Which of the following vascular system changes results from aging? Circulatory overload and respiratory excitement have no relevance to the question. - Age-related changes: thickening of ventricular walls, reduction of cilia (the ability to capture things that can cause an infection) The nurse administers penicillin to a patient with a documented history of allergy to the drug. Accompany the patient for his walk. The body of an organ donor is available for burial. Person, environment, health, nursing Question 29The family of an accident victim who has been declared brain-dead seems amenable to organ donation. Don't require refrigeration Other conditions requiring extra vitamin C include wound healing, fever, infection and stress. Time allowed Allowing for rest periods decreases the possibility of hypoxia. - Buccal: by the cheek Written communication that does the same is considered libel. Aging 90 degree angle Who can prescribe? Infection Stress test Disorders of Bones, Joints, & Muscles and it increases 4% every liter, Continuous positive airway pressure rotate sites, Position cotton ball or tissue with non-dominant hand on cheekbone just below lower lid Fundamentals Exam 2 Practice Test Flashcards | Quizlet Question 17In Maslows hierarchy of physiologic needs, the human need of greatest priority is:AOxygen BEliminationCNutritionDLoveQuestion 17 Explanation: Maslow, who defined a need as a satisfaction whose absence causes illness, considered oxygen to be the most important physiologic need; without it, human life could not exist. Lateral Percussions, palpation, and auscultation Which of the following would immediately alert the nurse that the patient has bleeding from the GI tract? 20. Insert an airway Which of the following vascular system changes results from aging? Consequently, the nurse must observe for objective signs. Receiving, transcribing, and communicating medication orders [irp] Nclex Rn 31 Flashcards Quizlet. The other answers are diseases that can occur in the elderly from physiologic changes. Question 16When a patient in the terminal stages of lung cancer begins to exhibit loss of consciousness, a major nursing priority is to:AInsert an airwayBWithdraw all pain medications CProtect the patient from injuryDElevate the head of the bedQuestion 16 Explanation: Ensuring the patients safety is the most essential action at this time. Question 8A 38-year old patients vital signs at 8 a.m. are axillary temperature 99.6 F (37.6 C); pulse rate, 88; respiratory rate, 30. Injection is given subcut, CLOUDY 21. Pressure ulcers are most likely to develop in patients with impaired mental status, mobility, activity level, nutrition, circulation and bladder or bowel control. slough Side rails are a deterrent that prevent a patient from falling out of bed. Polypharmacy - patient on many drugs. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gerhigs disease). Provide information and reassurance, How to Document for Endotracheal Intubation, Size of ET tube (width & length) Choose the letter of the correct answer. However, the presence or absence of the pedal pulse should be documented upon admission so that changes can be identified during the hospital stay. All patients receiving anticoagulant therapy must be observed for signs and symptoms of frank and occult bleeding (including hemorrhage, hypotension, tachycardia, tachypnea, restlessness, pallor, cold and clammy skin, thirst and confusion); blood pressure should be measured every 4 hours and the patient should be instructed to report promptly any bleeding that occurs with tooth brushing, bowel movements, urination or heavy prolonged menstruation. 1. verify rights These include: 35. Battery The nurse discusses the foods allowed on a 500-mg low sodium diet. The family of an accident victim who has been declared brain-dead seems amenable to organ donation. According to this theory, other physiologic needs (including food, water, elimination, shelter, rest and sleep, activity and temperature regulation) must be met before proceeding to the next hierarchical levels on psychosocial needs. At a middle dose, will raise blood pressure. Ability of the medication to dissolve Increased peripheral resistance of the blood vessels, Increased work load of the left ventricle. Usually used in aging and rehab Don't press directly on eyeball Airway protection - Vibration Patients should begin ambulation as soon as possible after surgery to decrease complications and to regain strength and confidence. - Administer medication correctly Accountability is clearest when one nurse is responsible for the overall plan and its implementation. Pyridoxine Question 10The most appropriate nursing order for a patient who develops dyspnea and shortness of breath would beAAdminister oxygen by Venturi mask at 24%, as neededBMaintain the patient on strict bed rest at all timesCAllow a 1 hour rest period between activities DMaintain the patient in an orthopneic position as neededQuestion 10 Explanation: When a patient develops dyspnea and shortness of breath, the orthopneic position encourages maximum chest expansion and keeps the abdominal organs from pressing against the diaphragm, thus improving ventilation. The family of an accident victim who has been declared brain-dead seems amenable to organ donation. Withdraw all pain medications - Do the goals matter to the patient? Define Assessment Collects comprehensive data pertinent to the patient's health and/or situation. Question 7Certain substances increase the amount of urine produced. In the prone position, the patient lies on his abdomen with his face turned to the side. Question 27Examples of patients suffering from impaired awareness include all of the following except:AA patient who cannot care for himself at homeBA semiconscious or over fatigued patientCA patient demonstrating symptoms of drugs or alcohol withdrawal DA disoriented or confused patientQuestion 27 Explanation: A patient who cannot care for himself at home does not necessarily have impaired awareness; he may simply have some degree of immobility.
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