All sizes available for your grease trap needs. A recommendation not only for grease interceptors but for equipment in general is adhering to manufacturer instructions. Grease Interceptor Sizing and Installation Guidelines. %PDF-1.5 % Tank, lid and baffles injection molded in engineered thermoplastic that will not corrode, chip, or peel, even under the most severe applications. Mesa Standard Details & Specifications | City of Mesa - Mesa, Arizona The vent on the flow control is an air intake. 425 0 obj <> endobj from the fixtures connected to each unit. Schier is a privately-owned manufacturer of a premier lineup of 100% USA-made, high-capacity, lifetime guaranteed grease interceptors for commercial kitchens. 2 0 obj hVnF>Y$FvR5 PDF TABLE OF CONTENTS - Watts of Environmental Protection. O8qQP PDI G101 mandates the installation of an vented external flow control. The retaining capacity is calculated separately for the fixtures in each table and the two values are then added. 5. 50/75 GPM Hydromechanical Grease Interceptor The GB-50 offers best-in-class certified grease capacity and 20% kitchen solids waste capacity. Installation must conform to local code. Over 15 years field proven performance has bean lead by the Endura. Ashland PolyTrap. GB2 Technical Documents - Schier Products It can be installed above grade (on the ground) or buried below grade (compatible with FCR2 riser to bring system to grade), as well as indoor or outdoor. Height FT / IN 0' 12' Width FT / IN 0' 11' Length FT / IN 0' 18' Agency International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) Product Line Strata Materials Concrete Manufacturing Plant 75 GPM Hydromechanical Grease Interceptor. 4 0 obj Consult local codes for separate trapping requirements, cleanout locations and additional installation instructions. <>>> Grease interceptors can also have strainers for collecting solid debris, which reduce the amount of solids that settle at the bottom of the interceptor. Grease Interceptor - Hydromechanical, 4 Thru 100 GPM . cHl a4 3030`\ (|0bE^lRL)/8 U? Reinstall the grease trap. Available in sizes from 50 gallons all the way to 2,000 gallons. Oldcastle Infrastructures grease interceptors are manufactured in a variety of standard and custom sizes. %PDF-1.5 Grease Interceptors | Oldcastle Infrastructure Product Availability For more information on product availability call (888) 965-3227 today. 3. The triple outlet feature allows for installation flexibility, including the ability to . By working with qualified design engineers, you can ensure your grease traps are specified properly. Draw-off valve available. The total grease interceptor capacity is 34 lb. Concrete Grease Interceptor Tanks Tanks are reinforced and constructed to ASTM Standards to include C-1613-06. Interceptor shall be . GB-250 | Indoor/Outdoor Hydromechanical Grease Interceptor With an internal flow control, an external flow control is not necessary. Save US $2.70 (5% off) Buy It Now. PDF WSSC Water Volume-Based Grease Interceptors 2nd - divide that by 231 (231 cubic inches = 1 gallon) to get the gallon capacity of the fixture. NYC Dept. Many plumbing codes focus on either flow rate or liquid volume to size a grease interceptor, which can lead to undersizing or oversizing. For calculation of grease interceptor retaining capacity, the NYC Department of Environmental Protection provides two tables, each with interceptor capacity values (in pounds) corresponding to aggregate volume from kitchen fixtures (in cubic inches). US $51.30. Also consider that the NYC Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) performs routine inspections to ensure that grease interceptors receive proper maintenance and cleaning. Please note, we update our standard details on a regular basis, so check back often to ensure you have the most recently published version. A certain oil content is normal in wastewater, and it forms a thin floating layer once it reaches septic tanks and water treatment facilities. Grease Interceptor Technical Information | Zurn Table I requires 14 lb of retaining capacity, Table II requires 20 lb of retaining capacity. Wash sink with one set of faucets. For this reason, they are also known as grease traps. Grease Interceptors - Crest Precast Concrete of Environmental Protection website. , as well as other applications where significant amounts of grease or oil are discharged. Pot sinksFood preparation sinksScullery sinksFloor drains used only for washdown, Scraper sinksWoksAutomatic dishwashersAny fixture where soup and stock kettles are discharged. Grease Interceptor Installation Guide While browsing our products, select Add to Quote Generator to quickly get an estimate for everything you need.
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