Your mountain is waiting, so get on your way! It was my dream come true to work under your supervision and guidance. I am truly saddened to take my leave! It is with great sadness that I say goodbye to a wonderful boss. Final Goodbye Messages to a Person who Passed Away. Looking back at my working days, the challenges of daily tasks were my favorite! Wishing you a warm farewell. You are a [boss/manager] that will never be forgotten. This, and winning the lottery, but the first one is way better. Goodbye and all the best to my favorite boss. Okay, you were the only boss I ever had. #19 You were not only a great boss, but also a special leader. Good wishes for your health, wealth, and well-being. My tears say everything my lips fail to say. Your door was always open and your expertise was freely given. Of course, not more than well miss you, boss. Boss, your presence has always been a source of encouragement for us. Think wisely to make your farewell wishes different from others which could melt his/her mind and will leave with great feelings. While the other bosses gave out orders and targets, you gave us directions and visions. Lots of success! Ludwig Jacobowski, The adventure of life is to learn. Its always hard to say goodbye to a boss who is a great mentor and means a lot to us. We are terribly sorry to see you go, but also excited that you have started a new journey. Stephen King, Life consists with wildness. 25+ Best Farewell Messages to Boss | Styiens #21 Thank you for giving me the opportunity to learn from your experience. #23 There have been many challenges, and I wouldnt have gotten through them without your guidance. Have a blessed retired life. Best of luck with all that lies ahead. Funny Farewell Note to Boss Female Boss Is Leaving Boss Is Leaving #1 Although I am sad to have to say goodbye, I'm excited about your future opportunities. It was wonderful working with you. Youve worked so hard for so long, and now you get to focus on enjoying life. It is truly saddening to see you retire, boss! #20 Hey, boss! #11 It looks like now youre going to spend the money you have worked for all your life. You are my arousal. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. Good luck wherever youll go and dont forget about me, as I wont forget about you! #71 Life can sometimes bring us unexpected challenges. #49 As we adjust to the news of your departure, the team would like to wish our wonderful [boss/manager/leader] a fond farewell. #18 Your leadership is an integral part of how I got to where I am in my career. I wish you happiness, blessings, and success in your future work. I will miss your presence and leadership, boss. You have been a supportive and helpful boss and you will be missed. It hurts so much to say goodbye to my mentor and inspiration. Wishing you all the best in the things to come. #19 A guide, a leader, a manager, a confidante, a role model, mentor, and friend: You are everything a boss ought to be. Henry David Thoreau, All life is an experiment. We got used to you and your friendly tone of voice when you were asking for us to put in extra time on the weekends. Thank you for being a great boss, I will always remember this time fondly and I hope that your next project is a success. Ralph Waldo Emerson, Love the life you live. Congratulations on your retirement. Goodbye. Thank you for being a wonderful boss. Youll do wonder no matter what! The spice of life is to befriend. There were some good things about you. Hillary Clinton, Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced. It is yours. It was a pleasure having you as my boss. Best of luck in your future endeavors, and cheers! It seems like the end of a great partnership. I will miss you having me around in the office. Farewell Wishes. Your leadership and guidance have been invaluable. Goodbye, boss! The most alive is the wildest. Happy farewell, boss! Thank you for the care and support, boss! People will come and go but no one can take your place, boss. I wish good health to you and your family. Wishing you all the best. But after the dust settles, weve always admired your persistence to push us again and again. Happy Farewell. You are a hardworking person and by that, I have learned what the essence of working hard is. We will remember you! #5 One day, you will have time to reflect on what you left behind. #7 Thank you for your guidance and support over the years. The company is losing a great one. Wishing you all the best on your new journey! You will be very missed when you leave. Farewell, to the boss who is the best in every way. Thank you for being a thoughtful and strong leader. Hope we get you back anytime soon. Very best of luck to you. You are a trailblazer, your ability to lead a significant component in all that we do. Ive never had a better boss than you. Boss, for years you see us through tough times at work. You have been an unforgettable boss. All these years, I have genuinely enjoyed working with you and learned a lot of things. I wish you great happiness in all your future endeavors. Goodbye! #2 Hey, dont forget to close the door when you leave. I did have as much fun before working for you. I have so much to thank you for and I will miss working with you. Ever since I started to work under your leadership, I have learned a lot that really helps me become a better person.
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