, the is the exact opposite. And I heard about this old country farmer. And, it is scary how easy it is to get into the name it/claim it group. Nobody wants you to fulfill your destiny more than Almighty God. Hi, this is Joel and Victoria. Blessings, and Merry Christmas to you and your family~ In retrospect, I now realize that if I had taken that position, I probably would not have returned to Lakewood Church to start a television outreach. I do consider, read, and pray over every comment I receive. Sometimes, God has something better for us. Name it and claim it is such a gimmick. He is a showman. Hope you have a blessed day~ I not saying he and his family should live in a dump or be dirt poor but I really struggle with the fake-ness of it all. And I agree with you that we should pray Jesus prayers and not Joels. God says prayers. God, I'm asking that my child be mighty in the land. Thank You What God promised you doesnt have an expiration date. Thats when I looked up and noticed right above that window where we had been pulling was a little sign in big bold letters. Melanie. What a thoughtful word. What, Joel Osteen says: Joel Olsteen remains one of the best pastors of our time? You will make it without your truck, and I will make it without my house because we really do have all that we need. We do live with an American gospel, dont we! Honey is not what God is all about. The moment you speak something out, you give birth to it. God says, I dare you to pray. As his seem to be. Blessings to you, Didn't recognize it. I admit it is not as much fun as believing Publishers Clearing House is on the way butI dont have to buy a ticket to heaven anyway so life is good. Melanie. We only need to look to the life of Christ to know that material possessions were not a priority. There are many false teachers out there and the Bible warns us to be aware of wolves in sheeps clothing. Your word says, Father, that trouble shall not arise a second time. I know that You work in Your own perfect timing, so I thank You that it's on the way. Daddy, please let me keep it. But perhaps this Thorn in my Flesh is just the thing to keep me Compassionate, Loving, Gracious and Merciful to others.hmmmm. I always believed, however I was saved at age 30 on December 28 when I found out that the guy I was dating had drowned. I really appreciate you and your encouragement today! It sounds like you have found a great way to balance his devotions with your Bible study group. Somehow I liked his preaching, yet in the end I was left with a sense of envy and contempt for all the ritches he has accomplished. If you will sell us the dirt behind your new sanctuary, we'll not only pay you for it, but we'll pave all the areas where we dig up. And thats true, he is positive, his sermons are positive, his ministry is positive. In Jesus Name, Amen.. Please stop by and visit again. God doesnt always give us what we think we need nor want, but like you wrote, how we pray is everything and HIS WILL will be done. Melanie. A month before they were to move in, the building inspector informed them that their parking lot was too small, lest they doubled the amount of parking spaces they would not be able to occupy the building. Just because you havent seen your promises come to pass, it doesnt mean God doesnt want that. You have not because you asked not God is saying ask me for big things. Amen, Debbie! Like working on our characters which is much more important. It was not only solid black, but right between his eyes. God hears his childrens prayers but the answer is not always what we want it to be. Joel may not teach the way you like or agree with but I gaurentee there have been many people who have accepted Christ under his teaching.. More than you or I will ever reach. It was such a blessing to me and confirmation of Gods Truth, knowing His ways are indeed not ours and that His absolute love for us is all we need to trust. I do pray that those who are discouraged will be given fresh hope today! Some of the things you may be frustrated about right now, 10 years from now you will look back at and thank God for not answering that prayer the way you wanted or for not opening up that door. We ran for cover. I can only imagine how it must feel when someone questions your motives or questions your kind of preaching. Thats why it is important to read your bible. God is saying, I dare you to ask me to bring it to pass. Today's Word | Joel Osteen Ministries | Joel Osteen Ministries Television production was my passion. Your destiny is too important. Hey Carla, Joel gives a message of hope. You are a watchman on the wall. Amen! Butnowseriouslyyou took all this time to write a postwith a gigantic title, referring to someones name? She only spoke Spanish, but she was very feisty. Joel Osteen Morning Prayer Improve yourself, find your inspiration, share with friends, Joel Osteen (2013). 10 Ways to Make Your Bible Study More Interesting, How to Talk to Your Children About Sensitive Topics, 6 Investment Options To Secure Your Childs Financial Future, 5 Blunders to Avoid When Managing a Virtual Team, Effortless Ways to Start Working & Completing Your First Book, The Secret to a Healthy Dog: Medicinal Mushroom Extracts. Life is about being content with what you have, be an agent of change, help others, do your best and make your local world better around you. Never told anybody in the world the secret dreams of my heart.
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