I had the right half of my thyroid removed on 04/10/16 due to a Hurthle Cell Adenoma. Hi, Orpa, I agree, this site was so valuable to me when I had my hemithyroidectomy. Im just glad Im back to work and doing well right now. I was worried that might be too soon, but when I went along she said the clips were definitely ready to come out. The doctor said he could just do the right and then do the full biopsy but if it was positive, then I would have a second surgery. My nodules were found by accident on a chest CT of my lungs and the biopsy said suspicious and atypical so we really had no choice but to remove them. I just had a partial thyroidectomy this past Wednesday 9/26/18 and my surgeon said the goiter was about the size of a small adult fist. I know it takes time but it makes me so frustrated and makes me want to burst into tears because I rely on workouts to help me get rid of stress and it just upsets me to not be able to rely on it and I just would like to know if any of yall had this experience and how yall fixed it. I had a partial left throidectomy due to nodules continued growing over the past 2 1/2 -3 yrs with the same hesitations. So far post surgery, have felt pretty good and think a lot depends on the experience of the surgeon and personal care. Mary, thank you for the response. I only used for about a month and I cant see or feel the scar! Hope all is well today. Hi, Jenny, I am ten months out from a hemithyroidectomy. Your parathyroid glands may not work as well as they should after surgery. Bit confused! The bigger it got, the more difficult the surgery would be and I would never be as healthy as I am now. I hope all goes well for you. Thank-you for all this great information. Keep recovering, My first parathyroid surgery was November 2015 and within 6 mos, the symptoms came back but with like a crazy rushing tornado. Its now 5 and a half weeks after my op and Im feeling fantastic have a huge amount of energy (which has been lacking for sometime) and easily able to work. I have a benign 4 cm nodule. I have a large scar on my throat (about 2.5 inches long). If you can, try to go in late and no matter how tempted you are, do not work late. I was super anxious all month, but so far, Im ecstatic that its out! Your metabolism becomes reduced to a crawl and can lead to low energy levels. Similarly, correlates of substantial fatigue included younger age, more comorbidities, history of depression, and thyroid hormone suppression (odds ratio 1.63 [confidence interval 1.34-1.99]). I did leave a comment a week or so ago but notice it did not post. Have it removed while it is still benign and fine. A cat scan revealed that mine was sub-sternal. I had a partial thyroidectomy in the summer. Your incision is red, swollen, or draining pus. I had my left lobe removed 2 days ago. What was your experience with the necessity of pain meds? i was just wondering since it was so big was it cancerous at all. Im not sure if this is a side effect of the surgery? I have always been a very joyful person and after my surgery I notice that I am more irritated and tend to be more harsh on myself than I need to be. This freaked me out a bit, but I was happy for their caution and thoroughness. There is a technique called radiofrequency ablation I hope to be a candidate for, if not I will have 1/2 of my thyroid removed. I just ordered ScarAway today. Endocr Connect. Partial Thyroidectomy - What You Need to Know - Drugs.com Weird, I know, but true. Endocr Pract. We are scheduled to go on vacation to Florida (live in Ohio) June 25th we are flying. This was because of the combination of too much calcium medication and another medication. to La Jolla Mom and everyone for posting this. Weight gain, fatigue, abnormally cold legs/hands are some of the more prominent ones. It will get better, right? Thank you! trust your body and give yourself time to heal and most importantly dont be down on yourself. My voice still isnt back to normal, and it is tiring to talk for too long or too loudly. Hi, Christian, I had half of my thyroid removed a year ago for a large (7 cm) nodule benign. I spent seven long hours in recovery, not because of complications, merely because no bed was available for me on a ward. doi: 10.1136/bmj.i3839. The only pain after was a sore throat for a few days from the anesthesia tube. The features of this nodule upon ultrasound (solid, hypoechoic, hypervascular, longer than wide) indicated the possibility of cancer. since early 50s. Im so anxious about the whole thing. Nervous and anxious is an understatement. Its just been bothering me that he wants to potentially take my whole thyroid. Had a partial thyroidectomy Oct 25th for initially suspected nodular Papillary/Follicular thyroid cancer. The surgeon said its one of those miraculous things where they cut the nerves there during surgery and by the time you heal, theres no pain. I tried to do a bit of work over the last couple of days but foggy brain is making it take 20 times longer than it should (the amount of times I walked into a room forgetting what I wanted was astounding). Is there any hope that Ill start feeling better on my own? Still feels like I have something tied around my neck. I was hesitant about the surgery, but I can honestly tell you that it was not bad at all. it all started with a swollen thyroid gland my primary dr said it was no big deal that it would go away after my cold was gone. Though They have grown a bit but not explore into the size of the last. Good luck! The surgery took about 2 hours. All Rights Reserved. I am feeling better than I thought I would, mainly just a little stiffness in my neck. If you have a sedentary job fine. My thyroid functions were normal. Im going in to have my left lobe removed next week and I wondered if anyone had problems with weight gain after their surgery? Mine was 7cm benign. I can tell you that the surgery and recovery were very easy. Makes sense. Mine was a little over 7cm. It was cancerous, so Im glad I had it removed. Give it time each week, continue to keep your mind off the procedure but be aware as you are.
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