Courts will only deal with LEGAL FICTIONS. THINK ABOUT ITWhen you were born, your parents gifted you a name. The government states that well over twenty-five million UCC financing statements have already been filed with UCC offices throughout the United States. Because of this, IRS reconstruction the Technical Support Manager (TSM) in every State Divisional Office of the IRS has been given the same authority once held by the District Director. There have been revisions to the UCC Articles, especially IX, that states that the UCC financing statement of the secured party applicant has to be filed in the region or state of their birth. Why would they do this? From what I have been able to learn, the discharge of claims in the public sector whether federal or state claims, issued by the Internal Revenue Service are easily discharged with a simple computer entry and transfer of credit and debt through the computer using the IRS Technical Support Division. Debt is control. The best thing that can be done is learn as much about Law that you can. Type in the case number of the federal, state, or municipal court case and you can find out who owns the marginable line of credit on the annual bond of the federal, state, or municipal entity. Does it have commercial value? If you take your Social Security card and turn it over it starts out with a letter followed by 8 digits. Commercial laws allow for you to cancel and rescind this simple contract UCC3-203 and to make a Claim in recoupment [Reparations] for fraud committed upon you when you were and infant [See UCC 3-305]. If one of the UCC offices in a particular region does not accept a properly prepared UCC, another office within that region will. You will notice recently printed social security cards are now also printed with the bond number on the back in red ink. This will end the global financiers plot to create a New World Order that will turn the world's people into nothing more then slaves serving their global masters. The very nature of for profit corporations is the very nexus of killing off this planet. The final copy is received by the Department of Commerce even though the documents themselves are not kept in their offices. TreasuryDirect accounts must be funded by the owner to have value. Birth Certificate Bond - a Freedom of Information - WhatDoTheyKnow Do not use one of these banks but find one that will accept the form and deposit your funds there. I suggest that you stay away from undocumented, unproven schemes. Search for "Black's Law Dictionary", this will help you along the way. Where Is Patrick Devine Files? Or call 1-800-MEDICARE, (1-800-633-4227 TTY 1-877-486-2048). Will this work and what are the most common rebuttals during the trail? We must get this out there! Thus, we are not affiliated with Patrick Devine or eConcurent in any way. Make the search by Mutual Fund and Fund Number. of investigating it works and theres rules you have to follow do not try to fake ,fraud or scam then,your okay.this comes from the honest and real then you'll be able to REMOVE YOUR DEBTS ,THATS DEBTS get cant make money .. you get debts removed and SETTLED!!!! Enormous numbers of people on the inside who had knowledge of the truth and received benefits from it explains the slight possibility that they might divulge some of the details about the scam by releasing anonymous details without putting themselves in great danger if they were careful about remaining anonymous while they did so. How am I able to do this while living in another country? Is it a negotiable instrument? As his apprentices, we created a website for his students and followers over at which is NOT to be confused with the We The People Yahoo Group. I have also read in several places that the Queen has been executed, as has Prince Charles and Prince Philip. Is there any info out for UKor does it all go through the US..The IMF has its headquarters in the it is banking fraud..and the Govt. It is evidence that there has been a commercial contract set up. Claim: "Your birth certificate is worth millions" - Metabunk Apostle Javita McKinney on July 20, 2017: Maybe those who have the motives preferred will get this taken care of and those who are not attempting to make a good success of this procedure will see the benefits? What does this mean? A properly prepared and correctly filed UCC filing will ensure in the future to protect the property and assets of the secured party. This will give you all of the trading information about who is trading on the fund that the birth certificate is a part of. The real truth comes with being honest with yourself and your goals. Every state within the United States has UCC filing offices. Tap on research tab,go to quotes. Reality Bytes: with the proper disclaimers, you could free yourself of any and all liability to the information provided, and thus present more useful "step-by-step" form filling instructions. What do one do when one go to the bank after filing the ucc? fraudulent filers will be prosecuted. Please be as detailed as possible as to what youre inquiring about so we can better assist you. They are all in it together. In reply to your comment, why you are charging to see this stuff, would Patrick approve of this: This bond is also known by the human's name in capital letters. Getting back to the supposed value of the birth certificate this is the facts as I ascertained them. It would probably be safe to assume that the same fraud is being committed against people in the UK, Canada, Australia and other nations in which this system of enslavement was established. People who have properly and correctly filed within their birth state or UCC region will create a completely separate entity or a Secured Party completely separate from their government created debtor. If something sounds too good to be true, your instincts might be correct. The STATE/GOVERNMENT are the Trustees. Using Federal Reserve notes, does not "pay debts", all it accomplishes is to "discharge your obligations", as in providing a promissary note, which is ALL, that a federal reserve note is. At most, the information only refers to specific forms that are so overly complicated not a single person not "in the know" could correctly file in the correct way with the correct office. When the filing and the instruction order (the Chargeback) the IRS 1040 ES form, the AFV stamped birth certificate lets the Secretary of the Treasury know that the secured party has been created with a prior and superior claim to all the assets and liabilities of the debtor.
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