The only good news he could see is that the decision to close might create an opportunity for a smaller organization to perhaps open an elevator service to fill the gap. Growers receiving $6.00 per bushel only need to have an 8% harvest loss to pay for drying costs of $0.50 per bushel. grain elevator's closure the last Fall contracts and DP are shrunk to 15% moisture. Here are some of ags biggest pageants, Timber fumigation plans in rural West Virginia spark backlash. Over 16% subject to rejection, Damage "The Price Loss Coverage (PLC) Option in the 2018 Farm Bill." Theres no way to really blame them for making a business decision based on the numbers, but he feels matter-of-factly that irrespective of the reason, the end result here will be more consolidation and fewer small farmers. = 28). endobj farmdoc daily (10):147, Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, August 11, 2020. The lack of historical payment support, even during a trade war which significantly impacted soybeans, suggests that PLC has been relatively ineffective at providing price risk management for soybeans. Pricing standing corn silage Each county either has 1) one yield series for All of the crop or 2) two series for non-irrigated and irrigated yields. ARC-CO payments are capped at 10% of benchmark revenue. An $8.57 reference price is 6% higher than the current $8.40 statutory reference price. 3.5 cents per point of moisture, per bushel, removed above 24.0%, split on half points DRYING RATES WILL BE APPLIED TO WET BUSHELS DRYING Disclaimer: We request all readers, electronic media and others follow our citation guidelines when re-posting articles from farmdoc daily. The lack of control of harvest timing may result in added costs such as drying or lower revenue due to yield loss, as discussed previously. The per-hour charge includes one man, vac-u-lator machine, and fuel. Alternatively, harvesting at moisture levels above 15% can result in added costs for drying. $2.50 per bushel: Oats: $2.00 per bushel: Soybeans: $6.20 per bushel: Other Oilseeds: $10.09 per hundredweight (cwt.) Similarly, it would result in an extra $5 per acre cost for soybeans. As shown in Figure 3, ARC-CO made payments in the Great Plains, particularly in North and South Dakota. And people are still quitting due to the costs.. Average December shuttle secondary railcar bids/offers (per car) were $299 above tariff for the week ending December 10. A summary of costs for harvest operations from the farmdoc machinery cost estimates is shown in Table 1 next to the corresponding average, median, minimum and maximum custom rates from the Iowa survey responses. To obtain the lowest costs, newer combines must be used on 1,500 acres or more per year. But with a recent farm-related injury, young children at home, and a successful farm insurance brokerage to run, the added prospect of hauling his grain nearly 40 miles instead of 10 was just too much. The other alternative is ARC at the individual farm level (ARC-IC). That said, a local elevator is always good to have around for the larger farmers who rent smaller fields in remote areas. Improvement in outlook could come from higher prices, above trend yields without lower prices, additional government aid, cuts in costs, or some combination of those. Grain storage was going to be tight, and many producers around the country were already investing in their own grain bins. The desirable moisture level for harvested soybeans is 13% moisture. Machinery Costs: Harvest Operations. farmdoc Business Management, Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, August 2019.
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