Navigate through the /plugins/AngelChest/ directory. Hey, you can use CrazyEnchantments or use essentials, although with essentials you need to go to the dashboard > file manager > plugins > Essentials > config.yml and set allow unsafe enchantments to true. AdvancedEnchantments | AdvancedPlugins Combine two dusts for a better success rate. ASSISTANCE WAY TO MAKE A SERVER 15% OFF WITH CODE 'UNOVERSE' I suggest looking at the plugins website and maybe joining their discord to get support on how to do it. 2 yr DeltaRays locked this topic. Increase the number of slots available on an item by applying a "Slot Increaser" within the boundaries set in the configuration file. Create enchantments that use this "virtual" economy for activation. Follow me on Twitter to talk to me! Withdraw souls from items to SoulGems (via command /withdrawsouls) and store them on armor! The plugin requires no client-side mods or resource packs. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Make sure you have the latest spigot version and plugin version\r2. While the plugin will entirely function out-of-the-box, there are also numerous adjustments you can make to the plugin. Multiple commands supported for a win! Thanks, yeah there were still issues with this plugin until just recently, but it looks like it's working now. Gather souls by killing players with Soul Trackers equipped. Check player territories and assign effects to faction members/enemies in radius and more. CRAZY ENCHANTMENTS! Contact the developer on spigot/discord\r4. Create an account or sign in to comment. EnchantmentPlus | SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft Crazy Enchantments | SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft From the Apex panel, enter the FTP File Access like previously. DOWNLOAD PRE-MADE CONFIGURATIONS OF PLUGIN USING, Share your paid premades by posting a ref. Sign up for a new account in our community. Create unique, common, and other dust types, as well as Randomization Scrolls and more. This tutorial will show you how to get every enchantment with one command, customise names and lores of items with ease! Crazy enchantments - Help - Minehut Forums Set a soul price for each enchantment level to make players pay-to-activate their enchantments. Create a free Minecraft server, connect an external server, or explore thousands of community-built servers. This plugin is, #1 Minecraft Custom Enchantments plugin by player count, #1 Premium Enchants plugin on SpigotMC by downloads, #1 Premium Enchants plugin by using server count, More information about enchantment creation and configuration is provided with configuration files, Essentials Kits Addon to support CE in kits, Essentials /fix addon to fix issues with repair. Crazy Enchantments is a Minecraft plugin that adds 80+ new enchantments for your game to obtain and use. Easy to use and setup, even for voting systems! Gain night vision, shoot lightning-imbued arrows, and much more with this plugin. hello. //,//,// Advancedat Skript - Know a lot about running a server, If you need help with anything contact me @ KJPAKA#0001, I already tried to check on 10 sites (around 10) but I didn't find anything, so I tried to ask help here, but I'll join their discord.
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