I hope it finds you well and opens doors for your consciousness too. I tried to clarify and put together what the boys had told me so I repeated, Anaheim, North Carolina? They said, No, no. It was as if the undertone of his mental sentence was, these entities you know of as David Wilcock and Corey Goode{have these very important roles to play for humanity}.. She did not have glasses on like I usually wear in my real life. I realized that, at this hospital, I didnt need glasses to see either, even though I did wear them regularly in my real life.. These three events seemed to be the same in both of our timeline histories, like our timelines were cousins. Again, it was like a mental/consciousness conversation that Nicolas and I had there on the roof for no more than a few seconds, but now you can see why telepathy is much more efficient than talking or text. Take the electron, a subatomic particle that carries a negative charge. They looked slick but well loved, like the boys had used them often and personalized them. I wanted to know what she had said and what was happening. What do you mean by the ones I leaked? When I started watching Cosmic Disclosure, there were only about 5 episodes. I figured Id give it a chance and if I still didnt like it, I didnt have to watch it anymore and could dismiss it as just another piece of conspiracy mumbo jumbo. Woman Claims To Be From A Parallel Universe - Ghost Theory If we subscribe to Einsteins relativity theory, the universe is a bubble of some sort that is expanding. Id had that explanation from BridgET. I still didnt know if he was actually one of these machine peoples or if he just had to use the technology to look like one for wherever he was going off to next in his job. Nothing looked out of the ordinary to me just outside that window from my vantage point. This window had that kind of technology and I knew it. I made a low quality, now unlisted, YouTube video on the evening of my experience called Waking Up From the matrix For Real where I took 2 hours to describe everything that happened to me, but this experience is not something I have talked about much in my personal life. From a physics point of view, parallel Universes are one of those intriguing ideas that's imaginative, compelling, but very difficult to test. She wasnt fat, she was just more endowed as a woman, but I thought, I hope I dont get fat in my timeline.. I remembered going to sleep at 3:30am from my bed in Seattle Washington on 10/18/2016. In this scenario, a Big Bang could perpetually happen in distant regions, representing the collision or merging of these bubble universes. I too follow cosmic disclosure and although I havent read the books yet, I too, am a wanderer as according to the law of one. They seemed normal, but also so strange to me. This was when 1,500 Natzi German top scientists, physicists, and technicians surrendered to the US after World War II. This took place after the war. Then I wanted to know if David Wilcock and Corey Goode were in his timeline because they were more in the present than the past. Nicolas said that David Wilcock is a prominent spiritual physicist who helps Corey Goode interpret his briefings {from the Sphere Being Alliance} and Corey Goode is an important ambassador to/for the Sphere Being Alliance. Duh, it seemed like they did very similar, if not the same things, in both of our timelines. I just couldnt quite wrap my mind around how this was possible because I had never heard of anyone doing this, but somehow I knew and understood that Nicolas was telling the truth. It was more a figure of speech and there was no cause for alarm, but whatever it was, it wasnt regular or normal. I had learned from Cosmic Disclosure that transhumanism had taken over other solar systems and galaxies and wiped out biological life. I sat up in bed and the lights came on. So theres a tiny but calculable likelihood that our quantum wave will tunnel its way through space-time and wind up there. Can Physicists Ever Prove the Multiverse Is Real? | Science Nicolass consciousness said the conflict was very similar to what I knew of that Corey Goode describes in Cosmic Disclosre of there being a covert World War III going on in our timeline now. These kids, the baby and the child looked at me when they noticed I was in the room. I had been asking myself to tell me what the spiritual reason was that I was a preschool teacher in this life and if I should do something else. Gaiam also started out as a yoga and fitness company. Nicolas was standing beside me, but he urgently asked me, Do you know what is going to happen next? I got the sense that this disclosure had taken place sometime between 1952 and 1955 for Nicolas timeline.
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