O'Brien has Jimmy go to Thomas to show him how to wind the clocks. After Thomas's relationship with O'Brien ends away, Jimmy is the only member of the downstairs staff whom Thomas likes. The First World War (called the Great War) is going on and Thomas, who has enlisted in the army as a medic, is in the trenches, alongside Matthew Crawley. He competed on behalf of the Virgin Islands at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, where he participated in the one-person Laser-class . James is uncomfortable with Thomas's familiarity, but he goes along with it, as Sarah leads him to believe his position could be in jeopardy if he doesn't. At the beginning of the series, Thomas the footman has been working toward being a valet, and the position of valet to Lord Grantham looks like it will be his, when suddenly Lord Grantham hires John Bates, who has not been a valet before and walks with a cane. That kiss holds the promise of something more, and we end this story on a hopeful note (as in, the ones they write each other) that perhaps these two men will cross paths again. This is partly wishful thinking and mostly O'Brien's efforts to lead Thomas to believe that Jimmy returns these feelings, in an attempt to get revenge on Thomas by getting him fired. Both Lord and Lady Grantham have blue eyes, but their eldest daughter, Mary, has brown eyes. Collier believes, in their escalating feud, that O'Brien will always be willing to go one step further and that's what makes her scary. George Crawley | Downton Abbey Wiki | Fandom . And fans are reacting to that choice, propellingDownton Abbeyto a $31 million opening that could leave the possibility of a sequel wide open. In the TV series, you could have a sadder ending one episode because the show would be back the following week and you could contrast that with something. He appears to be a very bitter man, having constitutional objection to anyone being happy, according to Molesley. Later on, Baxter hears a grunt coming from the bathroom. . When he confronts her about it, she tells him to keep his histrionics to himself, and later when the shirts mysteriously are returned, she just tells him to go and get his lordship into his pajamas and dismisses Thomas's threats about if anything like this happens again (Thomas after this hides a couple so as not to be caught out again). Edith is forced to choose between the Traitor Ginger Impostor Child and her burgeoning career as the next Rupert Murdoch (a job for which she never does any work but occasionally mentions over breakfast). Jimmy comes to Thomas with his problems. Jimmy fetches Dr. Richard Clarkson and some of the other staff for Thomas and stays silent whilst Thomas fails to say what really happened, avoiding telling everyone that Jimmy left him alone to face the two men and get beaten. Shes alive. Andy gets Mrs Hughes and they move him to a bed where Dr. Clarkson later lets them know that Thomas will be fine as they got to him just in time. Making a splash: A deep dive into the live-action, see Thomas carve out a smidge of romantic happiness for himself. And yes, I'm still here, and busy as a bee." He remains a proud man, however, not welcoming pity even when he was ill from the quack homosexuality cure. Sarah O'Brien | Downton Abbey Wiki | Fandom If you google who is Thomas barrows parents it says he is the illegitimate son of O'Brien and Robert . Mr. Carson calls Thomas "foul" because of his attraction to men, but despite everything, Thomas sticks up for himself saying "I'm not the same as you, but I'm not foul". They also learned to appreciate the modern direction their life was headed, with Cora modernizing her Lady Grantham title by running the hospital. God bless you. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Thomas is a closeted homosexual man, by necessity as a homosexual act was a criminal offence at the time, punishable by imprisonment. John Bates has been released from prison. Thomas also makes a comment about William's mother who has died, which results in a fight. O'Brien advises Thomas to take something of his lordship and then find it and return it, to prove his trustworthiness. Thomas tightens his grip over Baxter, threatening to go to Lady Grantham and reveal her secret. O'Brien hides all of Lord Grantham's dress shirts and Thomas gets blamed for losing them. She was one of the few.Thomas talking about Lady Sybil. As a result, he apparently has a natural affinity with clocks, saying that he grew up with them and "understands" them. In the end, it was Lord Granthams idea to bring Barrow back, giving the tortured serviceman something to finally smile about. ), moving on from Downton with handshakes and warm wishes for both those from upstairs and downstairs. News arrives that threatens the future of Downton Abbey: Lord Grantham's (Robert Crawley) cousin, James Crawley, heir presumptive to the earldom, and his son Patrick have died in the RMS Titanic disaster. Despite finding love with Richard Ellis (Max Brown) in the . When Thomas lies about his father's illness in order to go to London to receive treatment to cure his homosexuality, Baxter tells him she feels sorry, as his father was always nice to her. It has been pointed out that his tendency to taunt Bates and bring out the aggressive side of him, especially while he was still a footman, is typical of abuse victims. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. We hope you enjoy your stay. She had her happy ending as well, of course, announcing her first pregnancy with new husband Henry Talbot. It is rare for him to be sympathetic towards others or let his own emotions shine through, as a method to survive in the bigoted environment. Baxter and Thomas later plan to give Lord Sinderby "simpler food," and Lord Sinderby berates Stowell, in front of all the guests, for not properly asking who gave the order. He is one of the few people who knew that Kemal was in Mary 's room the night he died, but it is uncertain if he knows that he died there. Thomas Barrow - Wikipedia
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