[51] The National Organization for Women and the National Women's Political Caucus pushed the notion, as did several top Democratic figures such as Speaker Tip O'Neill. Newspapers and magazines recounted her life story: how shed been named after her older brother, Gerard, who had died as a toddler; her fathers death when Ferraro was only 8; her mothers return to crocheting beads onto dresses to support the family; her Catholic-school education; how the particularly reprehensible crimes shed seen as a prosecutor propelled her into public office. [170] She partnered with Laura Ingraham, starting in December 1999, in writing the alternate-weeks column "Campaign Countdown" on the 2000presidential election for The New York Times Syndicate. The company's main product lines are yarns and knitted fabrics. If you purchase an item through these links, we receive a commission. Jeffrey, who had deep ties among labor, civil rights, and womens rights activists, was convinced, and shed drop Ferraros name in conversations with her peers when the topic turned to potential vice presidents. After the race, Ferraro was a prominent face for women in politics. The prospect of a Democrat putting a woman on the ticket was often placed in the context of electability: Would it help them unseat the incumbent President? [187] Again speaking to the Breeze, Ferraro responded to the attacks by saying: "I really think they're attacking me because I'm white. March 26, 2011, 9:43 AM. [200][205] Ferraro criticized the media's scrutiny of Palin's background and family as gender-based and saw parallels with how she was treated by the media during her own run;[200][206] a University of Alabama study also found that media framing of Ferraro and Palin was similar and often revolved around their nominations being political gambles. [134] D'Amato won the election by a very narrow margin. For more than a year, feminists have been arguing that naming a woman would maximize the gender gap, electrify otherwise indifferent votersparticularly womenand give Mondale the boost he needs to overcome what some polls say is now a 19-point Reagan margin.. Enjoy free WiFi, free parking, and breakfast. A New York Times reporter assigned to the campaign, Jane Perlez, likened her effect on audiences to that of a Kennedy scion. [110][157] In the September 15, 1998 primary, she was beaten soundly by Schumer by a 51percent to 26percent margin. We were sitting in the living room, and she went into the bedroom to take the call and came out just smiling, remembers Dave Koshgarian, Ferraros congressional legislative director and speechwriter. You have seen my involvement with her." 5. Because I couldn't look like I was whining or upset about it. Within the campaign, tensions arose; after she wasnt given the chance to weigh in on their campaign schedule in an early strategy meeting, Ferraro suggested Mondales staffers imagine her as a grey-haired Southern gentleman and treat her accordingly. NEW: Mondale calls Ferraro a "gutsy pioneer". [101] Political observers generally agree that no combination of Democrats could have won the election in 1984. Our guests praise the breakfast and the pool in our reviews. She ran unsuccessfully for the Senate twice and became the United Nations Human Rights Commission ambassador. You know Hillary. According to Kornblut, younger voters saw "Clinton [as] both a relic of that era and a victim of its success. GERALDINE FERRARO Obituary (2011) - New York, NY - New York Times [131] Ferraro did not concede she had lost for two weeks. In August of 1984, he was removed as a court-appointed conservator because he had lent money from the estate to his own business, then repaid it. How's that? [45] The Reagan administration, at first lukewarm to the measure, decided to sign it to gain the benefits of its popular appeal. Bettman via Getty Images; National Museum of American History, The Ferraro Factor: The Womens Movement, the Polls, and the Press, Colorado senator Gary Hart and civil rights leader Jesse Jackson, speaking at an Alpha Kappa Alpha convention. Im not into losing or being offered up as a sacrifice, Ferraro wrote in her memoir. Ferraro grew up in New York City and worked as a public school teacher before training as a lawyer. Through his eyes, the selection was a last-ditch, long-shot political calculation but also a brave departure. [178] G&L Strategies subsequently became part of Golin Harris International. [90] To one Bush statement she said, "Let me just say first of all, that I almost resent, Vice President Bush, your patronizing attitude that you have to teach me about foreign policy. [120], She also did some commentating for television. [82], Ferraro drew large crowds on the campaign trail, many of whom wished to see the history-making candidate in person, who often chanted, "Ger-ry! "[106] Ferraro speculated that the pick might win Republican presidential nominee John McCain the election,[204] but said that she was supporting Obama now due to his running mate selection of Joe Biden having resolved her concerns about Obama's lack of experience in certain areas. Later, she vowed to help defend Clinton from being "swiftboated" in a manner akin to 2004 presidential candidate John Kerry. She broke a lot of molds and it's a better country for what she did. ", "Geraldine Ferraro Reacts to Barack Obama's Speech on Race", "Geraldine Ferraro Reacts to Liberal Radio Host's Foul Comments", "Can People Talk About Race in America Without Being Branded Racist?
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